Like other municipalities around the region, the City of Rushford is in the midst of new flood plain mapping being conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency along with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Along with the process, the city is required to adopt a Floodplain Ordinance to maintain compliance with National Flood Insurance Program. Engineer … [Read more...]
Peterson implements consequence for non-compliance
The City of Peterson is making good on consequences recently instituted for non-compliance to city ordinances. For more than a year, the city has taken steps to clarify ordinances and policies and beef up ability to follow through on correcting situations. This includes non-compliant vehicles, discontinuation of utility services, and a recent look at revised Minnesota Basic … [Read more...]
Rushford Village approves engineering study
The City of Rushford Village has been grappling with storm water issues in South Rushford for some time, but this spring’s rapid thaw problems spurred the city look for options at mitigation. Derek Olinger, engineer for Bolton & Menk, was on hand at the Tuesday, May 7 council meeting to discuss a study proposal. The plan is to define and work with a drainage model, after … [Read more...]
Fountain opts for for new wastewater plant monitoring
The City of Fountain has opted to go a new direction in relation to its wastewater treatment plant, approving moving forward with a three-year contract with MMS Environmental. The firm recently toured the facility and provided the city with a detailed proposal, which was reviewed at the Wednesday, May 1 council meeting. The plant was designated as non-compliant by Minnesota … [Read more...]
Rushford zoning grapples with decision; council approves recommendation
Prior to the Monday, April 22 Rushford Council meeting, the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on whether or not to rezone a portion of Rush Creek Business Park. The zoning request was made by local business owners Leigh and Kayla Volkman for 900 Enterprise Drive. The lot fell under light industrial zoning regulations and they sought rezoning to residential to allow … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson reviewing options for former facilities
At the Monday, April 15 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting, a number of items related to the former R-P Schools facilities were discussed. Among them, the sale of the former middle school in Peterson and proposals for the former elementary and high school in Rushford. Middle school building sale The potential sale of the former middle school building to the Maplewood … [Read more...]
Peterson considers revised ordinances
Minnesota Basic Code, a comprehensive document of ordinances for cities under a certain population size, has been revised and the City of Peterson is in the process of reviewing the changes to determine whether or not to adopt the changes and which of its own ordinances to leave in place. The 2019 document for the city in particular is designed for cities under a population … [Read more...]
Rushford Village looks to future water study options
The Tuesday, April 16 Rushford Village Council meeting was a repeat of recent conversation with the bulk of discussion centering around a potential study by City Engineer Bolton & Menk. The goal of the study is to determine options to address water issues in south Rushford. Winter melt and runoff led to a recent community effort to drain culverts and divert water, but some … [Read more...]
Rushford talks finances as projects near
The City of Rushford is steadily crossing off steps ahead of its 2019 Street & Utility Improvement Project and the Lamplighters Lane Street Improvement Project. Several neighborhood meetings in the affected areas of East Grove Street, Walnut Street, North Burr Oak, and Lamplighters Lane. The winning bidder for the projects, Zenke, Inc. was approved by the city council at … [Read more...]
Rushford Village hears from residents regarding water issues
At the Tuesday, April 2 Rushford Village Council meeting, discussion centered around the same issue that’s been highlighted at other recent meetings: water. Significant snowfall depths and spring thawing has been a pain in the side of the city for weeks, particularly in the south Rushford residential area. The area has identified for years as one needing some hefty drainage … [Read more...]
Fountain irons out right of way issues
“This whole town is screwed up with right of ways.” That was the sentiment from Fountain Public Works Director John Hanson at the Wednesday, April 3 council meeting. During the meeting, Clerk Rhonda Flattum and Mayor Jim Schott detailed for the council that the city had done some investigating with Fillmore County. It was determined that Cedar Street, which runs parallel to … [Read more...]
Pilot Mound artist reimagines 19th-century cabin
Award-winning artist Karl Unnasch dwells among humble settings. His studio, the former 1800s-era general store of Pilot Mound proper, sits among what he calls “Ten acres of Unabashed Utopian Vision.” Open to all, his studio philosophy is crafted as purposely as his distinctive works of art. “‘The Mound’ has become a harbor for self-expression; an anchorage for conceptual … [Read more...]
Blowing smoke: e-devices hides dangers amid flashy design and alluring options
In just over a decade, public and health awareness campaigns steadily decreased the rate of American smokers to roughly 14%. While this should be lauded, it’s becoming white noise against the backdrop of increasing rates for electronic cigarettes and vaping. The Center for Disease Control and the National Institute for Drug Abuse note that while electronic nicotine delivery … [Read more...]
Rushford crosses fingers on grants; holds project hearings
The City of Rushford is hoping application to two Department of Natural Resources (DNR) grants will provide funding for two projects long in the works. The items were discussed at the Monday, March 25 council meeting. The first is a funding from an outdoor recreation grant program. The goal is to construct a paved trail to the Rushford-Peterson Schools site, their athletic … [Read more...]
R-P waits on new deadline for facility sale
At the Monday, March 18 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting, Superintendent Chuck Ehler brought the board up to speed on the pending sale of the former R-P Middle School in Peterson. Last month, the board voted 6:1 to approve the sale of the facility to the Maplewood Group, represented by Roger Anderson. The decision came with reluctance following one sale go-round with the … [Read more...]