I am ALMOST positive that spring (the season without snow but with green grass and flowers will arrive) just like it always has. Spring will be followed by summer and that great American Tradition: a vacation which entails sponging on your relatives for a cheap getaway. Just buy a summer lake cabin or a time share or move to an exotic location and relatives that you have … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
I may have been watching too many episodes of “Ancient Aliens.” I am wondering what humans will be like in the far, far distant future. I predict that humans will no longer have voice boxes. Instead they will have a texting device installed in their hand at birth. Fingers will be elongated and pointed at the tips, better to text with other humans. Many are bemoaning the … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
The woman two aisles over from me who was also checking out of the store seemed to have captured everyone’s attention. Since her back was to me, I was trying to figure out why other customers were staring at her. She was of medium height, medium build with short brown hair. Maybe she was some celebrity. Maybe she was robbing the store. No, the cashier was smiling and … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
All I want for Christmas is an Olympic Medal. It means that you are one of the best in the world at something. Obviously, it means you are good at some sport. The last time I was a winner in the sporting arena was when I was in first grade playing hopscotch with kindergarteners. I am not one bit athletic. I am no longer bitter about this since I no longer have to take any … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
What would your first wish be if a genie gave you three wishes? I’m betting most of us would ask for a large amount of money. This question has been around for a long time. Usually the first two wishes are for material goods. Then the smart people use the last wish to wish for more wishes. Human nature is so predictable. We all want more than we have even if our house is … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
I am proud to be a Minnesotan. Our state really gets out the vote and values education. Minnesota is first in the nation on the ACT tests! When I read that fact, my mind wandered back to my school days. I started thinking about former teachers, classmates and hot lunch. Some students think of lunch and recess as the best parts of the day. I didn’t start eating school … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
“Chatty Kathy” was my name in high school for obvious reasons! There aren’t many people who have a doll named after them. Well, of course there is my sister Barbie. She is a real life doll who everyone one loves because of her fun nature and generous heart. I guess no one gets to choose their nickname. If I could have chosen , I would be called “Crafty Kathy.” My hands … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
CONFESSION! I am an addict. I got hooked early on. My grandmother was my first supplier. While eating homemade donuts with a side of chocolate kisses and a glass of milk, grandma showed me a McCall’s magazine. I was not interested. Then she turned to the page with Betsy McCall, the paper doll with great clothes. We cut out the doll and clothes and I was hooked! My … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Another wedding invitation arrived in the mail today. Summer is the season of love, obviously. The invitation inspired a trip down memory lane. I recalled my own wedding. I always think of the wedding as mine since I paid for it and planned it. Jim was not one bit interested in the colors of the bridesmaids dresses or the type of flowers or the wedding cake design or the … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
I am not a “Jill of all trades.” Machines sense my fear and love intimidating me or worse yet - break down when I touch them! My husband thinks it is all my fault. He scoffs when I explain that machines hate me. Sometimes he even insinuates I am making excuses to avoid work He showed me how to start the lawn mower and explained the RIGHT WAY (his way) to mow the lawn. … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
I hope you have been laughing during Mother Nature’s crying jags (the ones that bring May flowers) because April is National Humor Month. Remember the first day of the month? The day when people delight in playing practical jokes on each other and acting like fools. Some jokes are funnier than others, but they do distract us from bad news on TV, real or fake! “Laughter is … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Bring on the bunny. Be it dark, milk or white chocolate I will bite its ears off! And I am not alone. Eighty-nine percent of us nibble the bunny’s ears first. I have no idea what the other 11% eat first! I bring you this bit of trivia because I researched Easter Candy on the internet. Did you know that in the 1800s the Europeans perfected the chocolate mold and created … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
I love weeping willow trees. On a windy day I watch them whipping their branches wildly, showing off their flexibility! Because the branches bend, they don’t break. Flexibility is needed when traveling because often times expectations are not met. Either you deal with the disappointment or you go home. For instance, my sister, Barb and I recently traveled to visit my … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
I have never been a trendsetter, but I used to read about them. Then I would follow some of them in fashions, furnishings and even paint colors. Remember lime green and harvest gold appliances? Remember miniskirts, bell-bottoms and tie-dyed everything? What about shag carpeting, the kind that you raked rather than vacuumed? No longer young and impressionable, my choices are … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that. ~ Put up or shut up.
Put your money where your mouth is. Talk is cheap, but it takes money to buy whiskey! Being Irish, my favorite of the former sayings is the last one, and I don’t even like whiskey. All of these sayings are talking about “actions speaking louder than words.” I believe this. Since I have talked about appreciating others in recent columns, I have made a resolution to do just … [Read more...]