Have you heard that Snow White smashed that “fairest of the fair” looking glass? She claimed that it was mocking her. The mirror insisted that it was simply, truthfully reflecting her appearance as she aged. Another New Year; another birthday! Birthdays aren’t as much fun as they used to be. Going to the doctor is getting to be a drag too. He keeps finding another thing … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Comfort food gives comfort and joy, so it is good during the holidays or any time of the year! Wikipedia defines comfort food as “Food that provides a nostalgic or sentimental value often characterized by its high caloric nature, high carbohydrate content or simple preparation.” I took an unscientific survey of foods that comfort, soothe, and relieve stress and anxiety. … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
CHEERS FOR CHURCH COOKBOOKS and those cooks who share cherished recipes! These recipes have been vetted at Sunday School picnics, sunrise Easter breakfasts, salad luncheons, soup suppers and potluck dinners. The menus for the fall harvest fundraisers very often include meatballs and real mashed potatoes. Some serve ham and meatballs, codfish with melted butter, sirloin … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Everything I know about playing poker I learned from country western singer Kenny Rogers. Perhaps you recall his hit song “The Gambler”? Some of the lyrics are very educational. “You got to know when to hold’em. Know when to fold’em. Know when to walk away.” The song continues with a warning about counting your money at the table. Personally, I don’t have to worry about … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Word association game. I say “parade” and you say __________________. Maybe you said “Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade” or the “Rose Bowl Parade.” Both are awesome if you like balloons and floats made of thousands of flowers. Who doesn’t love a parade? In southeastern Minnesota each little town has its own celebration and that usually includes a parade. Lucky us! Most of us … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Most mature adults no longer believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the tooth fairy. However, have you seen all the fairies in gardens? Have you seen all the fairy houses and yard ornaments for those houses? Almost every store has them. Hmm......I wonder if garden fairies are related to the tooth fairy? How about gnome garden ornaments with blue jackets and red … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
Time travel only takes place in science fiction movies and books. Right? If a time machine really did exist most of us wouldn’t be able to afford a ticket. Right? WRONG! This week-end I traveled back in time to my childhood for only 49 cents. Let me explain. My nephew Michael invited his mother, sister, cousins and his three aunts (who are of a certain age) to his … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
Want to give a woman a panic attack? Hide her purse. After she has a meltdown, explain that it was just a joke. Then run very fast and far away so she won’t be able to injure you! A lost purse is not a laughing matter to most women. That purse contains her whole life and acts as a security blanket. Whatever the situation, she has what she needs in her purse, whether it … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
“Better late than never” and “Better never late” are two philosophies of time. I favor the first while my husband prefers the second. I realize that being on time is important, but sometimes things happen that make it impossible. For instance, when I was a counselor in Winona, I traveled between seven buildings. The train tracks are in the middle of town. That means … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Who knew that growing up poor in the Midwest could be such an advantage! As a young person I quickly learned the value of hard work. That’s how I earned money for clothes and make-up and records (they came before cassettes and cds for any young people reading this column). I babysat and worked as a carhop at the root beer stand. Later I worked at the radio station. Having … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
THERE WILL BE A TEST, so read this column carefully! This is a fill-in-the-blank quiz. We took the kids to the Fillmore County Fair. It was 98 degrees with 100% humidity! The kids were excited about the rides and the fair food. When we adults could stand it no longer we all went to the ______________________(name of restaurant). We took the kids on a tour of Niagara … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
November is the official time to give thanks. I personally think that appreciation and gratitude should be a daily happening. Today I want to thank beautiful, generous Mary, the leader of our senior exercise class. I feel so much healthier every time I attend your class. I also feel more energetic even after all the marching and cross-walking around the room. Evie, who is … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
Imagine, “The Munsters Ghastly Glow Lamp” for only $225. Surely, you remember the spooky funny TV show by that name. It starred Herman, the head of the family with a Frankenstein-like head, his wife Lily, their son Eddie and Goofy Grandpa who all lived at 13 Mockingbird Lane. They also had a daughter, Marilyn, who was a total outcast because she looked like an all-American … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
Sometimes I feel relieved when children return to school, for very selfish reasons. It is easier to shop without them dribbling basketballs in the store aisles. It is calmer without them loudly demanding that mom buy them treats at the checkout counter. And it is certainly less crowded at the mall. Even the Greek philosophers felt this way in ancient times. Some criticized … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that
Small towns are having a difficult time surviving, let alone thriving. Young people graduate and move away because there are no jobs. Dwindling populations cause stores to close so people drive to big box stores out of town to shop. This causes more stores to close. It is a vicious cycle. If a town loses a school, it might make matters even worse. County seats are … [Read more...]