Letter about February 16 Public Hearing... To the Editor, Please be aware that the February 16, 7 p.m., Fillmore County Planning and Zoning (P&Z) public hearing proposal is a significant change to the status quo and is likely to have some profound ripple effects for all county residents. Currently, 2,000 animal units (existing county cap) allows about 2,000 cattle or … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about please do not double maximum feedlot size in Fillmore County…
Letter about please do not double maximum feedlot size in Fillmore County... To the Editor, I’m a pastured hog farmer and my farm borders the eastern edge of Fillmore County. I was shocked to read that the Fillmore County Planning Commission is considering doubling the max size of industrial feedlots when the cap — 2,000 “animal units,” or over 6,600 finishing hogs — is … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about proposed change to maximum industrial farm size…
Letter about proposed change to maximum industrial farm size... To the Editor, It has come to my attention that our county commissioners and the Fillmore County Planning Committee will be considering doubling the maximum industrial farm size at a meeting February 16. This would mean 13,000 hogs, 2,800 dairy cows, 222,000 turkeys, and 4,000 steers. After deciding in 2018 that … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about leaving feedlot cap alone – to protect our water…
Letter about leaving feedlot cap alone - to protect our water... To the Editor, There is a move afoot to double the size of allowable feedlots in Fillmore County. The Fillmore County Planning Commission has taken it upon itself to propose that new feedlots could be permitted, or existing ones expanded, raising the current limit of 2,000 “animal units” to the outrageous size … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about no need to change Animal Unit Cap…
Letter about no need to change Animal Unit Cap... To the Editor, As a feedlot permit holder and active dairy farmer here in Fillmore County, I see no need or reason for increasing the permitted AU (animal unit) level from 2,000 to 4,000. The current level is more then adequate for 99% of our farmers. If there is a need to go above that level, talking about that need and how … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor, Letter about Air. Water. Money…
Letter about Air. Water. Money... To the Editor, Air. Water. Money. I really like drinking water that is safe and clean. I really like breathing air without putrid manure odor and feedlot dust particles. I do not want my neighbors, friends, relatives, colleagues, county citizens, grandkids, or any child to be subjected to air or water that will harm them. I do not want my … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about Love one another…
To the Editor, Americans are alarmed by the violence increasing in our country. If we are to confront what is happening, we need to examine the origins of the problem. We can tighten gun laws. For 50 years the NRA has lied to us, claiming their main concern is protecting the “Second Amendment.” Actually, they are a lobby for the gun manufacturers and fight any … [Read more...]
Why Congress matters
By Lee Hamilton The 118th Congress convenes January 3, and while it’s impossible to know in advance what it will or won’t accomplish, it’s a fair bet there will be drama. With the GOP taking control of the House, a tightly divided Senate, and a presidential election less than two years away, sending political signals — as much to the party faithful as to Americans in general … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about Giving a Christmas Gift of Healing …
To the Editor, Seasons of great celebrations often carry shadows of sadness, grief, and deep hurt. Many of us have the brightness of the holidays dimmed by loss and the memories of times shared with loved ones. It can be helpful to actively reflect on these people and experiences to acknowledge the feelings which are surfacing in our lives. Writing down or verbally … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about why do politicians stay in office
To the Editor, As someone who has just ran for State Senate, I appreciated Lee Hamilton’s letter asking the question of why politicians run for office. For me the motivation was simple: to help my neighbors. This was an extension of what I have done my entire adult life, from running a homeless shelter to providing humanitarian aid, I have always strived to help others. As a … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor – about grandchildren and great-grandchildren…
Letter about grandchildren and great-grandchildren... To the Editor, What are we being told by thinkers and scientists about the years ahead? Some predict to just 2030, some go to 2050 and some predictions go to 2300. I am very concerned as many of our grandchildren and great grandchildren will be living into the next century. It is important that we start seriously … [Read more...]
Americanizing Jesus
By Steve Zmyewski Houston, MN The first century disciples of Jesus would not recognize the extreme Christian nationalist movement that is sweeping across America today. Laced with character assassination, conspiracy theory, disinformation, slander, white supremacy and motivated by fear Christian nationalists vilify anyone whose politics don’t line up with theirs as they … [Read more...]
Celebrating excellent commentaries in the October 31 Fillmore County Journal
By Kathie Haynes Canton, MN Retired Pastor Norm Omodt explained why he became a Democrat. He asks hard line Republicans and strict followers of Trump, “Why would you be against wind power, solar power and ocean current energy?” And, “Why do you accept mass shootings with the AR-15 military rifle intended for killing people in war?” Bonnie Haugen says Vote With Your … [Read more...]
Why I became a Democrat
Opinions expressed here are those of the author and not of the Fillmore County Journal. By Pastor Norm Omodt, Ret. Chatfield, MN Most people remain in the political party they’ve always been a part of. I’d like to challenge the RADICAL REPUB-LICANS to give serious thought to a change, at least in the way they vote these days, to be more compatible with surely … [Read more...]
Vote with your stomach
All people eat, but not all people grow their own food. This simple truth means it’s critical that we support and work for the farmers who feed us. Being a farmer is rewarding, frustrating, and important, but not always lucrative. We can support those who grow our food by voting people into office who understand our rural issues and will complete legislation meant to bring … [Read more...]