To the Editor, Bipartisan immigration/border bills were rejected by Republicans in 2006, 2013, 2018 and now in 2024. Trump talked like he wanted an immigration/border bill in 2018 but then lost interest. Obviously, it was not important to him. Now Trump has told his puppets in Congress that there will be no border bill. The Republicans tried to impeach Secretary of Homeland … [Read more...]
The Facts about the Arab/Israel conflict
By Jeff Erding Wykoff, MN In his commentary dated 1/22/23, David Webb attempts to excuse the murderous, inhuman behavior of Hamas terrorists against innocent Jewish citizens in Israel by using a common leftist tactic; concocting a thick smokescreen of half truths to elicit sympathy from the readers while skillfully avoiding the true history of the situation. Why are the … [Read more...]
Another Perspective on Free Lunch
By Ben Bisbach Mabel, MN Jason Sethre’s recent editorial, regarding the universal free school lunch program, brought a few things to mind for me. He is opposed to the state providing a benefit to everyone, and not just the very poor. But why? Large numbers of Minnesotans were considered too “well off” to qualify for the previous program, yet are not actually well off by any … [Read more...]
Letter about Democratic Hypocrisy…
To the Editor, Alima Fairchild quote from January 22 Fillmore County Journal. Remember the letter I wrote you a while back, requesting that only positive and reasoned statements be accepted for publication. “Still quoting, “It’s the election year now. Time to solicit statements that tend to unify, rather repetitive denigration of the beliefs and politics of the majority by … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
By Jason Sethre Publisher Fillmore County Journal There’s a reason this saying exists. That’s because there is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody always has to pay for it. Always. Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan signed off on a program that provides free breakfast and lunch for all students attending … [Read more...]
Letter about which laws should we follow?…
To the Editor, I’ve read with dismay the actions by local city and county boards to “oppose” a new Minnesota law. Using cost as an excuse, these elected officials oppose the new flag and seal and have stated they’ll vote no on transition costs. They intend to defy a Minnesota law passed by our duly-elected Legislators and Governor. What other laws will Houston County and … [Read more...]
Open Letter Addressing Houston County Board of Commissioners
By Katherine Holbrook Houston, MN Questions regarding Adoption of Resolution 24-06 - Opposition To Redesigned State Flag and Seal: 1.) Were the concerns of expense cited in Sheriff Swedberg’s memo communicated to the State Legislators Emblems Redesign Commission when it was elected in May of last year? 2.) Were they addressed with the Redesign Commission during the … [Read more...]
Letter about asking for explanations from Stan…
To the Editor, In the January 1 issue of the Fillmore County Journal, Mr. Gudmundson had a letter in which he discussed some issues I don’t understand and I’d like to ask some explaining from him. I’ll only ask for a few explanations. First, he said the last Minnesota legislative session passed some evil legislation. Tell me, what is evil and what was passed that was … [Read more...]
Statistics From Gaza
By David Webb Lanesboro, MN “The death of one man is tragic, but the death of thousands is a statistic.” – Joseph Stalin Sitting in the relative comfort and safety of my Lanesboro home, and never having been to the Middle East, I find it almost impossible to grasp the “statistics” from Gaza. Two and a quarter people living in a “confined area.” More than 1 in 100 … [Read more...]
Letter about recent rant…
To the Editor, Once again, we’ve been treated to a personal, anti-Democrat rant by Stan Gudmundson, without hearing anything about what his Republican Party actually stands for. It used to be fiscal conservatism, a strong military, a well-kept infrastructure. But according to Gudmundson, its really about anti-women’s rights, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant, anti-Native … [Read more...]
Caucus Questions and Answers
By Wenda Grabau Spring Valley, MN What is a caucus? According to the “World Book Dictionary,” a caucus is, 1 “U.S. a meeting of members or leaders of a political party to make plans, choose candidates, or decide how to vote... 3 any similar meeting for the private discussion of policy.” Are caucuses in Minnesota only a political party event? No. Not only is … [Read more...]
Letter about who’s responsible for our drinking water?…
To the Editor, To move the Minnesota Well Owners mission to ensure drinking water safety, it is not helpful to cast blame. We know why drinking water is unsafe, and we know exactly how this happens, but the narrative cycles of blame are punitive, and today, the stories about blame are more popular than working together to find a solution. When we have bad drinking water and … [Read more...]
Our Dismal State of Affairs
By Stan Gudmundson Peterson, MN A recent study concluded that almost half of U.S. voters don’t vote on the issues or principles. Out of party loyalty, they vote for the party’s candidate/s or many say they vote for the individual running for office. Those reasons are more important apparently, than what candidates stand for, believe in, and vote for. It’s no wonder that so … [Read more...]
Letter about a perspective for compassion…
To the Editor, Just imagine if HORRIFIC EVIL took place by a militant group from the United States of America and 1,200 people were massacred. Imagine if the leader of the affected nation decided to wipe them out and attacked the USA. Imagine that in two months time, the populations of citizens in the following towns in Minnesota were killed and there was nothing left but … [Read more...]
Fighting to Stay Where Our Kids Are Wanted for Who They Are, Not the Money They Represent
By Tessia Wangsness Decorah, IA I’m writing as a follow up to the Decorah Community School District (DCSD) Board meeting Monday, December 11, 2023. One of the board agenda items was the “Review of the Mabel-Canton agreement.” A significant number of people were in attendance, including past and current Iowa residents who attend Mabel-Canton schools and their families, M-C … [Read more...]