After community input meetings and much discussion, the Lanesboro City Council approved the Auburn/Zenith Road Project at its regularly scheduled meeting on October 3, 2016. The council approved Resolution 2016-11 (Ordering Improvements and Preparation of Plans and Specifications) moving forward with Phase 1A, Phase 1B and Phase 2. Smith abstained. Phase 1A is will be … [Read more...]
Whalan receives donation
The Whalan City Council met on September 12, 2016 with all council members present including City Clerk Lolly Melander. Several visitors also attended the meeting. The Whalan church has given the city a check in the amount of $315.23 from the softball tournament. Melander thanked the church for their donation. Minutes The minutes from the August 8, 2016 meeting were … [Read more...]
Things are looking up for Fire Cat Solar
Business is heating up for Shawn Bangs and his company, Fire Cat Solar, LLC, located in Canton, Minn. As solar energy becomes more popular, Fire Cat Solar is there to help the average person not only understand how the process works but to make the process an easy one. Bangs, who became an electrical contractor in 1995, has owned and operated Bangs Electric for over 20 years … [Read more...]
Chatfield barber nears half century mark
Roy Lange of Roy’s Barber Shop in Chatfield, Minn., is just a shave away from celebrating 50 years as a barber. January 2, 2017 will mark 50 years since Roy and his twin brother, Ray graduated from barber school. “It was brother Ray’s idea,” states Roy, explaining that while both were working in Lake City, Minn., machining engine pistons for Gould, Ray said, “You and I … [Read more...]
New city attorney in Fountain
The Fountain City Council met on September 1, 2016 for its regularly scheduled meeting. All council members were present. City Attorney Motion by Gudmundson, second by Schott to hire Dwight Luhmann of Luhmann Law, LLC as City Attorney for the City of Fountain. Motion carried. The contract will be for the remainder of 2016 and the entirety of 2017 at a rate of … [Read more...]
CPS of Harmony has reasons to celebrate
Crop Production Services of Harmony, Minn., is close to having their new building which will store and mix dry fertilizer complete. This is reason enough for the company and its employees to celebrate, which is why they will be hosting an open house, but the business will also recognize local heroes in September, as well. The new building on the site of CPS was in the … [Read more...]
Like its namesake, tournament will never be forgotten
After 20 consecutive years, the Matt Hahn Memorial Arm Wrestling Tournament, which took place in Preston, Minn., has come to an end. Matt Hahn was born on September 12, 1975 to Randy and Bonnie Hahn. Tragically, Matt lost his life as the result of a car fire on June 22, 1996 at the young age of 20-years-old. Matt’s parents and his brothers, Chris and Rich, along with … [Read more...]
North Prairie Church to celebrate anniversary
Area residents, along with past and present members of North Prairie Church, are invited to celebrate 160 years of church service. Pastor Tim Larson of Willmar, Minn. will be the guest Pastor on Sunday, August 28, 2016 for a 10:30 am worship which will begin the special celebration of the church’s anniversary. Pastor Larson is the son of a former pastor at North Prairie … [Read more...]