Although the school year is winding down, there is already much excitement and anticipation in the Rushford-Peterson school district for the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year by students, staff and community members as construction on their new school will soon be complete. Superintendent Chuck Ehler was gracious enough to give me a tour of the facility on Tuesday, … [Read more...]
Whalan forced to find alternate trash and recycling company
“As of May we will no longer have Harter’s garbage service,” stated Mayor Tuftin, during the City of Whalan’s April 2017 meeting. Tuftin went on to explain, “apparently Lanesboro went to a different contract and because of that they gave us 30 days notice that they will no longer be serving Whalan either,” so “we are being dropped,” she said. Due to this, the city must find … [Read more...]
Winners announced in The Great Lanesboro Snow Art Challenge
Now that spring is here, it is a good time to take a look back at the winter we endured and enjoyed, including the results of The Great Lanesboro Snow Art Challenge. During this first annual event in Lanesboro, Minn., organizer David Applen states that people had fun, which is what it’s all about. Applen explains, “the reason I wanted to do this is because in the winter … [Read more...]
Whalan Council discusses Safety and Loss training
As part of the agenda at the regularly scheduled monthly city council meeting held on March 13, 2017, the Whalan council discussed the possibility of attending Safety and Loss Control training sponsored by the League of Minnesota Cities to be held in Rochester, Minn., on April 12, 2017. Present at the meeting were mayor of Whalan, Minn., Marlys Tuftin, Council members … [Read more...]
Gehling Auction Co. bids for comfort in new building
The days of standing out in the rain, snow and heat are distant memories for those who attend auctions at Gehling Auction Co., LLC of Preston, Minn. “Technology” was the main reason a new building was necessary, states owner Ron Gehling, who operates the business with his wife Lana and son Matt. “Technology has changed it all,” says Ron, as people no longer have to deal … [Read more...]
View Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park by horseback
As many people look at their calendars and start planning ahead for this year’s vacation spots for their families and horses some may overlook a wonderful location right here in Fillmore County. In fact, they may be the busiest trails in the United States for several reasons. Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park, which is nestled between Spring Valley, Minn., and Preston, … [Read more...]
JEM Theatre under new ownership
The show must go on - and it will at the JEM Theatre in Harmony, Minn., although with new faces selling tickets and popping popcorn. After 14 years of owning and running the JEM, Michelle Haugerud has sold the iconic theatre to Dana and Amber Coaty. Amber grew up in Rochester, Minn., while Dana is originally from Superior, Wis. The Coatys moved to the area 11 years ago … [Read more...]
Whalan Council discusses council retreat
The Whalan City Council met on February 13, 2017 at 5 p.m. in the city hall. Present were Mayor Tuftin and council members Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson and Wyatt Berekvam, along with City Clerk Lolly Melander. Council Member Owen Lewis was absent. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The city council discussed holding a council … [Read more...]
Henrytown congregation comes back home
It was a joyous day on Sunday, January 29, 2017 as the new Henrytown Lutheran Church and it’s congregation opened the doors to welcome all of God’s children inside to see and appreciate their new house of worship. After the loss of Henrytown Lutheran Church to a fire on April 16, 2015 the congregation drew strength from God and each other to begin looking forward without … [Read more...]
Promoting senior fitness
Sandy Tammel was headed down a painful and unhealthy road after slowly gaining weight over many years, resulting in her becoming overweight in her later years, which created many health issues and accumulating medical bills. Tammel had high cholesterol and triglycerides, became pre-diabetic, and was also dealing with fibromyalgia and arthritis in her hips, knees and lower … [Read more...]
Farmers Insurance; Nicole Johnson Agency opens in Harmony
After working for others for many years Nicole Johnson of Harmony, Minn., decided it was time to insure her own happiness and the happiness of her family. Fortunately for area residents, she has also decided to insure them as well. Johnson has recently become an Insurance Agent with Farmers Insurance and now has her office up and running at 25 First Street NW in … [Read more...]
New mayor, council members in Whalan
To begin the January 9, 2017 regularly scheduled council meeting in Whalan, Minn., the newly elected mayor and council members were sworn in. After being sworn in, Mayor Marlys Tuftin and Council members Wyatt Berekvam and Owen Lewis were congratulated and welcomed as council members. New council member, Kim Berekvam was absent and will be sworn in at the February 2017 … [Read more...]
Faith, family and friends matter most after house fire
If not for faith, family and friends, the Meier family of rural Peterson, Minn., do not know how they would have coped with the devastating fire that took their home on December 27, 2016. As it was just two days after Christmas, Evan and Shannon Meier had all three of their children at home that day on winter break from school. The family was going to spend some time with … [Read more...]
Friends paddle through 2016
A love of canoeing and the outdoors brought two lifelong friends together to fulfill a goal in 2016. Jason Worden of Chatfield, Minn., and Jeremy Rabe of La Crescent, Minn., grew up together in Chatfield, were in the same graduating class of 1996, and have remained close friends since. Although “life” happens - people get married and have children, responsibilities … [Read more...]
Bick n Berry Boutique opens to a crowd
A fresh and exciting addition has come to Chatfield, Minn., in the form of the new Bick n Berry Boutique, which is receiving rave reviews from customers. Angie Bicknese and Brayonna Berry have teamed their creativity and seemingly endless energy to create a shopping experience that is as unique and fun as they are. The idea for a boutique came about “kind of on a whim,” … [Read more...]