With a small town population of approximately 60, a person may think that the City of Whalan would not have a lot of activity going on for the local residents and the those visiting the area each year, but in actuality, the opposite is true. Although there is not a vast amount of Whalan residents, a high percentage of those who live in Whalan are very active in the community … [Read more...]
Right time, right place
It was a chance meeting through friends that brought Lee Johnson and Meredith (Keefe) Johnson together, but it is their sense of humor and sense of adventure that made them fall in love and plan a life together. Meredith grew up in the Twin Cities area and graduated from Park High School in Cottage Grove, Minn. She then attended Gustavus Adolphus college in St. Peter, Minn., … [Read more...]
Home Sweet Home Cafe and Cakery opens
After spending their vacations in beautiful Lanesboro, Minn., each year and not wanting to leave when it was time to go, Alan and Elizabeth (“Liz”) Mason are finally “Home Sweet Home” in every sense of the phrase, especially with the launch of their new business, Home Sweet Home Cafe and Cakery in Lanesboro. The Mason family, which includes Alan and Liz, along with their … [Read more...]
Spice things up with Bowls and Brews
The only thing better than a warm cup of chili on a cold winters day is several cups of chili varieties along with your favorite refreshment. The Preston Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the Bowls and Brews Chili Cook-Off on January 20, 2018, from 2-4 p.m. at the Preston Servicemen’s Club. Formerly known as the Chili Cook-Off and Candlelight Ski, the event has … [Read more...]
Whalan council sets Slate of Office
As the Whalan City Council met on January 8, 2018, one of the most pressing items on the agenda was setting the Slate of Office. Mayor Marlys Tuftin and council members Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson and Wyatt Berekvam were present, along with City Clerk Lolly Melander. Council member Owen Lewis was absent. The Slate of Office included depositor (Merchants Bank, Lanesboro), … [Read more...]
Shipwreckt Books gains authors and notoriety
By assisting writers to become published authors, Tom Driscoll, Managing Editor and CEO of Shipwreckt Books Publishing Company, LLC, of Rushford, Minn., is not only helping the authors’ dreams come true, but he is also living a dream he never really knew he had. After graduating high school, Driscoll began a student newspaper in Davenport, Iowa. He was then drafted into the … [Read more...]
Wreaths for the Fallen in Preston an emotional experience
As families of the fallen started arriving at the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery in Preston, Minn., for the first honorary wreath ceremony of Wreaths for the Fallen, the beautiful colors of fall had faded, but the heroes interred at the cemetery will never fade from our memory. Saturday, December 16, 2017, was a mild December day in Minnesota, with a high temperature near … [Read more...]
Troendle completes year-long fellowship
One of the secrets of success is to look for opportunities that can expand your knowledge and advance your career. Fillmore County native Travis Troendle accomplished both recently when he was offered and accepted a Fellowship to Address Global Hunger through Land O’ Lakes, Inc., in their Global Food Challenge Emerging Leaders for Food Security Program. Troendle, the son of … [Read more...]
PACC dedicates Christmas tree to Amos Anderson
Over two dozen relatives of Amos Anderson gathered in front of the Preston City Hall in Preston, Minn., on Sunday, December 10, 2017, as the Preston Area Chamber of Commerce dedicated this year’s Chamber Christmas Tree in memory of Anderson. Many others, including Preston residents and friends of Anderson, came to view the unveiling of the Christmas tree and to share memories … [Read more...]
Whalan fills open seats on zoning board
After a lengthy search by Whalan city council members the two vacant seats on the Whalan Zoning Board have now been filled. Ernie Johnson and Larry Johnson have each agreed to serve on the board. All council members were present at the December 11, 2017 regularly scheduled monthly council meeting including Mayor Marlys Tuftin, Owen Lewis, Everett Johnson, Wyatt Berekvam and … [Read more...]
LED bulbs shine a new light on Whalan
Having a few loose ends to tie up on their agenda, along with some new business, the Whalan City Council met on November 13, 2017, in the Whalan Town Hall for their regularly scheduled meeting. With new LED bulbs recently installed throughout Whalan, the council discussed comments they had heard from residents. The overall feedback has been positive, with people saying how … [Read more...]
Meighen family members visit Forestville
“This is a big deal,” stated Carol Frey, one of the Meighen family descendents who spent the day on Saturday, October 7, 2017, touring Historic Forestville and Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park. Approximately 30 descendents of Margaret Meighen, the daughter of Thomas Meighen, and their families spent 12 months planning and preparing for their reunion in Forestville. For … [Read more...]
Balancing act
When it comes to working women juggling their careers and family, Judy Christian, owner of Stumpy’s Restaurant and Bar of Rushford, Minn., has a few words of advice. “You gotta make time for both,” states Christian, and showing her children what hard work is has also given them a chance to spend time together as a family. Christian purchased Stumpy’s Restaurant and Bar from … [Read more...]
Harstad becomes Chatfield’s first female firefighter
Jill Harstad has always had a burning desire to become a firefighter, and recently that passion for helping others became a reality. Harstad, 35, grew up in Lanesboro, Minn., and graduated from Lanesboro High School in 2000. After marrying her husband, Andy and moving to Chatfield, she set her sights on becoming a firefighter with the Chatfield Fire Department. When asked … [Read more...]
Whalan to have all new LED streetlight bulbs
The Whalan City Council held its scheduled public hearing on October 9, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. to discuss with city residents whether to replace streetlight bulbs new with LED bulbs. All council members were present for the public hearing, including Mayor Marlys Tuftin, Owen Lewis, Everett Johnson, Wyatt Berekvam, and Kim Berekvam. City Clerk Lolly Melander arrived before the … [Read more...]