The Spring Valley City Council held a regular council meeting on March 8. All members were present (Luan Ruesink, Chris Danielson, Greg Brooks, John Dols and Mayor Tony Archer). Also attending was City Clerk/Administrator Deb Zimmer. Approximately 12 others were in attendance.
The topic that appeared to draw the most interest from those attending was consideration of a request to allow archery hunting of deer within city limits. Deb Zimmer explained that if the council chooses to move forward with consideration on this issue, the city would present a draft of a proposed ordinance on the topic, and a public hearing would be held. After that, and based partly on public comments, the council would decide whether or not to allow the hunting as requested.
Tom Oeltjen addressed the council about this, saying that he’s hunted in an area just west of the city, as he explained, “It pretty much borders the entire trailer park area.” Oeltjen added, “And I’ve just heard this past year that a couple people complained because they would see my blaze orange. I was out there only with archery.” He said the DNR has no problem with hunting in that area, but they suggested he check with the city. He summarized that if the city allows this practice to continue, it would be “just archery only, and I’d always be shooting away from town.” He explained that the deer population in the area has grown, and the deer now are causing some problems as they graze on flowers and vegetable gardens. He said the goal would be to simply harvest some of the deer, not to eliminate them altogether.
Mayor Archer asked the council members for their thoughts on the issue. After about 25 seconds of silence, Luan Ruesink spoke up, saying, in part, “My concern with this is that we are going to have people not being cautious, not being careful where their arrows are going.” Chris Danielson asked about the proposed draft ordinance, and how it was developed. Zimmer said it closely follows a similar ordinance in Rochester. Danielson noted that the draft includes several stipulations, including that hunters would need to have completed a bow hunter education program, but it was pointed out that this would apply only to hunters born after 1980.
Council members Greg Brooks and John Dols voted to move forward with the draft ordinance and public hearing. Ruesink and Danielson voted against. Mayor Archer then cast the deciding vote, voting to move forward. A public hearing will be scheduled and announced.
The council heard an annual audit presentation given remotely by Jason Boynton, from the accounting firm of Smith Schafer & Associates. The audit resulted in an unmodified “clean” opinion, with no Minnesota legal compliance exceptions found. Spring Valley’s General Property Tax Levy brought in just over $1.5 million, or 41% of the city’s total governmental revenues in 2020. Local Government Aid brought in $922,000, or 25% of revenues.
For 2020, General Fund expenditures were under budget by roughly $167,000. The city currently has an Unassigned General Fund balance of $1.5 million, which represents 133% of annal General Fund Expenditures. All debt service funds are being adequately funded, and all outstanding bonds are being paid on a timely basis. Utility Revenues are generally keeping pace with expenses, to service debt and build needed reserves.
Chris Hahn gave the council an update on the EDA, including that, “Stringer Attachments out of Rose Creek… they are working with a local land owner just outside of city limits, to potentially purchase about 25 acres… to potentially move that business to Spring Valley” later this year. He explained that Stringer Attachments is an implement manufacturing business.
Chris Danielson made a public plea for citizens and visitors to avoid littering, particularly cigarette trash. She summarized, “Our streets are not ashtrays.” Mayor Archer pointed out that, beginning in April, the council will return to the usual schedule of two council meetings per month. Kathy Simpson was approved to be added as a member of the Tourism Board. The next regular meeting will be Monday, April 12, 6 p.m., at the community center. The public is welcome.
Mary Halverson says
I love seeing the deer around Spring Valley.
Please don’t allow people to hunt and destroy them. Thanks.