“Chatty Kathy” was my name in high school for obvious reasons! There aren’t many people who have a doll named after them. Well, of course there is my sister Barbie. She is a real life doll who everyone one loves because of her fun nature and generous heart.
I guess no one gets to choose their nickname. If I could have chosen , I would be called “Crafty Kathy.” My hands were not designed to craft beautiful objects. I am so jealous of those talented and creative people! When I sincerely compliment them, they reply, “It is so easy to knit, crochet, quilt, paint.” I want to believe them, but then I try, and it ends badly. Wasted money on supplies, time and energy. “Frustrated Kathy” has a temper tantrum.
Once upon a time I was in a homemaker’s club. We met once a month to learn decorating tips, try new recipes, and of course, have the “ dreaded” craft lesson. I tried to miss those meetings to spare myself embarrassment. Sooner or later I went to one such lesson. We were all going to make a dried milk weed pod Christmas tree on a piece of cardboard to hang on the wall. Those crafters have flying fingers. By the time I had sprayed my pods gold, everyone else had finished the entire project. Their trees were beautiful. I promised that I would finish mine at home.
I did work on the project at home. I glued the pods to the cardboard. Then I glued tiny Christmas balls into the center of each gold pod. Because my uncoordinated fingers were sticky with glue, I pulled some of the pods right off the cardboard. Overcome by frustration, I tipped the glue over on the cardboard and the table. While washing the glue off the table, some water got on the cardboard. That flimsy cardboard started to buckle and bend and more pods came off. “Frustrated Kathy” had a temper tantrum and ripped that soggy, sticky cardboard to bits and threw that and all the pods and tiny ornaments into the garbage can. End of crafting project!
Later when a friend from the club called me, I lied and said my tree turned out beautifully. She suggested that I bring it to the next meeting to show the other members. I was starting to feel like Lucille Ball on the television show. Trapped by my fickle fingers and my lie, I was in a bad position. Should I make another tree or confess the lie and admit my failure once again as a crafter? I didn’t like either option. Sooooo after much consideration, I lied again. Over the phone I explained to my friend that the tree had fallen off the wall, and my cats destroyed it. I realized I had turned into one of my English students who said that the dog ate their homework. Fortunately, none of my students belonged to the homemakers club!
I can read a recipe, and my fingers can handle common kitchen utensils. Perhaps, my nickname should be “Cooking Kathy.”
Five Minute Dip using only five ingredients
8 oz. finely shredded cheddar cheese
l 1/2 cup mayo
5 green onions, chopped (white part only)
1/2 cup chopped almonds
1/2 cup real bacon bits
Mix cheese and mayo together. Add rest of ingredients and mix again. Serve immediately or chill. Good with crackers.
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