Math was never my best subject. My high school algebra teacher, Ken Denny did his best. By the time I figured out how to balance equations, it was time for geometry. It seemed hopeless. Why did I have to figure out proofs? I was willing to accept whatever had been already been proven! I have memorized this formula: Family (friends) + delicious food (and plenty of it) = a celebration. There are plenty of differencials within this formula depending on your food preferences and defition of family and budget and location.
Growing up in Preston, holiday menus were written in wet cement so a “new” food item might be OK. Thanksgiving would be turkey or goose or duck, depending on a hunter’s luck. Christmas was Norweign meatballs and oyster stew or lutefisk. Easter was glazed ham and gramma’s corn pudding and fruit salad. Desserts could be varied, but some kind of potato was required.
When I started counseling in Winona, I discovered many menu variations among my students. Lasagna was very popular, and so were tacos. Some kids relished eating at McDonald’s and being able to order whatever they wanted and sometimes in large quantities. Roast pork and sauerkrut were also on some dinner tables. Whatever the menu, eveyone smiled when talking about holiday food.
I have celebrated holiday meals set on starched tableclothes with the best China taken out of the cupboard and with fancy centerpieces and placecards. I have celebrated meals at restaurants with traditional and Chinese foods. I have celebrated in the party room at an independent living facility. I have celebrated with appetizers and desserts eaten on heavy paper plates with people eating wherever there was an empy chair. I have enjoyed every one of these meals because of family, friends and the happiness and fun in the air.
Because of COVID some meals have included prime rib, pizza, and tacos. This Thankgiving I was sick and couldn’t attend the formal meal. I begged my husband to go and see his family (and bring some leftovers home for me). He refused to leave me (which meant no leftovers for me). Guess what he had for dinner? Lots and lots of shrimp dip and crackers and my famous corn dogs right from the freezer, Well, they were heated in the oven. I can laugh about this today but at the time I was furious and hungry for turkey, dressing, and mashed potatoes with gallons of gravy. Also I missed the company and the laughter over family memories.
So follow my simple formula from the beginning of this column and add your own family and friends and favorite foods. This means fun and full stomachs and lots of laugher. What could be better than that? NOTHING.
I like to bring appetizers and wine so there is less pressure on the host to eat at a certain time. This is one of my favorites for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
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