Want to give a woman a panic attack? Hide her purse. After she has a meltdown, explain that it was just a joke. Then run very fast and far away so she won’t be able to injure you! A lost purse is not a laughing matter to most women. That purse contains her whole life and acts as a security blanket. Whatever the situation, she has what she needs in her purse, whether it be eye drops, Kleenex, lip balm, bandaids, aspirin, lotion, credit cards, library card, sunglasses, reading glasses and of course, cash and her phone and coughdrops and a pen and paper and a tape measure and more make-up and a brush or comb. She is better prepared than any Boy Scout could ever hope to be. Men often make fun of their wife’s purse until they need something she has in it.
Some women, no matter their age, remember their first purse. It might have been for Easter, along with a hat and gloves. It might have been when they entered seventh grade when they needed lunch money and make-up. The higher the grade, the bigger my purse got because I wore more make-up and started “ratting my hair” so I needed a comb, brush and Aqua Net hair spray. Some of those handbags were the size of carry-on luggage and so heavy that my shoulder ached at the end of the day! Thank goodness for backpacks today. My friend Evie swears by one. So much easier to shop with both hands free.
Some women, like my friend Ginnie, favor designer hand bags or purses. The day she came to exercise class with a gray leather Michael Kors purse, I couldn’t focus on the exercise routine because I lusted after that purse. She did let me touch it after class. A woman from Chatfield, Minn. told me she prefers to buy purses at thrift shops and garage sales. That way she can buy more. She sorts and stores them by seasons.
Some women always match their purses and shoes by color to match their outfit. I used to do that but don’t anymore. It takes too much time to change all my “stuff” from one bag to another. I now have a convenient purse that is just the right size and is black, brown, tan and white. I do love red purses and shoes and have a Michael Kors red purse and a red Coach bag. Red shoes and purses make me happy.
What works for one woman doesn’t necessarily work for anybody else. No matter how close, women usually do not buy matching purses like they might buy matching t-shirts or hats. Purses are too mystical and magical for that and now come in all colors of the crayon box including purple, orange, yellow, blue and green. Black, brown, beige, white and navy are the most common colors because who doesn’t have a pair of shoes in those colors?
Purses are practical and a fun fashion statement. Don’t get me started on scarves and jewelry. Men, this is why women need to go shopping soooooooooooooooo often. We want to look good for you. In our house we have a saying, “You be good to Mama; Mama be good to you.” Compliment your partner on her taste in purses and see what happens!
Parmesan Tots with Dipping Sauce
You might find a power bar in a purse but never these:
Combine 3 Tbsp. each chili sauce and mayo and 1 Tbsp. each yellow mustard and chopped sweet pickles. Toss 1 (2 lb) bag of frozen potato tots, 1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil and 1 1/2 tsp. garlic powder on a baking sheet. Roast at temperature on bag for 25 minutes. Toss with 1/2 cup grated parmesan and roast for 3-4 more minutes. Serve with sauce. Makes 10 servings.
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