The Houston County Commission signed two long-standing mental health service agreements at its January 24 meeting.
Human Services Director John Pugleasa explained that the first contract is the two-year agreement Crest Adult Mental Health Initiative (CREST). This is a program that has been utilized by the county since 1995. Pugleasa explained that CREST is a regional collaborative in SE Minnesota that coordinates mental health related services. Puglease confirmed that this agreement organizes help for adults and not children. Unfortunately, there is not a similar program for children. Hiawatha Valley Mental Health is a vendor.
The second mental health services contract approved by the board is the Regional Mobile Crisis agreement. Again, the county has utilized this service for a number of years. As noted on the agenda, it is a multi-county project that coordinates mobile crisis services for counties in SE Minnesota. Pugleasa added that help can be received via a mobile device or on-site. It also works in conjunction with the crisis center. He went on to explain that county staff does not do emergency response.
Pugleasa concluded by stating, “We need more mental health help.”
Chairman Severson called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. He led the commissioners and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance. The commission unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the minutes from the January 10 regular board meeting and the January 17 workgroup session.
Board members in attendance: Chairman Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt, and Greg Myhre.
The commission approved the consent agenda in its entirety including the transfer of Kelly Rohland, Adult Services social worker to Children’s Protective Services social worker; initiate a competitive search to fill the Adult Services social worker’s position; appointed Deputy William Hargrove as Chief Deputy Sheriff; accepted guardianship contracts with Renata Luetdtke, Judy Storlie, and Sandra Fitting; and reappointed Brad Hoschiet for a second three-year term on the Extension Committee.
The new medical service provider at Houston County Jail is ACH. Jail Administrator Dean Ott noted that ACH has more insurance liability coverage than the current provider, Mend. Any decrease in population, the county will be credited. The one-year contract expires on January 31, 2024, which is the same date as the contract with the current provider. Mend’s contract is $100,000 and the contract with ACH is $113,999. Ott confirmed that there will not be a gap in coverage and there is a 30-day clause in the contract that allows either party to terminate the contract.
Commissioners approved the cooperative agreement with Olmsted County for the Minnesota Department of Health Infrastructure grant project. Pugleasa explained, “The heart of this grant is data.” The data collected in Houston County will focus opioids, family home visits, and access to services. There is no cost to the county.
The commission unanimously approved the purchase of Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) sealant and aggregate for sealing deck bridges. The cost of materials is $31,116.00 and an estimated $1,700 for shipping plus approximately $500 to purchase small equipment like brooms.
In other business, the board:
•Approved keeping Liza Jandt’s at full-time per Human Resources and her department’s recommendation;
•Appointed La Crescent resident Cindy Wright to the county’s planning commission;
•Approved County Engineer Brian Pogodzinsk’s request to trade two compact track loaders;
•Approved Pogodzinski’s request to attend the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Resource Technical Exchange from March 27-30, 2023. As the current president of AASHTO, MnDOT will cover the cost of the conference, hotel, and air transportation to Fort Worth, Texas.
Chairman Severson called to adjourn the meeting at 10:22 a.m.
The next regularly scheduled Houston County Commission meeting is Tuesday, February 7, at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Board Room 222, located on the second floor in the historic county courthouse, Caledonia, or via the county conference call line (312) 626-6700 enter ID: 994-7297-7175 and password 368422. Public attendees are requested to mute their line until addressed.
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