Commissioners Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Robert Burns, Teresa Walter, and Greg Myhre were all present via Zoom on May 11 for the regular meeting of the Houston County Commission. Chairman Burns called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:59 a.m.
Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners approved the agenda and the minutes from the May 4 board meeting.
COVID-19 Update
John Pugleasa and Heather Myhre, Houston County Public Health, updated the commission on the status of COVID-19.
Houston County has seen a “bit of a bump in case numbers” due to the cases at the La Crescent Schools. A reminder that schools have a large population of unvaccinated people. Bumps can also be attributed to the flow of information.
The State dashboard shows that 64% of residents 16 and older are vaccinated, placing Houston County seventh in the state. Additionally, 95% of residents 65 and older are vaccinated, placing Houston County fourth in the state, and 51% of the total population is vaccinated, placing Houston County seventh in the state.
Public Health is still conducting second-dose Moderna clinics. This Thursday, there will be another second-dose Moderna clinic. It has been several weeks since they conducted first-dose clinics.
Moderna, for example, comes in multi-dose vials, meaning that 10-11 people must be available to take the shots once the vial is open. Pfizer vaccine is now approved for youth 12– to15-year-olds but is challenging to store because it requires ultra-cold storage, which is not available everywhere.
Johnson & Johnson vaccine is again approved. As a result, the county will be receiving 100 doses of Johnson & Johnson and administering the vaccine at the Meyers building in Caledonia.
The number of volunteer hours, including this coming vaccine clinic, residents logged in will be 427 hours assisting the department in administering the vaccine, directing people, and assisting in the parking lot. Pugleasa concluded their presentation by stating, “It has been cool to be a part of it.”
Consent Agenda
Commissioners unanimously approved the seven items on the Consent Agenda: The 2021 State of Minnesota Federal Boating Safety Supplemental Patrol Grant Contract Agreement; Submit reimbursement for expenses incurred for state-mandated Telephone Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation training for the County’s dispatch staff; Memorandum of Understanding between Houston County and the La Crosse County Hazardous Materials Facility for the 2021 Remote Household Waste Collection Events; Personnel requests include: Reassign Mary Betz (current chief deputy recorder) as the interim county tecorder, reassign Michelle Werner as the interim chief deputy recorder and initiate a competitive search for a deputy recorder, B21; Hire Travis Lapham as a probationary sheriff’s deputy; Accept the resignation of Daniel Coogan, sheriff’s deputy; and begin a competitive search for a sheriff’s deputy.
Action Items
The commissioners unanimously moved to adopt the findings of the planning board with one stipulation regarding the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) request to build a dwelling in La Crescent Township submitted by Anthony Krenzke. Krenzke must adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. This was approved.
The commissioners approved the CUP amendment to the current CUP issued by La Crescent Township in 2012 for Robert Ott, with three stipulations as recommended by the planning commission: Adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations; Shooting will be limited to the hours of 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Complete a current federal firearms instructor’s certification. Commissioners noted that gun sales would only be to students of Mr. Ott that complete his gun safety course, and there will be no sales to the public.
The board approved a CUP to expand a feedlot from 434 animals to 800 animals in Mayville Township for Tom and Cole Hoscheit, adhering to the findings of the planning commission and conditions. Conditions are: Shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations; The County may enter onto the premises at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner to ensure the permit holder is in compliance with the conditions and all other applicable statutes, rules, and ordinances; No excessive manure, mud, or dirt associated with the operation of the site shall be applied, spilled, tracked, or otherwise become located on or within the roadway or right-of-way of County Rd. 5 or Smoking Drive. All spillage must be cleaned up as soon as practical; The Permittee shall obtain all permits required under Minnesota Animal Feedlot rules prior to commencing construction. Commissioners felt it had been researched.
Commissioners reviewed the recommendation to approve a $30,000 loan from the Houston County Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund for Vicki Olson and Kristen Collins to purchase a building at 108 West Cedar Street in Houston at the 2021 set rate and terms (2.25% for 10 years). Allison Wagner noted, “This is the first loan if approved since last year.” Olson and Collins are co-owners of Timeless Creations in Houston. The building currently is home to a workout center which will be retained. In addition, Timeless Creations, furniture and gift store, and a massage therapy business will move into the building. Commission Johnson stated that they had a great business plan when they appeared before the EDA committee. Both Commissioners Myhre and Severson supported the recommendation saying that it is good for the city and county. Commissioners approved this loan request.
The Houston County Commission’s next meeting is Tuesday, May 25, 2021, at 9 a.m. The public is invited to dial in. Contact Donna Trehus, (507) 725-5803 to be included in remote meetings.
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