Photo by Charlene Corson Selbee
An informative section of the Houston County Commission meetings is the annual presentations which are also a component of the county’s budget process. For example, at the August 23 board meeting, commissioners heard from the Medical Examiner (ME), Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT).
MnDOT Principal Planner Kurt Wayne updated the board on MnDOT’s ongoing plans and 2023-2032 construction projects in Houston County, including: 1) Reconstruct Hwy. 16 through Houston; 2) Repair three Hwy. 76 bridges over Money Creek north of Houston; 3) Replace Hwy. 16 bridge (Bridge No. 5848) east of Houston over Crystal Creek; 4) Resurface Hwy. 44 from Spring Grove to Caledonia; 5) Resurface Hwy. 76 from Caledonia to Houston; and 6) Resurface Hwy. 16 from Hwy. 44 to Hwy. 26 and from 0.37 miles West of Hwy. 61 to Hwy. 16, Hwy. 61 from Hwy. 16/61 to 4th St. and Hwy. 44 from Hwy. 44/16 Junction to Highway 16.
Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Ross Reichard, MD, for the Southern Minnesota regional medical examiner’s office, shared statistics from 2017 to 2021, including the numbers of deaths from suicide, homicides, accidental deaths, motor vehicle fatality, accidental falls, poison/drugs, drug overdose, natural causes, and deaths by age in Houston County.
SMIF Vice President of Philanthropy Alissa Oeltjenbruns explained that SMIF continues to focus on economic and community vitality in the 20 countries they serve, which is accomplished by assisting entrepreneurs, early childhood education, and community vitality efforts. Oeltjenbruns shared that over the last couple of years, $23M of relief funds passed through SMIF.
Commissioners present Chairman Greg Myhre, Teresa Walter, Robert (Bob) Burns, Eric Johnson, and Dewey Severson.
The board went into closed session at 10 a.m. pursuant to Minn. State. 13D.05, subdivision 1 (d), attorney-client privilege to consider the recent MAPE arbitration results. Commissioners returned to the open session at 11:23 a.m. Commissioner Walter motioned to conclude negotiations with MAPE, seconded by Commissioner Severson. Roll call vote with Commissioner Walter casting the only yes vote.
Human Resources Director Theresa Arrick-Kruger requested that Social Worker Dianna Sunnes and Child Support Officer Erin Woods employment status be changed from probationary to regular effective August 28, 2022, and September 07, 2022, were approved. Additionally, commissioners approved Arrick-Kruger’s request to begin a competitive search for a 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant, B22.
Chief Deputy Brian Swedberg requested to purchase the new countywide law enforcement software solution, Central Square. The cost of $151,237.20 will be split between the county, and Caledonia, Hokah, Houston, La Crescent, and Spring Grove was approved. Swedberg confirmed that the cities are aware of the costs and are on board.
Commissioner Burns approved Swedberg’s request for ARPA funds to pay for the “unrecovered portion” of the law enforcement contract with Spring Grove.
City Attorney Samuel Jandt and Assessor Luke Onstad appeared before the Commissioners to discuss their department’s 2023 budget. Finance Director Carol Lapham noted that this is just the beginning of the budget process. More to come in the coming months as not all the departments have submitted their budgets.
Allison Wagner announced that the Houston County Board of Commissioners and TKDA are hosting a bus tour on Tuesday, September 20, as part of the comprehensive land use plan update process. The tour is open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve a seat, contact Environmental Services Director Martin Herrick at martin.herrick@co.houston.mn.us by 4:30 p.m., Friday, September 16. Participants will meet in the county board room 222 in the Historic Courthouse at 9:30 a.m.
In other business, the board:
• Approved the Minnesota County Attorney Practice System (MCAPS) agreement with Strategic Technologies Inc. (STI);
• Approved the third amendment to the Medical Examiner/Autopsy services agreement;
• Approved the Emergency Operations Plan;
• Approved agenda and previous minutes from the August 9, 2022, board meeting and the August 16, 2022, workgroup session;
• Accepted a $200 donation from the Brownsville VFW for use by the Veterans Services Office for the needs of any veteran;
• Approved the joint powers agreement between the Houston County Sheriff’s Office and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA).
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled Houston County Commission meeting is Tuesday, September 6, at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Board Room 222, located on the second floor in the Historic County Courthouse, Caledonia, or via the county conference call line (312) 626-6700 enter ID: 994-7297-7175 and password 368422. Public attendees are requested to mute their line until addressed.
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