Houston County Board of Commissioners Board Clerk/Chairperson Pro Tem Allison Wagner called the first meeting of 2023 to order at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3. She led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The first order of business was the board chair and vice chair election. The board nominated Dewey Severson as chairman and Eric Johnson as vice chairman. Both were unanimously approved.
All board members were in attendance: Greg Myhre (District 5), Bob Schuldt (District 4), Robert (Bob) Burns (District 3), Eric Johnson (District 2), and Chairman Dewey Severson (District 1).
The board approved the meeting agenda. In addition, the minutes from the December 27, 2022, regularly scheduled board meeting were approved, with Commissioner Schuldt abstaining since he was not a board member then.
At 9:05 a.m. Donna Trehus opened and read the sealed bids from the Caledonia Argus and Fillmore County Journal for the 2023 Official Newspaper. Commissioners designated the Fillmore County Journal as Houston County’s 2023 Official Newspaper at $5 per column inch.
The board unanimously approved the consent agenda. Eligibility Worker Melissa Jordan’s employment status was changed from probationary to regular, as of January 18, 2023. Chief Deputy Brian Swedberg was granted a leave of absence (up to 10 years) beginning January 3, 2023,per Minnesota Statute 3.088.
The board unanimously approved the 2023 annual appropriations: SE Minnesota Initiative Fund $3,750; SEMAAA $2,000; SELCO $189,650; Emergency Medical Service $10,000; Semcac – Senior & Caregiver Advocacy $1,500; Semcac – Senior Nutrition $2,000; Semcac – Transportation Program (Donation Rides) $1,500; Historical Society $37,500; Historical Society – Matching Funds (Maximum) $5,000; Southern MN Tourism/Historic Bluff Country $952; Agricultural Society $20,000; Agricultural Society – Prior Year Financials Additional $4,000; RRSWCD $129,000; and SE MN EMS $5,000 for a sum of $411,852.
In other business, the board:
•Authorized Child Support Officer Liza Jandt’s 1.0 FTE extension to remain in place, allowing time for further discussion. It was noted that her FTE was to revert to .95 on January 1;
•Adopted Resolution No. 23-02 Authorization to use Alternate Method to Disseminate Bids and Requests. County Engineer Brian Pogodzinski offered the following justification, “This allows the Highway Department to use the County website to advertise for transportation proposals related to construction and maintenance projects. It is cost effective and provides a better way to reach our bidders.”;
•Approved Resolution No. 23-03, No. 23-04, and No. 23-05 authorizing Auditor/Treasurer Donna Trehus and Finance Director Carol Lapham to endorse checks and orders for payment or withdraw or transfer funds on deposit with Merchants Bank N. A., Bank of the West, or ESB Bank;
•Approved the 2023 Commissioner Committee Assignment List.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 a.m.
The next regularly scheduled Houston County Commission meeting is Tuesday, January 10, at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Board Room 222, located on the second floor in the historic county courthouse, Caledonia, or via the county conference call line (312) 626-6700 enter ID: 994-7297-7175 and password 368422. Public attendees are requested to mute their line until addressed.
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