The Caledonia City Council held two public hearings for zoning permits at its regular city council meeting on Monday, March 11.
The public hearings gave Caledonia residents an opportunity to voice their opinions and ask questions regarding Croell’s request for a height variance at 134 Bissen St. and Caledonia Haulers’ request for a setback variance at 314 Lincoln St. before the council decides.
Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug explained that Croell plans to rebuild the existing concrete mix structure and replace the equipment which has outlived its life. The height limit in the I-1 zone is 40’ and Croell is asking for a 20’ variance. The three new silos will be the same height as the current silos.
The only Caledonia resident in attendance was Peggy Purcell. Purcell wanted confirmation that the 100’ wide by 90’ deep building proposed by Caledonia Haulers was only going to be used for storage and not for repairing or washing trucks. She noted in her letter to the city that she is concerned about the “noise and more heavy-duty lighting pointing toward our yards.” Both Director Klug and a representative from Caledonia Haulers confirmed that the building would only be used to “store trucks, parts, and equipment that are currently stored outside.”
Both zoning permits were unanimously approved.
Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Schroeder led his fellow colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Schroeder noted that all council members were present, Robert (Bob) Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick, and Ryan Stenzel.
The council approved the February 12 minutes as written.
The consent agenda including payments and disbursements, appointment of the election judges, a sign permit at 162 Bissen Street, hiring of a tree site attendant, 2024 soft drink licenses for B&M Service Center, Bonanza Grain, Caledonia Implement Co., Caledonia ISD 299, Employee Pop Fund, Good Times Restaurant/Bar, Elsie’s Bar & Grill, Midwest Machinery, A&A Floral, Quillin’s IGA Foodliner, Kraus Oil Co., Houston County Sheriff’s Office, Kwik Trip, Subway, Becker Properties, Caledonia Liquor Store, ABC Works, Caledonia Haulers/Canteen, The CBD Shop, Four Seasons Community Cnter, Houston County Agricultural Society, Caledonia Celebrations, Sol-Agave Restaurant, The American Legion, The Farmhouse Eatery & Gifts, Dollar General, Precision Stainless, Caledonia Elderly Housing MN, The Wired Rooster, Babler Auction Service, The Crooked Quarter, UM Extension Houston County 4-H, and Tree Huggers Cannabis, and 3.2% off sale beer licenses for Kwik Trip, Kraus Oil Company, and Quillin’s IGA was unanimously approved.
Financial Officer Stephanie Mann reviewed the 2023 pre-audit financials with the board and asked the board to approve transferring $150,000 to fund 352. The motion to approve the transfer was unanimously approved. “It was a great surprise when all is said and done. It can’t be right,” gasped Mann. “Things come together at the end of the year.”
In other business the council:
•Approved the ordinance for the city’s first planning commission. The commission will be a five-member committee and Dickson confirmed that he will attend all the committee meetings.
•Rejected all three of the ambulance station design proposals.
•Approve advertising the liquor store clerk position and authorized Dickson to interview and fill the position.
•Rejected both offers on the two parking lots at the intersection of Grove Street and Decorah Street.
There being no questions or comments regarding the overtime reports for pay periods February 5 through February 18 and February 19 through March 3, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
The next Caledonia City Council meeting is set for Monday, March 25 at 6 p.m. It will take place at city hall, 231 E. Main St., located in the heart of historic downtown Caledonia. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
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