The Caledonia City Council approved the proposal from Zenke Inc. to replace 400 feet of stormwater pipe, during its meeting on Monday, October 14, 2024.
According to a staff report from Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug, the proposal entails removing 400 feet of rusted and deteriorating metal culvert pipe and replacing it with 48-inch HDPE pipe. This work will involve installing one or two manhole structures and connection to an existing structure on the east side of Bissen St., as well as performing spot repairs on the west side of Bissen St.
The bid, totaling $80,443.58, covers all materials and labor except for landscaping and seed. An additional $2,500 will be allocated for city staff to landscape and seed the area when the project is done bringing the total cost of the project just under $83,000.
Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
All members present include Bob Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, Dave Fitzpatrick and Ryan Stenzel.
The minutes from the September 23, 2024, regular city council and the minutes from the October 1, 2024, special city council meeting were unanimously approved as written.
The approved consent agenda included the payments and disbursements and a $25 monthly cell phone stipend for Kayla Snell, police administrative assistant.
There were no public comments.
In addition to updates on street repairs and work at the WWTP, Director Klug mentioned that fall cleanup begins Monday, October 21, and ends Friday, October 25. The dump will be open all next week and the following week for people that want to take their own stuff to the dump.
City Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson announced during his report, “I’m in the very early stages of working with somebody that has an interest in purchasing the nursing home. They are looking at it for an elderly and expanded care facility. I’m trying to find some grant dollars for them. Hopefully, it progresses neatly and we have some good news eventually.”
In other business, the council:
- Approved the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) change order number 4.
- Reviewed the overtime report for the pay period from September 16 through September 29. The reason for Officer Davis’ overtime hours is that the permanent part-time officer has not been replaced, and while one part-timer has not officially resigned, they have not picked up any shifts.
Before the Caledonia City Council meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m., Caledonia resident Danielle Burg asked the council if it was true that the police chief is running for county commissioner and if elected, whether he planned to continue serving as the city’s police chief. Burg inquired, “He’s got a pretty big agenda with the city as far as supervising all the officers and stuff, correct?” Dickson responded that it is difficult to answer because it is an employment matter. However, he noted that the chief intends to continue serving as the city’s police chief and that nothing prevents him from holding both positions. Dickson mentioned that Houston County Commissioner Bob Schuldt is also the police chief in Hokah. He confirmed that the city is aware that the chief is running for county commissioner and is monitoring the situation. Commissioner Bob Klug also noted that the chief is also a member of the city’s fire department.
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