My kids have already been counting down the days until Christmas for several months. There’s nothing quite like the allure of Christmas. Everything gets a new flavor! The music is different, houses change their appearance, the kitchen emits a festive smell, desserts are plentiful, and everyone is remembering the best Christmases “from long long ago.” It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
And, here we are, sitting in our turkey hangovers, thinking about the holiday we just celebrated. Happy belated Thanksgiving! I say these days of anticipation are the best part of this season. We already had a celebration and the best is yet to come! We can have all the feelings while still looking forward to more celebration! I don’t get to celebrate my birthday like this. I can’t say, “It’s my birthday next month, let’s start singing happy birthday!” That would be weird.
I have heard rumor of those people who claim to have a birthday MONTH and make good use of that declaration. I think I’m going to one-up this idea and suggest it to my wife and see what she thinks. How about this for a proposal, “Hey, January is coming soon. That means it’s my birthday year!” I’m going to try it. (Ten minutes later) … I just asked her. I think she’s on board. She laughed and said, “Is this a new thing? Can I do that too?” We’ll let you know how it goes!
I think it makes sense to have a long celebration and anticipation for Christmas as it is the chosen time for the celebration of the Savior of our world. Could we ever overdo our celebration for Jesus, the one who gave up everything for us who deserved nothing?! In the words of CT Studd, “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”
We have a green and red paper chain hanging above our kitchen sink, counting down the days until Christmas. My kids keep saying I wish Christmas was already here and I keep trying to convince them that these are the best days of Christmas! We get to have all the trimmings and we still have all the celebrations still to come!
So far, my favorite Christmassy moment was sitting in an outdoor hot tub with beautiful snowflakes falling in our hair and Christmas music floating on the air!
Sometimes the most wonderful time of the year can get even better if we list the things we are looking forward to. Here are a few Christmassy things that I’m looking forward to this year.
Christmas cookies! Making them is ok, but I mostly just like to eat them. I’m especially looking forward to the little round ones with the chocolate kiss in the center. They are best when dipped in fresh milk!
Of course, getting a Christmas tree is one of the highlights of the season. Last year we even found a place to cut our own in Spring Grove that was a wonderful experience.
Gift shopping can really be a great time to think of others and enjoy the opportunity to be generous. It’s also very fun to be out on the town with everything decked with boughs of holly.
Putting up Christmas lights. I really, not too secretly, only enjoy them once they’re up twinkling in their place but they do need to be put there to enjoy them!
Every year, the Sunday School program puts on a Christmas story pageant at our church that is so much fun to participate in. It’s always a rush to get the cows milked and get there before my kids are on stage.
We loved the living nativity in Rushford last year and we’re planning to go again this year if they are hosting it! It was a favorite memory for our kids last year – especially the popcorn ball treat they provided.
The Rotary lights in La Crosse are a fun tradition. I’m not sure if I’m hoping for cold enough weather to skate on the rink or not.
Christmas movies together as a family is something that we look forward to on Friday nights. This year we’ll be cueing up the movie “Journey to Bethlehem,” one of our favorites!
And as the song declares; Listen to the angels! They’re shouting “Glory to the newborn king!” Proclaiming that Jesus came so that God and sinners (that’s us) could be reconciled!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!
Meet your farmer – Jonathan Gerdes. He and his wife run a farm-to-table raw milk dairy and farm airbnb in Caledonia, Minn. If he isn’t in the barn, you can find him dating his wife, playing with his kids, leading youth group, or flying in the sky. Visit gerdesfreshfarm.com for more info.
Christmas Punch
1 1/4 cups pomegranate juice
1 1/4 cups grape juice
Splash of tart cherry juice
2 1/2 cups coconut water
1 cup orange juice
1/4 cup lime juice
1 lemon (thinly sliced with peel)
1 lime (thinly sliced with peel)
1 orange (thinly sliced with peel)
1 apple (cored and sliced thinly)
Slice fruit thinly with the peel on. Add sliced fruit to a large pitcher. Add the fruit juices and coconut water. Stir well. Place in the fridge and let chill for three to four hours. Serve over ice, including the fruit. Enjoy!
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