By Pastor Stuart Weist
First Baptist Church of Preston
Summer is upon us and if you’re like me, it’s your favorite time of year. The weather is warm enough to head out into the fields, lakes, trails, and gardens. Everywhere you look things are green and new life is bursting forth. Summer is an amazing time, that is before it gets too hot.
As amazing as summer is, it also comes with a great degree of danger. The danger comes not just from potential injuries or deer on the highways but from putting the creation before the Creator. As summer heats up so do family plans, time at the lake, and vacations. What cools off is our church attendance, devotional readings, and time spent worshipping the Lord. This can be a dangerous and slippery slope.
When Israel put their desire to be like the other nations before God, He rebuked them though the prophets, judges, and His Word. When they did not listen, God allowed them to be taken captive by neighboring nations. However, I think Paul gives us one of the greatest examples of one who allowed other things to come before God. Calling himself the chiefest of sinners in 1 Tim 1:15, Paul back when he was called Saul was no stranger to pride and power.
He was zealous for the Lord but zealous only on his terms. He wanted the followers of Christ destroyed, the conquering Messiah to destroy Rome, and the deliverance of Israel. Everything changed for him on that Damascus road when he finally yielded his life to the Lord. Paul lived in a world filled with idols, temples, and false Gods so he knew what it was to see people put things they created before the Lord. In fact, in Rom 1:25 he described those that worshipped idols as those who “exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.” He goes on to say that because of their rejection of the Lord “God gave them up to vile passions” (Rom 1:26). Paul’s point in Romans is that when we allow the desires and joys of our life to overtake our desire for the Lord it becomes an idol in our hearts.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying summer, time on vacation, or even the sunshine. So long as we still enjoy the Lord more and make time for Him. When our time at the lake, in the field, or camping takes the place of our time worshipping the Lord with our fellow believers, it has become an idol of our heart and we are on a slippery slope towards sin. So, fellow believers in Christ, enjoy God’s creation but be mindful not to worship the creation more than the Creator. Remember to always give thanks to the Lord and if He leads, we would love to see you at First Baptist Church in Preston this Sunday (even if you’re still dressed for camping).
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