By Jeff Erding
Wykoff, MN
A February 1 article appeared in the Daily Caller, authored by Dennis Prager. It carries the title “Transgender Swimmer Display Elites Cowardice.”
One example of a nationwide trend, Prager details how Will Thompson, a former member of the men’s team, disclosed her new gender, took the new name of Lia, and joined the women’s team. Lia has since been dominating competitions and smashing conference and national collegiate records.
Readers are urged to read Mr. Prager’s article, which details sensitive facts which I must omit sharing in a family publication. What I can say is Lia is still possessed of her male appendages, makes little effort to maintain a semblance of modesty, and freely admits to teammates that She is still attracted to and dates females. Her teammates have complained to officials and coaches to no avail. Rather than address Lia’s behavior, University of Pennsylvania authorities issued a statement offering counseling to those who feel “uncomfortable” with sharing their shower and locker room with Lia.
That Lia has taken testosterone blockers has little or no bearing on the fact that she has a tremendous advantage in physical strength and endurance. Her teammates know this, as do the coaches, competitors, and administrators. To date, very few officials have had the courage to speak out.
How could this be, given that the vast majority of Americans care deeply about fairness to women and in their right to compete on an equal basis? The Folks know that biological males have an insurmountable advantage in physical competition with biological females. Why don’t those in charge put a stop to this travesty?
Because they are overcome with leftist cowardice and the “wokeism” that has infected the intellectual elitists who control most of our universities and far too much of our public school system. The fact they know that boys competing as girls is unfair madness cannot overcome their fear of being ostracized by their fellow woke, inclusive, equity conscious contemporaries. They are, in a word, Cowards.
Title IX has been a tremendous benefit to American girls and women. As a man with three daughters and seven granddaughters, I’m outraged by the behavior of the authorities responsible for allowing biological males to enter areas reserved for females… and allowing them to compete against biological females. I hope you are too.
The only way to rescue Title IX is for sensible, caring, reasonable people to speak out and get involved.
And when election time rolls around, make sure to extract a promise of support for the integrity of Title IX from any candidate before giving them your vote. No matter how the leftists try to twist the facts, the intent of Title IX is to provide a pathway for females to compete on a fair and equal basis. Allowing biological males to compete as females in sports is the opposite of that intent.
God Bless until next time,
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