So, I’m granted a space here on a semi-regular basis to give commentary, because apparently someone thinks my words are worth reading… or at least that they needed some soft-headed Lefty to point and laugh at. I do my best to present my side of the story in a way that’s entertaining and tries not to wag a finger too much, even if I often feel like I’m watching the guy from the Monopoly board game continually flick lit matches at a swimming pool full of gasoline. Eventually he’s going to get us all killed, but he thinks it won’t effect him, because he’s rich.
So I often end up being a downer in these articles: climate is getting crazier, the younger generations are unhappy and starting to get just plain angry at those in power and, worst of all, we might have to start eating less meat as a culture. If you’re one of the folks who groans when they see my button-nosed mug in the commentary section when the open the paper, I want to make something very clear: I don’t particularly enjoy writing these things, either.
I mean, think about it… what do I get if it turns out I’m right about everything?
Trust me, the initial rush of an “I told you so” moment fades pretty quickly when we start rationing water. Saying “You know, I was right about all this,” doesn’t do much when we’re all making 50 cents an hour cleaning the smog off of drones for Walmart-Amazon-Facebook, Inc. And any sort of high and mighty feeling I get from going meatless now will be pretty pretty tame when we’re all gagging down a meal replacement shake in the Google data mines. Long story short, I really don’t want to be right about everything, because that’s really not the best case scenario for me, my family, or yours.
I really don’t want to be right. I want to believe in people who come together and work toward all of our best interests. I want to believe things will get better, despite what the data and my useless History degree tells me. I want to look at the world my daughter will graduate into and know 100% that it will be better than the one I did… but I can’t… but I’ll keep trying. I don’t write things here to make myself feel special, or to make you, the reader, feel ashamed or in awe of my super-space-brain intelligence. I write here and I give the perspective I do because at some point, you-know-what is going to hit the fan, and if just one person says, “Hey, let’s try it this way instead,” I know I’ll be able to give myself a little smile.
Y’know, before the Google-bots whip me and force me back to work spying on people’s YouTube history.
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