By Jeff Erding, Wykoff, MN
And why do Radical Leftist Democrats hate her so much?
Wikipedia says Amy Vivian Coney Barrett is age 48, went to Rhodes College, majored in English Lit, minor in French. BA in 1994 from Rhodes, law school at Notre Dame, graduated first in her class 1997. Spent two years as a law clerk at the U.S. Court of Appeals in D.C., then for Justice Scalia at the U.S. Supreme Court. From 1999 to 2002 worked for private law firms in the D.C. area while also serving as an instructor at George Washington U before returning to Notre Dame as an instructor. Became a Professor in 2010, received the “Distinguished Professor of the Year” award three times. She has been widely published in prestigious legal publications.
In May of 2017, was nominated to the 7th District Court of Appeals by President Trump. After contentious confirmation hearings, Judge Barrett was confirmed on October 31, 2017, as the first and only woman to hold a 7TH Circuit Court seat in Indiana. Her nomination was endorsed by every law clerk she ever worked with, all 47 of her colleagues at the Notre Dame school of law, and 450 of her former students. She was bitterly opposed by most Senate Democrats and several left wing activist groups. Only three Democrat Senators voted in favor of confirmation.
Judge Barrett married fellow Notre Dame Graduate Jesse Barrett in 1999. The Barretts have seven children, two of whom were adopted from Haiti.
Amy Barrett has a brilliant legal mind and a spotless record as a jurist. On September 6, 2020, President Trump nominated her to take the seat on the U.S. Supreme Court vacated by the recently deceased Ruth Ginsburg. Judge Barrett is eminently qualified to serve. Even her most vociferous detractors are powerless to find a way to criticize her in that regard.
So why do Democrat Leftists hate her?
Because Amy Coney Barrett is, to them, the most despicable of all creatures: a woman who exposes all the lies about women they have worked so hard to convince us of since the 1960’s. As Joy Pullmann states on September 26 in The Federalist, “Her very existence repudiates the Left’s binary thinking about womanhood, that women have to deny what makes women different from men to achieve professionally. And that’s why they hate her.” Pullmann goes on to say that Barrett is “a walking rebuke” to the anti women feminist narrative that insists women cannot compete as equals with men unless they abandon the things that make them unique, special, and different than men, including the beautiful ability to bear children. Specifically, she says, what leftist lies does the life of Amy Barrett expose?
•Women Need Abortion to Succeed
• Children Make you Unhappy
• Women Must Repress Their Fertility to Succeed.
• Religious People and Conservatives are Anti-Sex
• Women Don’t Need Men
• Christianity Oppresses Women
• Women should Prioritize career Over Family
• Women are Oppressed
Certainly the last item is one of the foundational principles of leftism; that is, to promote a sense of victimhood, particularly in women and minorities. No matter what is accomplished, no matter what improvements are made, their political agenda rests on resentment, unhappiness, and that those conditions are someone else’s fault and only Democrat Socialists and government control can fix it.
That is the real reason Radical leftist Democrats hate Amy Barrett. She is a married, Christian, Conservative, intelligent, successful, mother of seven who is happy and fulfilled, and will continue to be no matter the outcome of the confirmation hearings. Her existence exposes the despicable lies of the left, and they will never forgive her.
This year’s election gives us a stark contrast. We can choose Democrat Socialists who have shown us clearly in the states and cities they control that they will take us down the path of anarchy, lawlessness, persecution of Christians, and tyrannical control. We can vote for candidates who defend life, liberty, freedom of worship, our second amendment, private property, and our Constitution. I don’t want anyone who hates a wonderful person like Judge Barrett to control my life. I hope you don’t either.
God Bless, Jeff
David R Webb MD says
Nothing illustrates the current class of Republicans’ blatant hypocrisy and their disdain for democracy than the pell-mell rush to confirm ACB to the SCOTUS. In 2016, Mitch McConnell, notably abetted by fellow senators, Graham and Grassley, “because it was an election year, and the people should decide,” refused even to permit a vote on Judge Merrick Garland, whose only disqualification was that he had been nominated by President Obama. Fast forward to 2020, and during the election, these same hypocrites ram through the confirmation of Judge Coney Barrett, whose principal qualification was her having passed Trump’s litmus test.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Hawkeye63/Jeff Erding
Amy Coney Barrett is not a bad nominee. She’d likely get plenty of votes on both sides of the aisle if it weren’t for the circumstances from which she was nominated. It’s the simple fact that there have already been millions of votes cast for this election that makes the GOP look like the biggest political hacks and hypocrites there could be (as well as those who support their efforts to subvert liberty…you). This means gloves are off come January, politically speaking. There is no constitutional restriction on increasing the number of justices in the Supreme Court.
Greg Rendahl says
I agree with J0n, but there’s lots more. Only 1 President in the past few decades actually won the popular vote, yet they have picked 14 or the last 19 SCOTUS Justices. McConnell and the Republicans denied over 100 Obama picks for judges and now Trump got to fill them all. I’m tired of hypocrites winning. It’s time for big changes and that includes judges who put people over big money.
Jon says
Maybe we just object to the brazen double standard of her being voted in as a Supreme Court justice literally days before this year’s presidential election when Senators McConnell, Graham, Grassley, etc. refused to move forward with Merrick Garland’s nomination months before 2016’s presidential election. They made up one set of rules for Garland and then conveniently kicked that rule to the side for ACB.
Jeffrey K Erding says
@ Jon, then why was she bitterly opposed by Senate Democrats and left wing activist groups when she was nominated to the 7th District Circuit Court in 2017? I’m sure you can answer that easily, we are waiting…..
Jeffrey K Erding says
@Jon, then why did Senate Democrats and several leftist activist groups oppose her so bitterly when she was nominated to the 7th circuit in 2017?
Jon says
1. People can object to a lifetime court appointment without hating someone. It appears that those who objected to her nomination did so based off her past writings and based on concerns that she would eventually overturn previous cases related to abortion, birth control, and LGBTQ rights.
2. But in 2020, most are largely upset that this SCOTUS nomination is going through right before the current presidential election when they Republican Senate leadership had refused to move forward with Merrick Garland’s nomination for nearly a year before the 2016 presidential election.