The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recommends testing your private well water every year for coliform bacteria. This test can indicate if other infectious bacteria, viruses, or parasites may be in your water supply. The Fillmore SWCD is an accredited lab by the MDH for the analysis of bacteria in your drinking water. We are local, convenient, and can give you timely results.
In 2024, the Fillmore SWCD Water Quality Laboratory analyzed 163 drinking water samples for both total coliform and E.coli bacteria. Of those 163 samples, 57 were positive for total coliform; 12 of which were also positive for E.coli. A vast majority of these samples were older wells with very little construction information about them. We recommend following the MDH guidelines for disinfection if any bacteria are detected in your private well water.
Contaminants in your well water could cause short-term and long-term health effects. Another contaminant that is quite common in our area is nitrate. Nitrate is a compound that is naturally occurring, as well as many man-made sources. When nitrate concentration levels are too high (MDH human health risk limit is 10 mg/L), it affects how the blood carries oxygen, and can cause methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) in infants. Infants are most at-risk for this condition, but high nitrates in drinking water may also put other people at risk if they have certain conditions.
The MDH recommends testing private wells for nitrate every year, but often the nitrate levels vary in wells in southeast Minnesota throughout the year. Nitrate levels in your well can fluctuate by the month depending upon the age, depth and construction of the well. Screening your well water for nitrates is FREE at the Fillmore SWCD all year round. Bring in your water sample in a clean container if you want the nitrate levels checked.
The Fillmore SWCD offers bacterial analysis of your drinking water for $50, unless there is a pregnant person or a child <1 year old (reduced cost of $20). We also offer FREE nitrate screening (non-accredited results) for any water sample submitted to our lab (in a separate container from a bacteria sample).
If you have any questions regarding testing your private well for bacteria, nitrates or other contaminants, or would like to learn more, please contact:
Nikki Wheeler
Water Management
Aaren Mathison
Conservation Technician
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