By James Gilmer
Houston, Minn.
I am responding to Col.Gudmundson’s question in his last commentary, asking “Other than Trump hatred, what does the left stand for? What’s their better alternative?”
How about a government that supports all of its populace, not just the ones that voted for it?
How about a government that leads with truth and science?
How about a president that doesn’t lie at every opportunity if it fits his narrative. (20,000 lies and counting)?
How about a government that builds things? Like roads and bridges and trains and schools.
How about a government that cares about the world we leave for future generations? Will we leave a planet that our children’s children cannot just survive upon but thrive upon?
How about a government whose leader doesn’t spend 365 days at a golf course out of 1348 days in office?
How about a government whose administration is filled with experts in the specific areas they oversee, rather than run by friends, donors and family members?
How about a government that bails out its citizens rather than Wall Street, oil companies and friends of president?
How about a government that recognizes we are a country of immigrants and works for a fair and honest immigration system.
How about a government that doesn’t eviscerate regulations that keeps our air, water and earth free of pollutants?
How about a government that understands that a healthy and educated populace is the glue that keeps economies robust?
How about a government that understands patriotism is not synonymous with hatred for those who don’t look like us, talk like us or pray like us?
Republicans hold up the current administration as a shining example of good governance for the world to see. How can that be?
The EU has just shut its doors to all Americans who want to travel abroad. This is costing the EU billions of dollars in tourist related revenue alone. But the EU’s leaders know just how sick America is as a society, both physically and especially, politically. We are a danger not only to ourselves and our democracy, but to rest of the world as well and we have Republicans to thank for it.
Sanity says
The left stands for the party of failures. Fail at life, we’ll take from the rich and give to you. Fail at school, we’ll cancel testing. Fail at staying law abiding? We’ll free you to repeat those mistakes.
The left are a hateful bunch with no track record of success anywhere in the world. Everything in America today was built on capitalism and better men. The left wants to deny that there are better men and that a homeless guy contributes just as much as a heart surgeon.
babs says
The only thing Trump supporters have is hatred and conspiracy theories. They’re all terrible people.
OK, let’s play this “How About” Game!
How about realistically understanding that the greatest existential threat to America and the Western world is Radical Leftism! They want to “fundamentally change” America because it is the primary obstacle to their achievement of their utopian vision of universal material equality.
Let’s consider what a president’s- and all elected officials’ primary responsibilities are- according to priorities. How about re-electing a president who is an “American president” who understands who he works for, puts America and Americans first, what his primary responsibilities are, and who gets the right things done.
“Our government’s first duty is to its people, to our citizens- to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to preserve their rights, and to defend their values.” President Donald J. Trump
The most critical considerations, especially during a presidential election, is the political ideologies associated with the candidates, how these ideologies have worked in the real world, how they match up with these priorities, and his track record. You are not electing just the “Chief Executive” and “Commander-In-Chief, but also the people who will be working with the President and elsewhere. The most critical responsibility of any American leader is:
1. Defense of America. The #1 priority is to protect the American people and American interests at home and abroad, especially now in the increasingly dangerous environment both external and internal. Failure here and nothing else matters. Trump:
– Directed rebuilding of US military, acted to counter Iran and block its path for acquiring nuclear weapons, and acted to strengthen NATO.
– Is working to build a border wall despite fierce obstruction from a party that places political power over national security and personal safety.
– Authorized the new Space Command to counter weaponization of space by potential enemies who are developing weapons to destroy our satellites. Satellites are critical for communications in both military and civilian arenas, conducting military operations, keeping track of what potential enemies are doing, as well as in meteorology and other applications.
2. Protecting American People and Homeland. Ensure domestic tranquility. This important responsibility is highlighted by the anarchy of Marxist-led BLM supporters who are rioting, burning buildings, and looting, primarily in Democratic-led cities. Trump has:
– Offered/ordered Federal agents to assist in restoring law and order in cities whose mayors and governors have failed to carry out their primary responsibilities. This anarchy has little if anything to do with reforming the police- it is a full-fledged Marxist-led revolution to destroy America’s culture and heritage!
– Actively worked to gain funding by Congress to build the southern border wall which is required to prevent illegal immigration, sex trafficking, drug running, terrorists from crossing into the US, etc.
– Established rigorous vetting for refugees seeking to enter the country, and controlling immigration from countries that harbor terrorists.
– Acted to insure enforcement of current laws. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have made increases in arrests of illegal aliens. Of illegal aliens arrested, over 92% had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges.
– Fully supported local police by securing $98 million in grant funding to hire over 800 additional full-time law enforcement officers ,and has restored state and local access to surplus Department of Defense equipment. This will be critical now to replace officers who are retiring or quitting their jobs because of a lack of support from their local governments.
3. Promote American Prosperity. A strong economy benefits all people and is a major factor in defense considerations. Trump:
– Withdrew US from job-killing deals such as Trans-Pacific Partnership and unfair Paris Climate Accord.
– Jump-started America’s workers and economy by cutting taxes and getting rid of job-killing regulations
– Unlocked America’s vast energy resources. Energy policies have resulted in America as the #1 energy oil producer with many more job opportunities.
4. Preserve/Restore Principles Critical For Democratic Processes and Self Government. Trump:
– Is defending essential individual rights such as right to life, freedom of religion, and self-defense. Without the right to life, all other rights are meaningless.
– Identified and is counteracting certain corrupt elements of the mainstream media as “enemies of the people”. People who act as political activists in favor of one political party, but masquerade as “the free press” are propagandists that are usually found in totalitarian countries along with indoctrination by education systems. A well-informed public is critical for the success of democratic processes involved in self-government.
— This biased media has subjected Pres. Trump and conservatives with a daily barrage of slander, distortion and outright lies. In 2018, 95% of all media coverage of the President has been negative. During the Obama years, press coverage was positive 93% of the time. For the Left, truth is not a value.
– Has appointed judges who will interpret our Constitution according to original intent, not on personal opinions and beliefs based on social justice engineering.
5. Promote American Prosperity. Related to national defense is economic security and well-being of the American people. Trump’s actions have resulted in:
– Tax cuts of $5.5 trillion with 60% going to families, with near doubling of the standard deduction.
– An increase of US Gross Domestic Production at or above 3% for two quarters in a row for the 1st time in three years.
– Creation of nearly 1.7 million new jobs and lowest unemployment rate of 4.1% in nearly 17 years.
– Lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment in American history.
– Bringing more foreign investment back to America and promoting sale of more American products abroad.
6. Biden Proposals. A Biden victory in the next election will mean a 3rd term of a former president, and who will try to undo all the good that Trump has accomplished- “fundamental transformation”. Biden, as a puppet under direction from the radical left, will promote:
– Government control of key industries such as manufacturing and distribution of goods and services.
– A single-payer health program for all, including illegals, that could cost up to $32 trillion in 10 years.
– Spending on big-ticket social programs with total of $10 trillion over 10 years.
– Much higher taxes to pay for these programs.
– Reduced spending on military and police. The way to deal with threats is to downplay, or even ignore them. Safety of Americans is not a consideration.
– Rejoining Paris Climate Accord that would cost us $20 billion/year.
– Cutting off spending for border wall or even tear it down.
– Increased taxes on businesses and individuals.
– Renewed attacks on Christians, conservatives, law enforcement
7. In summary, as noted by past actions and comments, Biden and the radical Dem. Socialists are anti-God, anti-America, anti-Christian, anti-fundamental rights, anti-rule of law, anti-capitalism, anti-family, etc. In short, they are against everything that has made America great in support of their utopian fantasy based on godless Marxism, an ideology that has failed every time it has been tried in the real world.
The choice could not be clearer: American Conservatism/Republican with Trump who gets the right things done or Dem. Socialism with Biden who will be nothing more than a puppet of the radical Left. Is it going to be a prosperous future under God, with individual liberty that has resulted in the greatest country to ever have existed, or possibly catastrophic failure and misery with an ideology that has failed every time it has been tried in the real world? If people claim to love America, then focus on what’s critically important and vote accordingly. Try to overcome all the propaganda and indoctrination of hollow promises designed to increase political power of one party and the wealth that goes with that power. It will be the top party hacks and the managers of the means of production who consider themselves “more equal” than the rest of us. And the rest of us do not matter at all! “For the people” to them means only certain elites”!
ryan d says
what an absolute crackpot this clown is. wow. and posting constantly. jesus.
Mark D Olinger says
My wife and I just moved to harmony from South San Francisco and are delighted to hear your views and now feel more comfort instead of anticipation in living here. Hello Minnesota!
Welcome to Minn. We also moved here from Utah almost a year ago to be closer to relatives and family. I’m originally from this area, but moved away when I joined the Air 1967 and stayed at my last assigned base until now. What brings you here?
Minnesota has been a liberal state since I can remember; however, Trump came close to taking it in the 2016 election, but we’ll just have to see what happens this time- daily negativism from the “free press”, virus, and the anarchy/chaos that’s going on now. I just hope that more people can see through the constant lies, deceit, etc. of the radical Left again this time too and keep America on the right track.