By Stan Gudmundson, Peterson, MN
What do Democrats believe in and what do they stand for? To figure that out we could just review their history and examine what they are currently pushing. But that method is not all that useful this year since, as polls show, most Democrats do not care about their candidates or its platform. They will be voting against Trump. Because they hate him. And us, his supporters. That’s it.
Sometimes though, I run into Democrats who say they don’t support many of the things that Democrats stand for. But voting for a Democrat means supporting all their positions, either implicitly or explicitly. Saying otherwise is just cheap meaningless hypocritical blather.
Voting for Democrats means you support or are voting:
And approving of the fraudulent seditious coup attempt of a president.
For a likely and far left Harris presidency. Biden has serious health and cognitive issues.
For socialism despite its miserable failure always and everywhere. The Heritage Foundation’s Index of World Economic Freedom indicates that Scandinavian countries have more economic freedom than the US. The socialist notion that the US should be more like them flies in the face of the evidence.
To undercut this administration’s progress on trade. Previous trade agreements, and some proposed, did, or would do, a great deal of harm to America and our workers. The TPP, for example, contained more than 5,000 pages with nothing but special interest carve-outs.
To eliminate energy independence. You are also voting for higher energy prices making it more challenging for businesses and jobs to stay in the US. and you are voting to force our military back into places we have no business being costing money and American blood. And also, for reducing our standard of living.
For much higher taxes.
For abortion. If you are a small ‘c’ Democrat voting christian, you have to believe that the commandment ‘thou shalt not kill’ does not apply to you. I wonder if they have prepared an answer for supporting the killing of babies when the good Lord someday asks them about it. And making commitments to leftist political views more important than their ‘christian’ faith.
To change society’s mores and moral boundaries. For example,
California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed a bill reducing penalties for sodomy with ‘willing’ minors.
To support the adoption of a radical sex education curriculum for children in middle and even grade school, now advancing countrywide.
To reinstitute Obama’s diktats mandating that people do things that are against their religious beliefs or conscience. The Little Sisters of the Poor will again be required to pay for contraception, photographers will be required to photograph gay ‘weddings, etc. Religious freedom and liberty will be curtailed.
Gun control to take away our guns and our natural right to protect ourselves. Only one Democrat in Congress currently has an NRA ‘A’ rating.
For judges who dislike the constitution and thus are against liberty. Laws will be based on judicial mandates, whatever they decide it to be that day.
By failing to stand up for law and order and not condemning Antifa/Marxist BLM, you are implicitly supporting leftist rioting and violence and the defund the police movement.
For Biden’s proposal to re-join the Paris Climate Agreement even though US emissions reductions are better those countries who signed the agreement.
Incompetent leftist forest management policies. California is a Mediterranean climate meant to frequently burn. That burning should occur when the underbrush is just a few inches tall rather than many feet high that create incredible infernos. And even firenadoes.
For open borders and the consequent destruction of America society as we know it.
For the leftist big lie ‘racism’ charade in the world’s least racist society that has ever existed. It’s a distraction from real problems we should address, some of which exist because of leftist ‘efforts’ in the first place.
Gerald J. Boyum says
1. Excellent summary of what people are voting for. They are voting for a political ideology endorsed not just by one person, but also for the officials who will be part of his or her administration as well as judges and Supreme Court justices who will play a large part in determining the direction America will take in the near future and possibly beyond. The candidate’s political ideology will determine how that person will govern and what programs that person will support or ignore.
a. Primary Voting Criterion. Is it going to be making/keeping America Great under Trump/Pence which has made America the greatest country to ever have existed with its foundation of Biblical/Christian principles or is it fundamental transformation to socialism which is based on godless Marxism under Biden/Harris who are supporting an ideology that has failed wherever it’s been tried in the real world?
b. The next voting criterion of any leader, including our president and all other elected officials are the job requirements of the specific positions. The #1 requirement is defense of America and its people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Failure here and nothing else matters.
“Defense” includes defense of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; space operations and research, armed forces and weapons deployments, intelligence operations, border and immigration control, domestic tranquility (law and order), strong economy and strategic materials such as oil, iron ore, rare earth elements, our history and heritage, our flag and what it represents, and what it means to be an American (if possible, over 2/3rd of foreigners would want to be here!
2. If voters would honestly apply the above criteria in this election for electing our leader and other elected positions, Trump/Biden would win in a landslide! No Democratic Socialist would get near any elected position until they disassociate themselves from this destructive ideology and follow the example of Harry Truman and Jack Kennedy who were staunch anti-communists who believed in America as their Republican opponents did- they differed only in the ways and methods of keeping America great. Here are some more things a vote for Biden would involve:
a. Banning fracking and shutting down the oil industry. During the last debate, Biden lied about banning fracking when a couple of videos showed that both he and Harris specifically said that they would ban it. He also stated that he would shut down the oil industry, a “life blood” component of our economy. Shutting that industry down would bring on the worst depression we’ve ever had- or is that their ultimate objective, to destroy the middle class which would be hit the hardest?
b. Reducing military budgets for spending on social programs. The first responsibility of any leader is defense of their country and people. This includes the military, intelligence operations, alliances, defense of our borders, civil defense (domestic tranquility as stated in the Constitution), space domination and research, and our heritage/history, and principles that made us great. Reducing military budgets and space programs while potential enemies are weaponizing space and building/modernizing their weaponry with the rationalization that “we have no enemies” is putting American forces and country in great danger. Peace through strength and being ready for wartime operations from Day 1 is the way to deter potential enemies, not appeasement, ignoring threats, and “leading from behind”.
c. Medicare For All. This would mean Medicare for None, especially if “all” means anyone who can get across the border.
d. Black Lives Matter. A movement that began as demonstrations for police reform was taken over by Marxist leaders who turned it into a communist revolution. What do demands for reparations, burning, rioting, looting, and destroying statues of civil rights leaders, Christian saints, Lincoln, etc. have to do with BLM? But those things have everything to do with the Marxist/Communists objective of wiping out America’s heritage and history in attempts to wiping out our founding principles which is their ultimate objective.
e. D.C. and Puerto Rico Statehood. This would give Dem. Socialists a permanent majority in the Senate. Next- Guam, American Samoa?
f. Court Packing. This was tried by FDR when the Supreme Court blocked some of his programs, but it failed due to non-support from members of his party also. Where was the amendment to the Constitution any time afterwards to limit the number of justices to nine, a number that has worked quite well? Republicans sleeping at the switch again.
g. Industry and Jobs Leaving U.S. Again. Increased taxes and regulations designed to control businesses/the economy will make it impossible to operate and compete with foreign companies. During the pandemic and companies/small businesses struggling to survive is not the time for raising taxes and increasing costs, Joe!
h. Re-Writing History. The 1619 project. Priscilla Alden brought slavery to the New World. Every president on Mount Rushmore was a racist. Plains Indians were all pacifists, at least before the white men came, and environmentalists who did nothing to provoke genocidal U.S. Cavalries. In the former Soviet Union, a favorite saying was. “We know what our future is going to be, but we don’t know what the past will be.”
i. 25th Amendment. At some determined time, Biden will be removed because of mental issues or forced to resign, and Harris will be installed- the plan all along to have the most radical person to ever hold that office.
3. Again I say it. I don’t think every one who votes for Biden/Harris are socialists/communists, so why are you voting for them, especially when your vote is more like an anti-Trump vote? Trump has proven by words and deeds many times that he is an American president working for America and Americans. Dem. Socialist Biden, if he follows the political ideology of his “handlers”, is un-American and anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-American traditions and values. Elections, especially this one, are not personality contests! This one will determine the path that America will take for the future, and what we will pass on to future generations or as the Preamble to the Constitution reads, “and secure the blessing of liberty and our Posterity,” [future generations] Are we going to be the generations that did exactly that, or one that gave it away in response to hollow promises, lies, and fantasies designed to mesmerize a sizable part of gullible Americans willing to trade liberty for security and their citizenship for serfdom?
1. Excellent summary of what people are voting for. They are voting for a political ideology endorsed not just by one person, but also for the officials who will be part of his or her administration as well as judges and Supreme Court justices who will play a large part in determining the direction America will take in the near future and possibly beyond. The candidate’s political ideology will determine how that person will govern and what programs that person will support or ignore.
Primary Voting Criterion. Is it going to be making/keeping America Great under Trump/Pence which has made America the greatest country to ever have existed with its foundation of Biblical/Christian principles or is it fundamental transformation to socialism which is based on godless Marxism under Biden/Harris who are supporting an ideology that has failed wherever it’s been tried in the real world?
The next voting criterion of any leader, including our president and all other elected officials are the job requirements of the specific positions. The #1 requirement is defense of America and its people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Failure here and nothing else matters.
“Defense” includes defense of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; space operations and research, armed forces and weapons deployments, intelligence operations, border and immigration control, domestic tranquility (law and order), strong economy and strategic materials such as oil, iron ore, rare earth elements, our history and heritage, our flag and what it represents, and what it means to be an American (if possible, over 2/3rd of foreigners would want to be here!
2. If voters would honestly apply the above criteria in this election for electing our leader and other elected positions, Trump/Biden would win in a landslide! No Democratic Socialist would get near any elected position until they disassociate themselves from this destructive ideology and follow the example of Harry Truman and Jack Kennedy who were staunch anti-communists who believed in America as their Republican opponents did- they differed only in the ways and methods of keeping America great. Here are some more things a vote for Biden would involve:
a. Banning fracking and shutting down the oil industry. During the last debate, Biden lied about banning fracking when a couple of videos showed that both he and Harris specifically said that they would ban it. He also stated that he would shut down the oil industry, a “life blood” component of our economy. Shutting that industry down would bring on the worst depression we’ve ever had- or is that their ultimate objective, to destroy the middle class which would be hit the hardest?
b. Reducing military budgets for spending on social programs. The first responsibility of any leader is defense of their country and people. This includes the military, intelligence operations, alliances, defense of our borders, civil defense (domestic tranquility as stated in the Constitution), space domination and research, and our heritage/history, and principles that made us great. Reducing military budgets and space programs while potential enemies are weaponizing space and building/modernizing their weaponry with the rationalization that “we have no enemies” is putting American forces and country in great danger. Peace through strength and being ready for wartime operations from Day 1 is the way to deter potential enemies, not appeasement, ignoring threats, and “leading from behind”.
c. Medicare For All. This would mean Medicare for None, especially if “all” means anyone who can get across the border.
d. Black Lives Matter. A movement that began as demonstrations for police reform was taken over by Marxist leaders who turned it into a communist revolution. What do demands for reparations, burning, rioting, looting, and destroying statues of civil rights leaders, Christian saints, Lincoln, etc. have to do with BLM? But those things have everything to do with the Marxist/Communists objective of wiping out America’s heritage and history in attempts to wiping out our founding principles which is their ultimate objective.
e. D.C. and Puerto Rico Statehood. This would give Dem. Socialists a permanent majority in the Senate. Next- Guam, American Samoa?
f. Court Packing. This was tried by FDR when the Supreme Court blocked some of his programs, but it failed due to non-support from members of his party also. Where was the amendment to the Constitution any time afterwards to limit the number of justices to nine, a number that has worked quite well? Republicans sleeping at the switch again.
g. Industry and Jobs Leaving U.S. Again. Increased taxes and regulations designed to control businesses/the economy will make it impossible to operate and compete with foreign companies. During the pandemic and companies/small businesses struggling to survive is not the time for raising taxes and increasing costs, Joe!
h. Re-Writing History. The 1619 project. Priscilla Alden brought slavery to the New World. Every president on Mount Rushmore was a racist. Plains Indians were all pacifists, at least before the white men came, and environmentalists who did nothing to provoke genocidal U.S. Cavalries. In the former Soviet Union, a favorite saying was. “We know what our future is going to be, but we don’t know what the past will be.”
i. 25th Amendment. At some determined time, Biden will be removed because of mental issues or forced to resign, and Harris will be installed- the plan all along to have the most radical person to ever hold that position..
Rose De says
Nope we just dislike how our country is starting to resembling the 1950’s McCarthyism and resurgence of white nationalism-Divide and conquer is Trump’s whole MO to getting elected-Trump provokes anxiety in both the right and the left perhaps equally, albeit in very different ways. For the right, he fuels their fears about minorities and dissimilar others, calling Hispanic immigrants “murderers and rapists,” and stating in blanket-fashion that “Islam hates us.” His demonetization of the “liberal media” and the Obama administration has transformed many right-wingers into full-fledged conspiracy theorists. Trump’s policies and willingness to please his most extreme supporters threatens the rights of gays, transgender folk, and women across the country. The only thing liberals might fear worse than Trump himself is the sentiment he brings out in his supporters, which has already proved deadly in Charlottesville, Virginia, the almost kidnapping of a democratic governor and private militia groups and mostly peaceful protests and poling stations-His own supporters are showing up at polling sites to basically intimidate for sure-As a result of the amplified fear and anxiety on the right and the left, the nation is more polarized than ever, and tensions seem to be at an all-time high. He pushes tribalism-and tribalism creates aggression toward out-group members. We see that in the evidence of the psychological effects of Donald Trump’s fear mongering in the dramatic increase in nationalism and xenophobia displayed by the alt-right movement of his archaic law and order stance . By constantly emphasizing existential threat, Trump fuels the fears of Americans who will bolster their support for him in an attempt to feel safer. While this strategy keeps his supporters energized and loyal, the whole country suffers from the prejudice, aggression, and division it creates. How do we break the polarizing positive feedback cycle that Trump-related anxiety and fear has established? How do we reverse the division and aggression and begin to come together?
First, we must become acutely aware of the polarizing effect of Donald Trump’s presidency on both sides of the political aisle. We must openly acknowledge that the anxiety and fear created by Trump is pushing us all to our extremes, leading to tribal behavior and biases that can cloud our rational judgment. It is exactly how Hitler and other fascist dictator leaders rose to power -econd, we must act in ways that alleviate these effects, and that means making a conscious effort to de-escalate confrontations and curb aggressive attitudes toward those who don’t share our worldviews or national identities. Don’t just delete those friends on social media who have opposing political opinions, no matter how much you may despise some of those beliefs. We must engage each other in rational discourse, and we must strive to see the legitimate points made by all sides, regardless of the abundance of illogical ones. And throughout this engagement process, we must stay calm and collected, as aggression only makes the division worse by increasing mortality salience. While this idea might seem futile to many liberals who have long given up on trying to talk sense into Trump supporters, we must remember that trying to heal the division is our only option. Simply letting it get worse will only lead to further chaos in America, and could contribute to another four years of this administration. Lastly, we must not only try to build bridges when possible, we should monitor ourselves from becoming too extreme, especially when behavior towards ideologically dissimilar others becomes aggressive and violent. f we all truly strive to make these efforts and resist getting discouraged by the inevitable challenges, then the nation will slowly begin to come together, and a new, stronger form of order will emerge from the current sea of chaos.
Greg Rendahl says
Stan, you said, “voting for a Democrat means supporting all their positions… Saying otherwise is just cheap meaningless hypocritical blather.” Now I don’t agree with that and I actually think that statement is utterly silly, but taking your logic then you must agree with everything Trump says and does. Thus you support the lies Trump told us last spring when he said the coronavirus would just go away when he privately told friends that was not true. His lies led to the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. Hopefully, next year Trump will stand trial for manslaughter. You thought it fine for a President to attempt to extort another nation’s leader into helping his re-election. Only Romney, among Republicans had the guts to vote for Trump’s removal. Trump and his family’s endless grifting of taxpayers and the criminality of ignoring the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause amounts to more criminality. I believe next year we will also see that Trump has been grifting taxpayers long before he was elected when his long hidden tax forms are made available. So you agree that families should be split up and their children locked in cages. You agree that a President should loudly denigrate anyone who disagrees with him. You agree that Trump is OK to support racists, white supremacists, QAnon idiots, and even to encourage nutcases to go after the Governor of Michigan. You like a President who praises a congressman for physically attackng a reporter. You like a President who takes Putin’s word over our own intelligence agencies. You agree that Trump should have helped the Saudis cover up their murder of a Washington Post reporter. You like a President who says he has the absolute right to pardon himself for his crimes. And those great Trump trade agreements that Trump touted to cut our nation’s trade deficit have not worked. The trade deficit is now worse that when Trump took office. Some right wingers used to complain about the government deficit, but Trump and the Republicans cut taxes when unemployment was extremely low and added a $Trillion per year to the deficit for no reason that makes the slightest sense. Now, we have serious financial issues and yet we must still spend more. Trump and Pelosi both want to spend more and they are both correct. BTW, no one is going to take my guns away from me. The whole gun thing is a stupid talking point dreamed up by the gun manufacturers lobby: NRA
One thing Biden knows what he is doing, he is playing the sympathy card to cover up for all crooked crap he has done. It be interesting how they explain Hunter Biden’s laptop.