By Pastor Mark Geselle
Valley Christian Center,
Spring Valley
Well the big game is over and what a game it was! I don’t know if your team won or not, but I was hoping for a different outcome. In talking with some friends its funny how you can start the game and not really care who wins, but as the game progresses you get drawn to one side or the other.
That reminds me of a lot of teachings in the gospels and the New Testament. The Apostle Paul spoke of light and darkness, law and grace, the old man and the new. Jesus often taught about different sides; sheep and goats, good trees and bad trees, good fruit and bad fruit, wide gates and roads verses narrow gates and roads; those who call him Lord and do what he says and those who call him Lord and don’t.
We may start out life not really caring about the game, but in the game of life Jesus says we’re on one side or the other. He even goes so far as to say, if we’re not on his team, we’re on the other. (Matthew 12:30, Luke 11:23).
The good news is that’s why Jesus came. The Gospel calls us to join his team. The call of salvation says “Whosoever will….” The Bible is clear about the winning team and no one has to stay on the losing side. Jesus drafts us, so to speak and extends an invitation to be part of his team. So the question is, whose team are we on? Jesus’ love compells us to be on his winning team.
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