Plans to make improvements to the Union St. drainage area on county road 10 were approved at the Chatfield City Council’s October 12 meeting.
City engineer Craig Britton said three bids had been submitted to construct two storm water drainage basins. The lowest bid submitted by Clemens Excavating in the amount of $24,658 was accepted. The engineers estimate was $27,680. The basins are expected to be adequate to capture storm water from a 10-year storm (4.5 inches of rain water).
The cost will be shared by Olmsted County (90% of eligible expenses or up to $22,662). Britton said the goal is to have the drainage basins functioning by spring. Councilor Mike Urban added that this project has been greatly needed for the residents in the Union St. drainage area. He called it a “win-win” for the city due to the cost share and for the people in the area.
Other business in brief
• The council approved the repair of a water valve shut-off at 104 Winona St. The valve has been leaking for a couple of years and the leak has been increasing significantly. It needs to be repaired before winter. The city has not been able to contact the property owner. Brian Burkholder said Pearson Backhoe estimates the repair will cost about $1,500. Work will be done mostly in the boulevard area. Approval was given to go ahead and have the leak repaired as recommended by staff. The property will be assessed to reimburse the city for the cost of the repair.
• The hire of Alex Weiss as EMT was approved.
• A proposal from Smith, Schafer and Associates, LTD. to perform the annual audit was accepted.
• The Personnel/Budget Committee has been discussing door lock upgrades. Police chief Shane Fox said they are considering a way to buzz people in at the front door or at the alley door. A couple of doors need repairs prior to installing security at the doors. This possible use of CARES dollars for security door lock systems will be brought back to the next meeting.
Also being discussed in committee is the possibility of contracting with Polco-NRC for community engagement surveys. A National Community Survey may be conducted every other year. CARES dollars could be used for a survey to better understand the impact of COVID on the community.
• A resolution was adopted designating October 15, 2020, as “Recognizing National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.”
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