Craig Britton, Widseth, reported on the progress of both the Drainage Project and the 2023 Street Improvement Project at the city council’s September 11 meeting. Councilors Paul Novotny and Josh Broadwater were absent.
Work began on the West Chatfield Drainage Project in July, and it was substantially completed by the middle of August. Pearson Backhoe Service, Inc. still has some work left including patching of bituminous pavement and cleanup. The original contract amount was $105,995. Some additional work including rock excavation was required during sewer installation along Hill Street. Britton expects the project will run about $7,500 over the original contract amount due to this additional work.
Pay application number 1 to Pearson Backhoe was approved in the amount of $106,153 as recommended by staff.
Griffin Construction had submitted pay application number 2 in the amount of $416,606.91. This is for work completed on Prospect St. SE and Grand St. SE. Britton noted three blocks of aggregate has been put down. Underground work should be completed on Grand St. by September 22. Griffin will then work on the installation of sanitary sewer on Hawley St. Britton said the project is progressing well.
The total contract amount is $1,759,308.26. The second payment in the amount of $416,606.91 was approved as recommended by staff.
Other Business in Brief
• A public hearing was held concerning the collection of delinquent/overdue utility accounts through property taxes in both Fillmore and Olmsted Counties. Every year certain properties’ bills do not get paid throughout the year. If accounts are not caught up by September 5 they are included on this list. There was no comment from the public during the hearing.
A resolution was adopted to authorize the collection of delinquent accounts for water, sewer, and garbage services through property taxes.
• Britton updated the council on the Highway 74 traffic study. The MnDOT study is looking at the feasibility of the installation of a crosswalk on Winona St.
• Drew Hurley was hired for the fire department as recommended by Public Services Committee.
• Claire Whitemarsh was hired as an EMT.
• Bob Thesenvitch expressed his concerns regarding dead and dying ash trees. Diseased trees could fall. He asked about any program that could help remove dead trees. Brian Burkholder said a grant had been applied for last year for ash removal, but there was very little funding. He noted there is an ordinance regarding diseased trees, but it has not been enforced before. The city started removing ash trees in 2010. He said he should look into it.
• The city council meets next on September 25.
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