To the Editor,
As an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and as a concerned citizen of the United States of America, in light of the recent shootings in El Paso, Tex., and Dayton, Ohio, I think it is important as civil, faith, and public communities learning and existing with one another that we remember that we belong to one another – that our lives are improved when we remember that we need one another, and the core of our commitments as a community is that we are to work for collective flourishing.
To that end, I believe that sensible gun reform is a part of the equation, and that we work to end senseless violence by building relationships and lifting our voices in the face of harm against God’s beloved children. I think that part of the lack of morality that results in shootings like the ones we have seen in this last weekend is that we have effectively alienated ourselves from one another. What we are seeing in our contemporary social landscape is the result of generations of ideologies, theologies, and systems of power that assert control and dominance over certain individual lives and communities.
As a person of faith, and as a spiritual leader, I would invite us to remember that it is a good and necessary thing to know our belonging – that we do not exist in isolation, but that we are better and best when we recognize our sacred worth together.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Dean M. Safe
Henrytown Lutheran Church Union Prairie Lutheran Church
Kim Wentworth says
Silly silly guy. Mass shootings, gang violence are examples of people’s actions toward one another. NONE have ANYTHING to do with guns. Are you trying to say we can “legislate morality”, with gun laws because taking guns away will help? Then you are a simple fool.
How about this. FULLY enforce the already existing laws on the books. Both at federal and state level.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
//Silly silly guy. Mass shootings, gang violence are examples of people’s actions toward one another. //
//NONE have ANYTHING to do with guns. //
LOLOLOL What are they using? Bows and arrows? Of course MASS SHOOTINGS have something to do with guns. You can’t say “NOTHING”. Clearly that’s wrong and your point can be dismissed, however, I think the point you are trying to make is that of course the gun needs someone to pull the trigger. I don’t dispute that. But you know that banning assault weapons wouldn’t be unconstitutional right? It’s been done before. I’m not saying I’m in favour of banning guns. But to day that guns have nothing to do with it is asinine.
I agree that fully enforcing existing laws will help, as would closing certain gun show loopholes and implementing red flag laws.
The U.S. already restricts the right to bear arms. You know that right? Also, don’t forget about the “well regulated militia’ AKA the State Guard, part of the 2nd Am.
Kim Wentworth says
Give you a B for trying. No, my point is right, and on these pages it will not be dismissed.
You like to through that “assault weapon” label around, like say some provocator on cnn or msld. Can you give me an example of 1) a firearm. 2) an example of a assault weapon? There is no such thing as an assault gun or weapon. Large magazines cannot denote “assault”.
Hey, how about we do the right thing and get state hospitals up and running again. Getting rid of them was asinine.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
//Give you a B for trying.//
//No, my point is right, and on these pages it will not be dismissed.//
LOL okay
// Can you give me an example of 1) a firearm.//
When you put your hand on the stove. Keep in mind, “firearms” aren’t mentioned in the Bill of Rights. “Arms” are. So, let’s not move the goalpost too much now. But to play your little game, I’ll say M1873.
//2) an example of a assault weapon?//
Assault rifles are Sturmgewehr or storm rifles. Used to storm or assault a target. Hitler again.
//Hey, how about we do the right thing and get state hospitals up and running again. Getting rid of them was asinine.//
Kim Wentworth says
With all due respect. These two “famed” happenings pale in comparison to…murders in Chicago over the same time. Sir, events simply have nothing to do with guns.
God blessed humans with the ability to reason. One of the greatest gifts. Plz don’t get caught up in any other “things”.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
//These two “famed” happenings pale in comparison to…murders in Chicago over the same time. Sir, events simply have nothing to do with guns.//
How many of the murders in Chicago simply involved no guns?
Kim Wentworth says
There has NEVER been a murder on the face of the earth caused by a gun