By Joel Lidstrom
Caledonia, MN
Who am I?
I grew up the son of a hairdresser and a co-owner of a small-town newspaper in northern Minnesota. My father was a former guard at Alcatraz and WWII Navy veteran. My mother believed in me utterly. As a teenager, I did stupid things; but in my senior year of high school, I realized that my attitude toward others affected their attitude toward me. It was the most important thing I learned as I became an adult.
I am the “Radical Left.”
As I reached draft age during Vietnam, I applied for consideration as a Conscientious Objector. I felt that a Christian had the right to decide for himself what God expects of him. My request was denied, and I entered the Army in November of 1972. I served my country with distinction, and returned to live with my parents for a time, during which I came to know them as adults. It was a very special time of my life.
I am the “Radical Left.”
My wife and I studied music at the University of Minnesota, and became music professionals with a passionate commitment to our clients. We moved to rural Caledonia where we raised three children, and along the way restored our century-old house. Like all parents, we are constantly hopeful for our children’s success and happiness.
We are the “Radical Left.”
We live our lives as best we know how, hoping to be generous with others, that they be generous with us. Living that way enables each of us to move past the labels of fear and exaggeration, to better see the humanity of others. We cannot work toward a common good when we hide behind the language of hate.
That goes for our President, as well. I am ashamed of his selfishness, his need to demean others, his obsessive desire for adulation, his tawdry attitudes toward women, his willingness to sow hatred and division for his own gain, and always to our great loss.
Is that radical? I am sorry that for a very few others, it is.
No, Joel, you are not a radical, but that sure raises a crucial question: if you are not a radical, then why would you or anyone else in your category vote for candidates who are radicals? There are all-too-many good, well-intended people who’ve had the wool pulled over their eyes for many years now. Stalin and Lenin called such people “useful idiots”! However, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. It’s no wonder that over 2/3rds of the American people no longer trust much of American mainstream media that is a propaganda ministry for one political party. This, along with an education system from elementary school through grad school in many university departments that function as indoctrination centers instead of education, would explain why so many Americans are so seriously misinformed.
In a nutshell, radicals (New Left) hate America, and want to “fundamentally transform ” it. Now, they have completely taken over a once-rational anti-communist party (think Harry Truman and JFK who were staunch anti-communists who loved our country and worked fully on its behalf). With leftists/socialists like Sanders, and the “Squad”, it would be hard to tell the difference between the so-called Democrat Party platform and that of the Communist Party USA’s. These radicals think that if Joe Biden is elected, they can easily manipulate him further left and fundamentally transform America more in line with their dangerous, ultimate utopian fantasy that will be the downfall of America. Vote democratic socialist and help make it happen!
First, on your last paragraph: No, our President is not radical- more like typical- based on past presidents’ affairs while in office; i.e., Bill Clinton, JFK, and LBJ. Obama, with his ego, could not give speeches without using “I” many times. Trump has correctly identified a corrupt national news media that functions more like a propaganda ministry for one political party instead of being a watchdog for the people which is critical for the democratic processes used in our constitutional republic.
But lets’ talk about fundamentally important issues related to the next election. The first consideration for any responsible voter should be the political ideology associated with any public official, especially the president’s, who is the Chief Executive, and also the Commander-In- Chief (Article II of Constitution).
The primary responsibility of any president (and other politicians at the Federal and State levels) is protection of the American people and American interests. If they fail at this responsibility, nothing else matters. (Preamble of the Constitution: “Provide for the common defense”). Border defense would be included in this responsibility, as would defense against internal enemies (socialists/communists) who are a threat to the Constitution and our way of life, values, and traditions. The president’s oath of office is “… and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The second responsibility related to defense, is also listed in the Preamble: “insure domestic Tranquility” (Law and Order). Failure here and we are not safe and free even in our homes, and certainly not in the streets!
When we vote, we are “hiring” a Chief Executive and Commander-In-Chief, not a Pastor-In-Chief! Carter fit that bill to a certain extent but was one of the worst presidents as far as looking out for American interests- right up there with Obama with his “fundamental transformation”. From what to what was not spelled out, and nobody on the other side questioned it, at least for clarity. I’ll spell it out: from a Biblically-based foundation that has resulted in the greatest country to ever exist to one based on godless Marxism, an ideology that has failed everywhere it’s been tried in the real world, sometimes catastrophically. It should not be too difficult for people to make the correct choice if they love America, and who can think somewhat critically instead of basing important political decisions on leftist propaganda, false promises, and emotions. People from Venezuela where this socialist “utopia” is currently taking place have warned us several times about what will happen if we follow their path. Yes, forward, like lemmings, over the cliff!
Trump is an American president who understands who his “employers” are, the American people, what our national objective should be, and gets things done! The Constitution starts out with “We the people of the United States…”, “…and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, [future generations] …”
Words matter, but it is actions that reveal anyone’s true character. However, the mainstream media purposely ignore his works, deeds, and amazing achievements (before the virus crisis) while distorting and amplifying alleged misdeeds. Job requirements and actions are:
1. Protect the homeland, American people and American Way of Life. Directed rebuilding of US military, renewed efforts for operations in space and approved Space Command to counter possible weaponization of space by potential enemies, acting to end North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons, acting to counter Iran and blocking its path to acquire nuclear weapons and means to deliver them, working to build border wall, allowed military to do job they’re trained for and dealt ISIS devasting defeats, worked to strengthen NATO, established strict new vetting procedures to keep terrorists out, supported our best ally, Israel, in the Middle East, enforcing current laws on borders, seeking to end “sanctuary cities and “catch and release”, ending family-based chain migration, controlling immigration from countries that harbor terrorists, eliminating lotteries and repurposing visas that allow individuals to enter US without consideration of skills, merit, or public safety.
2. Protect America’s Communities. Approved more than $98 million in grant funding to hire over 800 additional full-time law enforcement officers, approved Executive Order to restore state and local enforcement access to surplus DoD equipment, worked with Central American partners to arrest and charge over 4,000 MS13 members, signed Executive Orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations, enabled creation of new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes, publicly acknowledged and praised contributions of law enforcement officials numerous times.
3. Make Government Accountable and Preserve/Restore Principles Critical for Democratic Processes in our Constitutional Republic. Identified certain corrupt elements of mainstream media as “enemy of the people”. (my comments: the real enemy is Leftism; the mainstream media functions as an “attack dog” for their party instead of a “watchdog” for the people- not a free press! In 2018, 95% of all media coverage of Pres. Trump was negative. For Obama, it was 93% positive. Has appointed conservative justices and judges who will interpret Constitution according to original intent of authors and those who originally approved and ratified it, not on personal opinions and beliefs based on social engineering schemes, supported basic individuals rights as listed in Bill of Rights, especially 1st and 2nd Amendments, over 200 judges appointed, two justices appointed to the Supreme Court, cuts in funding to Planned Parenthood, restrictions on taking lives of unborn babies.
4. Promote American Prosperity By Jump-Starting American Workers and Economic Engine. Withdrew US from job-killing deals such as Trans-Pacific partnership, and expensive, unfair Paris Climate Accord, negotiated trade deals to benefit Americans and bring jobs back to America, unlocked America’s vast energy resources, approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, Energy policies have resulted in America as #1 oil producer, jump-started America’s workers and economy, over 7 million new jobs created, a robust economy, lowest African-American and Hispanic unemployment in recorded history, ended job-killing regulations that saved over$8.1 billion in lifetime regulatory costs, passed historic tax cuts for American families and businesses-economic growth topped 3%, , nearly 40 million families receiving an average of $2,200 in tax credits under the Trump tax cuts (with 11 million people lifted out of poverty as a result), and thousands of ex-offenders released from federal prisons under historic criminal justice reform.
5. Restore Respect For America on International Stage. Created potential for peace on Korean Peninsula for 1st time in 60 years, identified radical Islamists as major existential threat, recognized Jerusalem as capital of State of Israel and moved embassy there, South Korea and Japan pledged to build closer defense relations with US, pushed for coalition of nations to confront Iran, boosted cooperation between US, Japan, India and Australia.
The choice for the next four years should be obvious: Trump with his vision of “Make/Keep America Great” in line with the Founders’ vision of a “shining city on a hill” under God that has made America the greatest country to have ever existed, or fall for the hollow promises of “fundamental transformation” to a godless, manmade utopian fantasy that, as history has shown many times, has always failed, sometimes catastrophically.
Haywood Ublomey says
Calling yourself a Conscientious Objector to wiggle out of service, but supporting abortion? Hmmmm.
Jerred Roth says
No you are not a radical but by not denouncing the radicals in your party you are encouraging radicals you’re enabling radicals. He has done more for women in advancing their career than anyone else in the world. He does not so hatred and division for his gain or at all his goal was to unify like he said at the beginning of his presidency but the ill-informed and radical left just keep repeating that he is and people on the left suck it up and believe it. The good he has done as president outweighs all of the bad but it depends on where you’re getting your news from and if you care to find out the facts on your own.