By Jennifer Ronnenberg
Water Management Coordinator
The Root River One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P) was approved in December 2016 by its 13-member policy committee, following approval by the MN Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR). The Root River 1W1P Policy Committee was formed in 2015 for the preparation of one of the state’s first comprehensive watershed scale management plans. What makes this plan different from other watershed plans is the cooperative planning and future implementation involving six counties, six soil and waters conservation districts (SWCDs) and one watershed district, all located within its boundary. In addition to the entire Root River basin, the Minnesota portions of the Upper Iowa and Mississippi River-Reno watersheds are also included in the plan.
One of five 1W1P pilot projects in Minnesota, Root River 1W1P has involved planning partners representing a broad range of stakeholders, including local governments, state agencies, community members and organizations. Fillmore SWCD has led the 1W1P process and hosted most meetings in Preston. Winona SWCD has been the fiscal agent. Root River 1W1P now will go to the 13 local government units’ boards to decide individually in the next four months on whether to adopt it. The 1W1P will serve the area for the next ten years, with a mid-term revision completed as new data and information can be included.
So now that the big plan is done, what’s on the agenda for 2017?
Success for the Root River 1W1P would not be possible without the Planning Workgroup (PWG). This group consists of staff from each of the counties that works with water quality programs for their respective offices. Priorities for each year will be determined by the PWG and Technical Advisory Committee and presented for approval by the Policy Committee. The PWG met to brainstorm what implementation could look like for the first year. Here’s a brief look at 2017:
• Continue to work with existing partners and collaborate with new partners to align work priorities and develop strategies for projects and lead entities that fulfill mutual purposes.
• Enhance 1W1P outreach program and create education materials that can be used by all six counties with consistent messages and information.
• Using the new PTMApp (Prioritize, Target and Measure Application) tool to create functional micro plans based on science and local knowledge in conjunction with landowners.
• Focus on the most important resource in the watershed – you. Our local landowners and operators are the reason we do what we do. Look for upcoming opportunities to have your voice heard about what’s important to you, your work and your land.
If you think this sounds interesting, take a little time to look over the plan or have a conversation with your local SWCD/County Water Planner. The Fillmore County Water Planner is Jennifer Ronnenberg, staffed by the Fillmore SWCD. The Root River 1W1P planning document – along with other related materials, such as appendices and meeting minutes – is available on Fillmore SWCD’s website at:
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