By Pastor Mark Woodward
Maple Leaf Parish Churches: Spring Valley: Faith, Cherry Grove, Fountain, Preston (and Lenora)
In the spring before grass and plants begin to grow and before the trees leaf out, I love to walk in the woods. I feel renewed walking in remote areas during that time when winter ends and before spring unfolds. I walk on a carpet of brown leaves and moist soil filled with the potential for new life. I see places where buck deer have rubbed their antlers and where tiny sprouts of green begin to emerge from the awakening earth. This is a time for renewal and recreation and to focus on the beauty of God’s creation all around me.
In his classic book, “A Sand County Almanac,” Aldo Leopold describes the beauty and inspiration of awakening spring. I often enjoy sitting on an old log out in the woods and I spend time in prayer, reflection and thought. It is good for my soul. Sometimes the wind is blowing and it rustles in the brush and branches. At other times chipmunks, squirrels and rabbits run by… it becomes a holy time for me. Recently, I got to thinking about the words in that great hymn, “How Great Thou Art” written in 1953 by Stuart K. Hine. “When through the woods and forest glades I wander, and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur and hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze… Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee; how great thou art!” ( page 77 The United Methodist Hymnal, 1989.)
In this Easter Season, in this time before Pentecost, it is good for us to be renewed in the presence of New Life as we think about the resurrection of our Savior Jesus. It is good to spend time in prayer reflecting on the awesome presence of God through all of life. I invite you to find a log in the woods somewhere or some quiet spot away from all of the pressures of life to simply think, pray and reflect on the goodness of God all around us. It is a real blessing to experience renewal and recreation as God’s Holy Spirit moves in us and as we realize the power of redeeming, transforming love in the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus. To God be the glory!
Have a beautiful day today and please know how much you are loved.
God’s blessings today and always.
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