To the Editor,
So how important is the March 3 primary election?
For Democrats, there is a choice of 15 candidates for the Presidential nomination. These 15 people have many different ideas about how the country should change for the better. Which one do you agree with most?
For Republicans, it may seem like there is no choice – why go vote at all? But you do have a choice. If you don’t want another four years of Trump, you have the choice of basically voting “no” by writing in another name – your own name, “Mickey Mouse” or just “no.”
Don’t silence yourself by not voting. The bigger the vote, the stronger the people.
We shall overcome the corruption of the last 10 years since the Citizens United decision, if we all participate.
Register and vote now, or on election day March 3. Everyone, age 18 and older, is eligible to vote, and needs to step up to citizen participation! Our way of life depends on it.
Alima Fairchild
Rushford, Minn.
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