The Fillmore County Board of Adjustment, at their September 23 meeting, held a public hearing to consider a variance request for the installation of a holding tank. The variance requested will allow the tank to be installed closer to the right of way than specified in the ordinance. The applicant’s property is located in the city of Whalan.
Whalan does not have a city wastewater treatment system. All individual Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS), whether located in a city or in the agricultural district are under the jurisdiction of the county.
Robert Culbertson, personal representative for Albert Culbertson, spoke about the proposed location of the 7-foot by 9-foot holding tank. The property lacks space for the installation of a septic tank and drain field. A holding tank is allowed when it is not feasible to install an SSTS. The ordinance requires a 10 foot setback from the right of way for the installation of the holding tank, in this case the edge of the road.
Culbertson noted the tank design submitted has the tank 11 feet from the house, adding it could go 10 feet from the house. Zoning administrator Cristal Adkins said she preferred 10 feet from the house, which would provide an 8-foot setback from the right of way, rather than a 7-foot setback. Any closer to the house could damage the foundation of the house.
There was no public comment. Adkins reported she had heard from the Whalan clerk and one city council member. Neither had any objection to the variance request.
The owner of the property is required to maintain a pumper’s contract with a licensed liquid waste hauler to pump the contents regularly and have the contents taken to a licensed treatment facility.
The requested variance was unanimously approved.
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