Having been absent from the pages of FCJ for several months, many readers have asked me why. Two main reasons: One, I thought people would enjoy a break from political discussion. Two, The subject I really wanted to share was difficult to broach because it flies beneath the notice of almost everyone. A couple weeks ago I sent an editorial about it to a large local paper and they refused to print it on the grounds it was “irrelevant to any topics currently under discussion.” Go figure.
The well written commentary by Mr. Van Gorp in the September 25 FCJ was the opening I needed to expose a topic essential to Liberty in America, and I am very grateful he sent it in. It is a perfect example of a world-wide effort currently underway by mega rich wealthy elitists to achieve world domination.
That’s right. Total control. Control of all people, all resources, all wealth. All weapons. World-wide.
The chaotic condition of our nation and the world is not all just an accident. Events in America are a great example. Violent protests. Pro athletes refusing to honor America. Town hall meetings and campus lectures shut down by rude unruly people who refuse to allow anyone who favors patriotic or conservative values to be heard. Eco radicals trying to scare people into the support of ruinous energy policies that even they admit will have little or no benefit in stopping climate change. These things are all part of a plan by ultra leftist mega rich technocrats (and people like Mr. Van Gorp) to convince citizens that an all-controlling world system of government is the only alternative to world destruction.
The most amazing thing is the title of Van Gorp’s commentary; “FREEDOM ISN’T FREE.” He skillfully weaves a narrative that makes his Agenda 21, ultra leftist, anti liberty ideology seem like the only moral and decent path to follow. Dear readers, the Technocratic system this person espouses is as far from the path of liberty as heaven is from hell.
America is still the greatest and most honorable nation the world has ever seen. We have made mistakes, but we have also been the deciding factor in the defeat of horrible world tyrants. Our gain of treasure and territory in defending all that is right and moral in the world have amounted in most cases to a strip of land to bury our war dead with dignity. Whenever there is disaster in the world, who is there first to help? America. For this person to call our flag a “piece of cloth” and to spout “nationalism is obsolete” tells us all we need to know about what he and his fellow leftists want to achieve in America. Next time, I hope he tells us what he really thinks about the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Perhaps his views on the First and Second Amendments.
Much of what we should learn to protect America can be read in Range magazine. The Spring 2017 edition has an informative piece by Patrick Wood with the title “Technocracy.” Until next time, God Bless!
Aaron Swartzentruber says
I’m glad to see your back Mr. Erding. I’m happy to see you addressing Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is the most complicated freedom hating system reaching into and controlling every area of it’s subjects’ lives. It sounds all sugary and good but the vice just keeps getting tighter and tighter.
Jeff Erding says
So what you are saying is we must abdicate all our liberties and submit to a system where all resources are controlled by an all powerful central government? This to avoid a situation of environmental collapse?
Take a look at the management decisions on federal land out west and the results thereof. Disease run rampant in poorly managed forests, destructive fires every year. Ranchers who were excellent land stewards forced off the land by federal managers a thousand miles away. Thousands of feral horses overrunning formally productive grazing land, destroying the habitat of native animals and plants, costing taxpayers millions in feed and management.
Big government has proven time and again to be the most ineffective entity to manage anything. Period. No reasonable person should expect them to do a good job on environmental management. They have proven otherwise many times over.
Thomas E. H. says
@ Jeff
I’m sorry to have to say this bluntly, but you really do a poor job of answering my questions. Twice I have asked you, twice you have not answered. In case you missed it twice, here it is again: “Question for you, have you attended any of the conferences for Agenda 21 to actually see what they’re like? Could you provide some feedback of your personal experiences of being surrounded by [these] people doing what they can to be good stewards of the Earth?”
You seem to be either purposefully misrepresenting the Agenda or are not fully aware what it’s about. I’m willing to read you Range Magazine, though my guess is it will simply have all claims and few, no, or misleading citations. For instance, I see on their opening online page the late Mike Coffman’s article once again regurgitating the debunked claim that NOAA adjusted ocean temperatures to make it appear oceans were warming. You seem to be reading bogus claims from non-scientific sources instead of reading the journal articles themselves.
Suggestion 1, don’t let the MSM (including FOX) tell you about scientific discoveries, they often get it partially wrong.
Suggestion 2. Don’t get your science news from country living tabloid magazines. Read the actual journal articles for yourself.
//So what you are saying is we must abdicate all our liberties and submit to a system where all resources are controlled by an all powerful central government?//
No. I’m not saying that because that is not what is being asked, nor told to, nor even hinted at. All the resources won’t be controlled by the central government. I challenge you to show me where that is the goal. If you’re simply taking this idea to the extreme, then that’s exactly all you’re doing. Taking something out of context and to the extreme.
Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action. Have you read it? (This is NOT a rhetorical question). Here it is for you.
Suggestion 3. If you’re going to regurgitate conspiracy theories, be more convincing or actually participate and show first-hand what you witness.
Agenda 21 clearly states this is a global, national, state, and LOCAL effort. If you want to see these terrible goals, please read them. If you think it’s too long to read, then you’re choosing to remain ignorant on the topic, which really doesn’t play well when you’re trying to convince others of how awful it is.
Overall: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/resources/documents
Specifically: http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=E/2016/75&Lang=E
//This to avoid environmental collapse//
It’s nothing we can avoid at this point. It’s now a matter of extent..
//Take a look at the management decisions on federal land out west and the results thereof.//
Like saving the redwoods in 1968? https://www.nps.gov/redw/learn/historyculture/area-history.htm
Preserving and reintroducing native species to Yellowstone after private interests hobbled the ecosystem? https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/nature/wolf-restoration.htm
Just two I can think of off the tip top of my head. If you’d like a more complete list, I’ll be happy to oblige.
//Disease run rampant in poorly managed forests, destructive fires every year.//
The spread of diseases in trees is slowed by fires, whether purposefully started or naturally. Fire destruction is often a natural occurrence and in fact aids in the growth of primary species in an ecosystem. The increased intensity and longevity of dry periods is a climate discussion. I am willing to discuss this in length if you are.
//Ranchers who were excellent land stewards forced off the land by federal managers a thousand miles away.//
Are you referencing the ranchers who were grazing on land that wasn’t theirs to graze on? (Also known as trespassing?) Perhaps you could provide some context because I’m not sure what account you’re alluding to.
//Thousands of feral horses overrunning formally productive grazing land, destroying the habitat of native animals and plants, costing taxpayers millions in feed and management.//
Millions of dollars of taxpayer dollars. Sounds like a lot… but you know what? In a country of 140 million taxpayers, millions of dollars of taxpayers dollars is literally pocket change.
I agree with you in that this feral animals destroying ecosystems is a problem which should be addressed. The feral animals have occupied the land once roamed by bison which were hunted almost to extinction by short-sighted human re-settlers of the region. Why are there bison around today still? The Endangered Species Act, federally mandated mind you, has prevented the extinction and even helped increase the populations of hundreds of species that would otherwise have blinked out at the hands of humans.
//Big government has proven time and again to be the most ineffective entity to manage anything. Period.//
Nope. It’s shown it has severe flaws, but has still been more successful than letting Americans (and people in general) go willy-nilly and kill whatever they please wherever they please. I do not disagree with you in that the government has the opportunity to do the most harm if it chooses to. For instance we already have empowered the president with the sole responsibility of nuclear launches. Not one single human in the world can legally go against such an order. Perhaps you’d like to join me in getting such governmental management of such dangerous weapons out of the picture?
//No reasonable person should expect them to do a good job on environmental management.//
And the “Free Market”, designed to increase short-term profits at an ever-increasing rate has done a better job?
I’m pretty sure we share some common ground here and there. Focusing on solving mutually interesting problems can be more productive.
This final line is a friendly reminder to at least answer the first question I asked (preferably all of the questions, but all I can do is hope).
Thomas E. H. says
I’ve read Agenda 21 (thanks to you) and to be honest, it looks fantastic! I encourage everyone to participate in sustainable activities at a local level. We have one Earth. There is no Earth 2.0.
For more information on this forward thinking project:
Thank you Jeff.
Question for you, have you attended any of the conferences for Agenda 21 to actually see what they’re like? Could you provide some feedback of your personal experiences of being surrounded by people doing what they can to be good stewards of the Earth?
Jeff Erding says
If Agenda 21 looks great to you, that only means you have no concept of its real consequences. What liberty or freedom can exist without property rights? The ultimate result of this freedom sucking ideology is a society where government controls everything. Is that how you want to live? Those who would surrender essential freedoms to gain temporary safety deserve neither freedom or safety.
Thomas E. H. says
Jeff, you didn’t answer my question. Please do so, for I shall answer yours.
The liberty and freedom to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and be a part of society that lives and gives instead of one which takes until there’s nothing left to sustain ourselves. How much arable soil is left on Earth? How many years left do we have? What is your solution (I’ll listen) to combat the devastation of our farmland, forestland, grassland, and watersheds (all of which we need to survive)? What life is there to live without biodiversity? If we cannot secure the safety of ecosystems, humans won’t live long.
The “ultimate result” is an extreme, and an unlikely one, because the people will rise up far before that happens. But what is the ultimate result if we continue on our current path? Press fast forward.
Soil. Water. Air. Biodiversity. Go. What are the results if the food chain collapses in the oceans from their warming and acidification? I’ll definitely listen to alternatives to Agenda 21, but you’d better see some of this from my perspective, too, if you want to succeed in convincing others.
//Those who would surrender essential freedoms to gain temporary safety deserve neither freedom or safety.//
It’s the long-term safety I’m concerned about.
Please answer my questions as I have answered yours and we can continue this dialogue.
Aaron Swartzentruber says
I can see your point. You want peace, safety, and security. But a dictatorship over the whole world run by a sinful dictator can not bring peace, safety, and security for every human being. If you can find me a sinless dictator among the men on this earth to run this universe I’ll certainly vote for him. Until than the free market and sovereign nations are by far the better choice.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Aaron
Where is a dictatorship of the world even implied in this Agenda?
Aaron Swartzentruber says
Agenda 21 is the dictatorship.
Thomas E. H. says
How so? Copy and paste the wording from Agenda 21, in context, that illustrates your claim. And I would extend the question I had for Jeff to you as well.
Question for you, have you attended any of the conferences for Agenda 21 to actually see what they’re like? Could you provide some feedback of your personal experiences of being surrounded by these people doing what they can to be good stewards of the Earth?