Radical Leftists who now control the Democrat party complain about lies, but they really don’t mind them at all; witness the misinformation they spread regarding the Russian Collusion hoax, recent looting and rioting in Democrat controlled cities, and the cruel policies enforced by Democrat Governors when they needlessly forced COVID patients into nursing homes. No, what infuriates leftists are facts, as evidenced recently when I wrote a commentary describing proposed Democrat legislation that would grant residency and privileges to illegal aliens, exempting violent criminals from deportation.
How did leftist contributors respond? Did they present alternative facts? Nope. Did they engage in discussion based on the relative merits? No Way. Engaging on issues is something the Radical Left avoids at all costs because they know that’s a loser for them every time.
Rather than have a discussion, leftists seek to deny, demonize, and discredit. Two had meltdowns, proclaiming there is no such thing as the “ Radical Left.” (Hmm. Try selling that whopper to the people who lost businesses and homes to looters and rioters while Democrat officials stood by, refusing to stop or criticize the perpetrators.)
Another leftist clergyman attempted to deflect the effectiveness of the commentary by twisting the message, trying to turn it into a racist rant that persecuted peaceful immigrants. That is a dishonest, devious tactic which is unbecoming of a person who presents himself as a Christian. He did, however, gain written accolades from two local atheist leftists who really liked his misrepresentation and demonization tactics. Congratulations, Reverend. Well done.
Now a few comments on the state of journalism.
A study of bias in the mainstream media by University of Illinois professors Nikki Usher and Ye Man Margaret Ng, revealed that many journalists are influenced not by actual events and facts, but by how they are viewed in the small “micro bubble” of fellow so called journalists who literally dwell in their Twitter feed. These people have little or no connection to the real world, and it certainly shows. That may be the biggest reason that Fox News has achieved unprecedented domination of the 8-11 p.m. time slot, outperforming all the major networks plus rival cable news entities. Millions of citizens are now turning to Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson.
Bari Weiss, who recently resigned in disgust as opinion editor at the New York Times, wrote a scathing criticism of the toxic atmosphere she left, saying, “Truth [there] isn’t a process of discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job it is to inform everyone else.”
Ariana Pekary just left MSNBC for similar reasons, calling the present state of the leftist media, as described by an esteemed colleague, a “cancer for which there is no cure.” (arianapekary.com) Touché, Ms. Pekary. She gets it that anyone who dares differ from the approved “Group Think” atmosphere that dominates the Radical Leftist bubble on social media or on a college campus is immediately attacked as a “RACIST” or “HITLER.” They are demonized, condemned for “violent speech” or “hate speech.” Banned at all cost from expressing a conservative opinion. “Spreading manure,” as one misguided local citizen wrote in FCJ.
Is this to be the new way of things in America? Rather than determine policy based on facts, reason, and compromise, will we employ the “Cancel Culture,” and just silence anyone who disagrees with Marxist/Socialist positions? Really folks? Is that what we want for America?
Recent events have ripped the bandage off the ugly wound of Democrat policies, the abject failure of which is starkly evident especially in our own state. Every vote for a Democrat is a vote for the tyranny, anarchy, and lawlessness that is readily observed in every city and state that is Democrat controlled, in many cases for decades. By attempting to blame Republicans for their self-inflicted problems, the hypocrisy of Democrat politicians is stunning.
America has been knocked down, but the good news is; laying on one’s back, it’s easier to see the light!
God Bless until next time, Jeff
Caryl Exner says
That is the point ” America is Constitutional Republic”. The following is also correct Jeff, ” The POTUS can only assert federal authority to quell riots in individual states with state permission or by invoking the insurrection act, which any President is understandably reluctant to do.” He is not going to be able to do anything else if reelected. He has not controlled anything in the last 2 months, but we have a long two months to see what he can do. Be confident.
Trump has had the leadership position as the President for 3 years, America is not better off. Some might say we are most definitely worse off. Mexico never paid a dime for the incomplete “wall” our military budget did. He suggested “lock her up” but ” In all, 14 Trump aides, donors and advisers have been indicted or imprisoned “. * Not a good example of being an advocate of law and order. Other President’s administrations have not been perfect, but good grief “14”.
At the least, fear tactic’s to reelect the Trump is not very orderly or the sign of a person with a good record to stand on. It’s confusing why Trump would allow this to be the reason we would elect him for a second chance. He lost the popular vote last time, and we do not seem to have today all who did vote Trump, so many people don’t think the country we are living in right now is “Great” again.
Things don’t look good.
Thanks again Jeff for keeping the conversation going
* https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-associates-prison-faced-criminal-charges/story?id=68358219
Herbert Panko says
Jeff, You used to play a pretend-climate scientist, then a pretend-historian, so now it’s a pretend-biblical scholar? Before I continue, I must make it clear to you. There are two types of biblical scholars–those who are objective researchers of church and biblical history and follow the evidence wherever it leads. Then there are the charlatans—they only look for so-called “evidence” that supports their preconceived beliefs. They are called biblical apologists and are not taken seriously by most objective scholars. There is a long list of reputable biblical scholars I could give you, but two stand out—Bart Ehrman and Bishop John Shelby Spong. You simply can’t read these two books and still hang onto your simplistic religious beliefs. Ehrman’s “Misquoting Jesus” is the “bible” of Christian scholarship.
Hi Herbert,
Dr. Ehrman’s texts were the foundation of my New Testament course in seminary. I enjoy reading his texts and his historical-critical approach to the New Testament. His story is also similar to mine, where he came from a fundamentalist background and gradually matured, became educated and came to see the scriptures in a different light.
I also have learned and grown from another scholar, Marcus Borg. His book ‘Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time’ is a treasure.
As for Mr. Erding, I continue to assert that he is a beloved child of God. Yet based on his recent posts I will not at this time engage him in a theological or political discussion. I would also be curious see his educational credentials in the realms of political science, history, climatology and theology prior to such discussion – or if he is basing his beliefs based upon his pre-conceived notions and looks only for those that would affirm those pre-conceived notions. Based upon his last commentary, this is pretty clear.
I hold a Master of Divinity and have studied scripture critically, contextually, and from numerus theological angles. I make my hermeneutic pretty clear in the my last commentary. I have traveled the theological and political spectrum from postesting abortion clinics in high school to being an advocate for LGTBQ+ persons and rights today. If Mr. Erding would like to know more about me, my ministry, and my theological emphases, I would encourage him to attend worship at one of the two congregations I lead.
Jeffrey K Erding says
@ Reverend Dave, It’s not too hard to see why you ” choose not to engage”, as you so delicately put it. You made false accusations and engaged in character assassination, got backed in a corner, and have no way out!
Your argument over biblical principles is not with me. It’s with the apostle Paul and other passages in the inspired word of God. Paul and the Bible win that argument every time.
I hope you will reconsider and tell us what false accusations you say I posted and just what your true positions are, as well as educate us exactly how you attempted to contact me to have a conversation. You can’t hide from your written words, you made the assertions and accusations.
People who do things like that are engaging in character assassination, and it doesn’t take a ” Master of Divinity who has studied scripture contextually, critically, and from numerous theological angles” to know that’s sinful behavior.
Obviously part of your marvelous education taught you at least one thing: ” If I can’t blind them with my brilliance, I’ll baffle ’em with my B. S.”
You made some nasty accusations. I feel you should back them up or apologize.
Thank you, please come clean soon.
David says
Sorry, I don’t need a lesson in BS and what lies are from a man who condones/defends a man who has told 20,000+ lies or misleading statements. Nor do I need to answer to his deflection and bullying.
Hopefully Jeff is a better human in person than he is behind the keys of a computer.
Still looking for his qualifications other than listening to the BS of Fox News.
Anonymous says
Thanks for your response, David. As soon as I read your first opinion piece on Biblical literalism, I knew theologically we had a lot in common. By the time you read this post, you may have already received my snail mail letter. Marcus Borg was a favorite of mine also. I’ll be looking forward to hearing more from you.
Caryl Exner says
Hey Jeff,
The Republicans have been in power for the last three years. Trump has had the Presidency for the last 3 years, for sure the last six months. Never mind what any radicals say, if the leader is our answer why are we having these issues. Okay maybe it is all a surprise to Trump and the Republicans , but if they have the plan and vision to resolve the anger and issues this country faces, let us see his action. So far our country has not been in a safe and solvent state. He should show us what he can do now! If we should keep him in office Trump should resolve the anger, disrespect and improve the economy now. he should show us now. He has another 2 months. It only took him 2 months or less he tells us to make our economy what it was, only 2 months, he needed in 2016 . I am looking forward to seeing better times by the election, if all that is said about his leadership is true. Good luck!
and thanks Jeff for telling us your thoughts so often, you are very brave and a good citizen.
Jeffrey K Erding says
Greetings Caryl, thanks for the note! I share your concern for the security of America. The explanation is that America is a Constitutional Republic with many restrictions on Federal authority as detailed in the 10th ammendment. Maintaining internal security is relegated to individual states as are many other things. For instance, the feds cannot force states to submit data to the National Instant Background Check system for firearms purchases. This results in millions of people that should be barred from firearm and ammo purchases being able to do so. Terrible situation made worse since mostly Democrat controlled states with serious violent crime offenders are the ones refusing to submit the required data. ( see fixnics.org)
The POTUS can only assert federal authority to quell riots in individual states with state permission or by invoking the insurrection act, which any President is understandably reluctant to do. President Trump is walking a tightrope, trying to let states fulfill there legal authority while at the same time protecting federal employees and facilities within those states.
Very difficult situation.
I remain confident in President Trumps ability to control the situation but we must realize that the use of the Insurrection Act is and should be a last resort.
Hope that explains the situation, best wishes to you! Jeff
Caryl Exner says
That is the point ” America is Constitutional Republic”. The following is also correct Jeff, ” The POTUS can only assert federal authority to quell riots in individual states with state permission or by invoking the insurrection act, which any President is understandably reluctant to do.” He is not going to be able to do anything else if reelected. He has not controlled anything in the last 2 months, but we have a long two months to see what he can do. Be confident.
Trump has been president for 3 years, America is not better off. Some might say we are most definitely worse off. Mexico never paid a dime for the incomplete “wall” our military budget did. He suggested “lock her up” but ” In all, 14 Trump aides, donors and advisers have been indicted or imprisoned “. * Not a good example of being an advocate of law and order. Other President’s administrations have not been perfect, but good grief “14”.
At the least, fear tactic’s to reelect the Trump is not very orderly or the sign of a person with a good record to stand on. It’s confusing why Trump would allow this to be the reason we would elect him for a second chance. He lost the popular vote last time, and we do not seem to have today all who did vote Trump, so many people don’t think the country we are living in right now is “Great” again.
Things don’t look good.
Thanks again Jeff for keeping the conversation going
* https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-associates-prison-faced-criminal-charges/story?id=68358219
Jeffrey K Erding says
@ Rev. Dave, there you go again. Perfectly in character, using vague references, innuendo and character assassination tactics to demonize and discredit. I care nothing for your opinions, but credibility with FCJ readers is very important to me.
1) you say you contacted me to have a discussion? I have no knowledge of that. Specifically how did you do that?
2) You accuse me of slander. That means you feel I misrepresented your positions on certain issues. Tell us specifically what I have wrong please, because if I did that, it means we are on the same side and I will gladly apologize for the misunderstanding. Does that make sense?
@ James Boldt, thanks for your kind words of encouragement!
@ Dr. Webb, all your time consuming research is wasted…. we don’t get Fox News, have not had cable tv for many years. I was just calling attention to a factual situation.
@ Herb, wow Herb, you are always good for a laugh. I would rather have bamboo slivers driven under my fingernails than drink beer with you. Alcohol seldom improves the disposition of ill tempered, obnoxious people like you. So no.
@Greg, hey 2016 history called and they want their debunked Trump/Russian Conspiracy Theory back! In case you missed it, we now know definitively that the DNC, Hillary’s campaign, some crooked politicians, and criminal officers in our intelligence community combined in a failed attempt to destroy a duly elected POTUS. But hey, if you insist on living in the past that’s your prerogative.
Rev Dave, please write back soon. I can’t wait to see you try to wiggle out from your latest pack of lies. This is bound to be interesting.
James Boldt says
I thought your article was well written and applaud your bravery. The Socialist Movement from the Progressive Left try to silence your type of speech by saying you are hateful, ignorant, and other personal attacks. It would not shock me if they went to your personal residence with blow horns and scream at you or shout at you at a local restaurant while your eating with your family.. They try to intimidate and silence anyone who disagrees with them. That’s the country we live in now. They would rather destroy this beautiful country than have the President win another 4 years. All the left cares about is power!
I commend you for writing this article and may God Bless you and your family.
Pastor David says
Hi Jeff,
I want to thank you for your compliment about attracting ‘leftist’ atheists. This is what Jesus would have done. So is caring for the poor, the immigrant, the outcast – and speaking out for them. This is not deflection or manipulation – this is scripture. Please read Luke 4, Matthew 25, and the Book of James, the Book of Amos, and many more.
Also, learn to be a decent human…
Jeff had placed some slanderous posts about me on Facebook several weeks ago right after I messaged him about having a civil conversation. Thankfully these posts were removed, likely by the group administrator. Jeff does not want to have a conversation. He wants the world to conform to his narrow-mindedness, bigotry, hatred and ignorance.
David R Webb MD says
Jeff, you may be aware but perhaps choose to ignore the 2011 and 2012 Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind surveys which demonstrated that watching only Fox News or MSNBC makes one less informed than watching no news at all. The results regarding international questions were even more striking than for domestic questions. Characteristically Fox did not try to dispute the findings, but rather tried to malign the academics’ reputation.
Similarly, a University of Maryland study showed Fox News viewers are much more likely than others to believe false information about American politics, and similarly, Fox responded by disparaging the university rather than offering any evidence to the contrary.
William Poundstone, author of “Head in the Cloud: Why Knowing Things Still Matters When Facts Are So Easy to Look Up” has also studied “the Fox News effect.” In his research too, Fox News viewers scored the lowest of over 30 popular news sources (though Fox viewers did at least score better than those saying they didn’t follow the news). “ Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” a news satire, had the best-informed viewers.
He goes on to clarifiy that the Fox News effect is a correlation. It doesn’t prove that watching Fox News causes people to be ill-informed. Rather, a large share of Fox stories deftly push emotional buttons (lest the viewer push the buttons on his or her remote).
Polarization has indeed become a business model. Media executives, notably, for example, Facebook’s Zuckerberg, have realized that they can drive clicks, likes, and views, and make money for themselves and their shareholders, by providing people with the most strident opinions.
Moreover, even those of us who would like to think we’re making rational decisions based on facts aren’t getting and using the same data bases. You get your wealth of misinformation from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson. Progressives get edited news from Amy Goodman. We tend to converse and interact mainly with like-minded persons which only reinforces our own opinions, correct or incorrect.
Herbert Panko says
Jeff, do you realize how uninformed and devoid of any knòwledge of American political history your rant makes you sound?
I have an idea. Let’s get together over a case of Budweiser. You bring your vast Trumpian right-wing knowledge base (if you can find it), and I will bring my progressive history text of accomplishments. We’ll duke it out—symbolically, of course. It will be fun to disabuse you of your “off the rails” right-wing ideology. I predict I will have an easy victory in this debate.
Greg Rendahl says
Jeff, you mentioned the evening Fox News brainwashing trio and your obvious love of far right news sources. Thus you end up living in a distorted reality. This shows up immediately with the “Russian collusion hoax.” The recent final REPUBLICAN Senate Intelligence Committee report lists heavy involvement between the Trump campaign chairman and a “Russian intelligence officer,” and with several other campaign officials also involved. Of course, the Republicans on the committee would not allow the use of the word collusion, but the many facts listed make collusion obvious to all except partisans and the brain dead.