To the Editor,
A few weeks ago I watched 60 Minutes. It was an interview with Andrew McCabe. After watching it I wondered what was the purpose of the meeting.
It must have been to belittle McCabe and to make Trump feel better about himself. That seems to be one of the symptoms of his disorder. At the end of his talk, Trump asked McCabe how his wife felt about being a loser. She had run for some political office and lost. I guess this is something that makes Trump feel good. If I were McCabe, my answer would have been, “I doubt my wife feels as bad about losing the election as your wife does about hearing about her husband being in bed with other women, one being a porn star and paying them thousands of dollars to shut up. Another answer he could have given Trump would be, “Just hang on for about two years then look into the mirror and ask that guy what he feels like being a loser.” Chances are the guy in the mirror would lie to him.
Then I saw Trump in Grand Rapids, Mich., raging like a wildman that he went to the best schools and is one of the smartest men on earth, but he hides his grades from us, tells us how much money he has, about four times what Forbes says he has, then he hides his taxes from us.
Then he goes on to brag about his extravagant apartment but doesn’t tell us about low paid help he had to build it and never paid them.
I saw this report on Democracy Now!
Another of Trump’s symptoms is exaggerating his talents and successes.
Wayne Stephas
Chatfield, Minn.
Kim Wentworth says
Let’s see if I get this to start with. Your watching a 60 minutes show and you are feeling sorry for a person like Mccabe, WOW. His wife was a loser, fact. Porn star? That story has been debunked. Grand Rapids rally was epic! How about that crowd size. Oh, size matters. Hide tax returns? POTUS has addressed that, but in reality, what is your point? Let’s turn to some REAL sickness. Current dam contenders running: 1) sleepy, creepy joe 2) communist bern 3) mayor Peter 4) me too gillibrand 5) Kampala long history harris. Loved the way AG schooled her today, 5/1 at Senate hearing 6) our own clueless Amy. Her stupidity shined through today as well. 7) the Irishman beto, his grasp of life shines though every time he speaks 8) squaw warren. Saying stupid things because she polling under 1%. There are a few others but irrelevant. The above is prime example of sick. Do you really think the above have a chance of beating my POTUS? You going off a report from democracy now??? Priceless.