At the March 1 Preston City Council meeting, events scheduled for later this spring and summer were on the agenda.
Ilene Edwards received approval to hold Pop-Up Markets on May 15, June 12, July 10, August 14, and September 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on each date. She noted the September 2020 market was the largest yet with 24 vendors and an abundance of shoppers. People were respectful of COVID guidelines.
The first 2021 Pop-Up Market is expected to occur during Trout Days. The events that may be part of a trimmed down Trout Days 2021 were discussed. The Minnesota Department of Health currently only allows 250 people at an outside event. Gabby Kinneberg explained there are certain guidelines that they will have to follow.
With current restrictions it was felt that garage sales, the kids fishing event with no lunch, run/walk, car show minus the judging, fireworks, and maybe a limited grand parade could be held. People would be encouraged to eat at local businesses; there will not be food wagons. Kinneberg said some events can be held safely. She suggested the parade plans could wait until April. We don’t know what guidelines will be in place; there are a lot of unknowns yet.
No decisions were made concerning Trout Days; this was for discussion only.
Other business in brief
•Jim Bakken, Public Works director, detailed a quote from Preston Equipment for a John Deere zero turn mower with a 60-inch deck. It will replace a 2015 mower. The total cost is $10,400 which is shared between the City, Utility, and Park Board. Each share is $3,467. The purchase was approved as presented.
The city is responsible for the maintenance of Crown Hill Cemetery. The 2015 John Deere zero turn mower which is being replaced (above) is to become the mower for the cemetery. The city has budgeted $10,000 for cemetery maintenance for 2021 (mower and labor). A motion was approved to purchase shares of the 2015 mower from the Utility and Park Board as recommended by staff. The used mower was valued by Preston Equipment at about $3,500. The city can buy the Utility and Park Board shares for a total of about $2,300.
•Approval was given for Steve Hall to serve on the Preston Public Library Board.
•Councilman Robert Maust said there has been some discussion about moving a former Milwaukee Railroad Depot into Preston. A possible location for the depot could be the former Dairy and Farm property.
•The next council meeting will be held on March 15.
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