At the Kingsland School Board meeting on August 19, Jason Thompson was unanimously approved as the new Building and Grounds director. All board members were present (Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Tiffany Mundfrom, Leah Stier, Kyle Rader and Superintendent James Hecimovich). Also attending were Principal Scott Klavetter, Jason Thompson and Business Manager Amber Herbrand.
Regarding the selection of Thompson, Superintendent Hecimovich informed the board, “I shared with you, we interviewed four, and we had some very good candidates… some very knowledgeable. The committee chose Jason…so now he has to find a “number two” person to be able to carry on that position.” The board also discussed the need to find someone who has a boiler license, until Thompson is able to obtain such a license.
Hecimovich also shared with the board that he is awaiting the test results from his recent Certified Food Manager program training. He said the training and testing are very challenging, and that he has a greater appreciation for the work done by Kingsland’s food service staff. He added, “I enjoy that as a social time (with students), so it’s nice that I can fill in,” when regular food service staff are not available.
The board approved a numbers of hirings, resignations and land changes. Hirings included Reid Olson (athletic director), Marisa Meyers (preschool assistant), Brian Danielson (bus driver), Maria Raygor (JH volleyball coach). Resignations included Chris Frank (paraprofessional), Kristina Howard (SACC coordinator), John Dols (Building and Grounds director), Elaine Boone (custodian), and Taylor Sanford (SACC assistant). Lane changes included Morgan Jacobson to MA, Brent Stinson to MA, Alyssa Humpal to MA, Aaron Thauwald to MA+30, and Erin Milz to BA+45.
Approvals of fuel bid and milk bid were made, with Baudoin Oil Company selected as fuel supplier and Dean Foods selected as milk supplier. Superintendent Hecimovich said he has received feedback about the milk sometimes having a sour taste. He said the most likely cause may be related to the temperature while the milk is transported to Kingsland, so he will consult with Dean Foods to discuss this concern.
The board formally voted to set a special election for Tuesday, November 5. Jackie Horsman said that in the past some citizens have complained that they only received written notice of the election and related information a few weeks prior to the election. But she pointed out that, by Minnesota statute, the mailed notices are to be sent no earlier than 30 days prior to the election, and no later than 14 days prior to the election.
Public thanks was given to Whitetails Unlimited ($1,300 donation to the trap team), Pepsi (donating beverages for contractors’ appreciation lunch) and Casey’s store manager (for donating bars for volunteers). Board members also voiced appreciation for the contractors involved in this summer’s Indoor Air Quality project, saying they were professional and easy to deal with.
The board discussed the upcoming “community open house” event, set for Thursday, August 29, 5-7 p.m. This is intended as an opportunity for any interested persons to come in and see firsthand the improvements that have recently been made to the school. Hecimovich said he plans to design the event as a “self-guided tour” so that people can go through at their own pace, with an informational sheet to explain what they’re seeing. Attendees are encouraged to enter through the high school entrance. Some staff and board members will also be on hand to answer any questions the public may have. The next board meeting will be a work session on Tuesday, September 3 (due to Labor Day). As always, the public is welcome at all open meetings.
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