If you were a woman alive and active on Facebook in 2020, odds are that you were probably invited to an online party. Now, I am writing about this because I think it is a “bad” thing since I love to shop, but do wonder how all of you readers are managing the new pattern of online parties due to social distancing and has your pocketbook taken a hit? Mine did but it was great to know I was helping those small business owners during what was a such a difficult time as they couldn’t do home parties last year.
Since today’s world seems to be about saving time and making things simpler, it is so true that the online party has made it much easier to send invitations — no more handwriting addresses, stamping the envelopes, and getting them off to the post office. Whew… much more work than clicking by someone’s name in social media. You inevitably limited your attendee list based on whose addresses you had handy, how many invites you had, and how much you wanted to spend on postage! This school of thought aligns with why I received an online party invite from my grandmother’s best friend’s son’s daughter who lives in New Zealand. Kidding, but am absolutely certain it could happen.
Again, I am not complaining as I have been the recipient of a lot of online party goodies and items that I couldn’t live without (smile). My husband, however, has raised eyebrows at the influx of UPS and FedEx drop offs and wonders where everything is going to fit (cut to the shot of me sweating and holding the cabinet door shut so Tupperware doesn’t spill out and cover the kitchen floor).
Yes, the year 2020 had many more people doing their shopping online due to necessity and, unfortunately, leaving many of our local brick and mortar shops struggling to survive. I suspect that many party hosts would also like to join us in our homes again to visit and show their wares just as much as local shop owners would appreciate us shopping in their stores and investing in the local community rather than investing in the big superstores. Going to step off of my soapbox now, but will finish with a plug for all to consider more local shopping — at the store or through a local party hostess — the businesses are such a great value add to our small communities. Shop local folks!
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