Pre and postCOVID – being thoughtful
Do you ever get stuck on a phrase that you can’t shake? Well, I know I have…. and some of you who know me may agree that I have been using and probably overusing the word Awesome for 30+ years. My prediction is there are a couple of phrases that will be used for a very long time are “preCOVID” and “postCOVID.” Anyone taking inventory of what was life like before this pandemic and what life will be like after (?)
Most of can acknowledge the busy lifestyles we were living preCOVID and how we are now trying to adjust with the current atmosphere of sheltering at home. There are many postings on social media that speak to how simple life can be and how we should take time to appreciate the stripped down life we are living and also appreciate what “truly matters” – but the latter is very individualized and I think we all need to be thoughtful when someone tells us what they miss about their life preCOVID. The best part about being thoughtful is that it is the right thing to do today, tomorrow, and always.
It is all too easy to berate someone if what they think truly matters isn’t the same as what matters to others. For example, maybe what matters to them is to have their children participate in graduation or prom ceremony regardless if the date is pushed to late summer or fall. If you are considering that request to be selfish given what’s happening around the world right now, guess what…many of us can’t relate and should instead be thoughtful to those parents. If your children are graduated and have already had those momentous occasions that go along with a senior year in high school, how about posting a social media response to the tune of “I agree…let’s band together to make a special time for those kids.. postCOVID.” Be thoughtful.
Hope this comes across in the nature it was intended – not ranting, not raging, but reminding:
Be Thoughtful
B – Brighten someone’s day by calling to say hello. Good conversation is a treasure.
E – Explain to others that you still want to see them – just not in person.
T – Try something new! Many new recipes at my house lately
H – Help where you can. Call your neighbors to see if they are OK or need anything.
T – Take time for yourself. PreCOVID was a lot of scurrying to and from work – enjoy some quiet time.
H – Honor the CDC guidelines – Google them!
O – Outside, outside, outside – build the garden or flowerbed of your dreams.
U – Understand the anxiety – console your friends and family.
T – Thank those working outside the home.
F – Fight to be safe – resist the urges for non-needed shopping and socializing.
U – Unite through social media and support each other.
L – Listen UP…everyone is doing something essential! …from those needing to work, those working from home, those home schooling their children, and those simply staying at home and making the world safer for everyone else. THANK YOU….each one of you is essential!
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