To the Editor,
The last week in June I was on Washington Island to hear Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove speak about reclaiming our moral imagination as people of faith. The forum is an annual event sponsored jointly by the Wisconsin Council of Churches and the Christian Century magazine. I knew it would be a challenging presentation. Wilson-Hartgrove issued a call, a national call for moral revival.
Well versed in the issues of segregation, white supremacy and an economic system developed to make plantations profitable, Wilson-Hartgrove called for a revival of justice especially for the earth and for immigrants and asylum seekers.
When I learned about a demonstration on Tuesday, July 2, outside of Rep. Jim Hagedorn’s office in Rochester, I was ready to take action. Conditions at our southern border are completely unacceptable; treatment of human beings held there is deplorable. At the protest, statements of children and teenagers were read. They spoke of being cold, unable to shower, of being constantly hungry, and of not having enough space to lie down. These conditions warrant our moral outrage. The agenda of the protest had three parts: 1. Close the camps 2. Not one dollar for family detention and deportation 3. Bear witness and reunite families.
I urge you to contact Rep. Hagedorn and ask that he visit these facilities to see for himself. You can also download and print a letter at to sign and send to Rep. Hagedorn, 1530 Greenview Dr. SW, Rochester, MN 55902 or 325 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515. He may also be reached at (202) 225-2472. The time is now and the need is urgent.
Pastor Kay Wold
Lanesboro, Minn.
Jeffrey Erding says
Pastor Wold, what you are advocating is an open border policy where we let people enter America at will, making the assumption that the children with them are indeed theirs and they are all good people seeking a better life, not sex traffickers, drug smugglers, or gang bangers. Is that an accurate summary?
Can you please give us one or more examples of an open border policy being implemented elsewhere in the world and the results thereof? Also, please advise us what happens to foreign nationals who attempt to cross into Canada or Mexico from America without proper documents for the minors that accompany them.
Thank you.
Kim Wentworth says
Pastor, with all due respect I disagree with your premise. If I was pulled over for DWI with a child would I not be separated from that child? If I was selling or making drugs out of my home, would I not be separated from any children in my home? These kids and adults are being very well cared for. Many have been abused, lied to, taken advantage of, promised things which are untrue. There is NO HUMAN BEING attempting to cross our border, other than at LEGAL points of entry that deserve to be here to judicate their point. Hard facts, but facts nevertheless. Sadly, your reference to a move site is greatly disturbing.
Thomas E.H. says
Beautifully written. I am one for some heightened reinforcement at our borders, but what’s been happening down there for the last few administrations has been terrible, and worsening.