Dear mainstream media (MSM) journalists and writers supposedly concerned about freedom of the press. Many of us are sick and tired of you and people like you. As a virtual arm of the left, you have no credibility. That is part of the reason that, no matter what the Trump-haters daily accuse him of or throw at him, we don’t pay attention to you anymore.
You say Trump is trying to suppress freedom of the press. That is absolute nonsense.
Meanwhile, you say virtually nothing about how great the economy is doing; expanding at a rate not ever accomplished under Obama. While Nobel Laureates earlier told us that such performance wasn’t possible. Good things are happening. You are ignoring or reluctantly covering them.
He’s fighting back against your phony stories, lies, fake news, and never-ending criticism. You ignore far more serious criminality right under your noses to focus on a fairytale supposedly involving the Russians. Which would be, even if true, absolutely trivial compared to what else went on. I am glad he is at your throats.
Meanwhile the same people say nothing about social media shutting down conservatives. But it’s Silicon Valley so it’s okay. Nothing to see here.
We are also completely fed up with your acceptance of double standards in law enforcement. It doesn’t seem to concern you that there was a brazen attempt by unelected government officials to overturn an election. That is treason. One way or another, many on the left are still trying to accomplish that. You are still trying to help them.
It doesn’t concern you that a special prosecutor’s office is made-up of blatantly anti-Trump attorneys and investigators. But they have found a criminal and now they need to find a crime.
As I said, right under your very noses is evidence of truly serious criminality. Lois Lerner and her efforts to stifle conservative organizations were just the very beginning. She belongs in prison.
Hillary. Highly classified material on an unsecured server and other devices. This really sticks in my craw and irritates me to no end. Why? Because I once had clearances like hers and know what they mean. I know how dangerous it is to handle very highly classified materials inappropriately. Plus, I could have been in prison for literally the rest of my life had I treated classified information the way she treated it.
Scandalous? Doesn’t come near to describing what she did. And outrage doesn’t come close to describing how most of us, who hold or held these kinds of clearances, think about what she did. And your slimy excuses to exonerate her. If you only knew.
The list of criminal malfeasance by Hillary and the left is almost endless. We don’t need to review that, but people do need to understand that the left is doing everything they can to regain and keep their power. This includes open-border immigration policies that would completely change the make-up of the U.S. electorate. And completely change our country. Into something we can’t even imagine though California provides a hint.
The mainstream-press is composed of crybabies, whining because they can’t take the well-deserved heat. They might have a case to make if we could watch the news or read news articles and not be able detect any political bias. We can’t though can we?
If the mainstream press can convince us that they are neutral and have no political axe to grind, maybe we will pay attention to them again. Maybe we won’t view them with the contempt that many of us currently have for them.
Freedom of the press however, is sacrosanct. No matter how miserably biased the MSM is.
The fact is, you don’t like us, and we don’t like you right back.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently said, “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.” Isn’t it interesting to see what Democrats really believe about America?
Final point. Since Trump is simply a reflection and manifestation of his supporters, would there be a change in the electorate If Trump is forced from office? If that happens, the left will not like what follows.
Drain the swamp!
George says
So what you are saying is Trump is a reflection of you? Have you no shame?