Watching the “news,” I’m reminded of seeing birds swooping down into a field picking kernels of grain from the excrement of cows grazing there. Finding information, truth and facts in the daily fare we are served by the media is a challenge.
There is hope. In the midterm election the Democrats took over the House, igniting the possibility that common sense might play a role in the future of our country. For too long the wealth and power of a few have controlled our lives and enriched themselves at a cost to average Americans.
The coming election in 2020 provides an opportunity to put in place representatives who will fight for equality and prosperity for “all” Americans. We are fortunate in having a large number of presidential candidates who are knowledgeable and dedicated to public service. Their background includes the military, teaching, farming, science and a variety of other careers.
As voters we need to evaluate where we are in our personal lives and to assess what is happening in government. We need to establish a vision for the future and a strategy for obtaining our goals. To be successful we must build on a foundation governed by truth and facts. The First Amendment is not a permission to lie. It exists so that we may have an exchange of ideas. Honesty and integrity are important. Party loyalty should not take precedence over our devotion to the Constitution and to our country. It’s not about being a Republican or a Democrat. Our focus must be on what is “right or wrong”!
In the coming months we need to listen to the candidates and ask questions. We need to evaluate their experience, background and temperament.
Leadership involves bringing people together, not dividing them. Many of the problems we face are ongoing and will have to be dealt with over time such as the environment, immigration, healthcare and the economy.
One candidate had a surprising idea. He said we should “expand” immigration! The business owners he knows say they need more workers. If we bring in more people we will increase the tax base and we will have more money for infrastructure, education and to strengthen our justice system.
Healthcare must be paid for but it should not be a “for profit business”!
Millions of dollars are spent advertising drugs on T.V. (Ask your doctor if this is right for you) This is an abomination! Birth control should be available to all women who wish to prevent pregnancy, free of charge. Insulin should be available to every one who has type one diabetes. If marijuana is legal in Colorado why do we have people serving prison time in other parts of our country for using it? If you are rich you can afford to pay bail if you are charged with a crime. If you are poor you will be incarcerated while awaiting trial. “Private” prisons (prisons run for profit) do not serve the cause of justice!
The heart of America is strong. I like to think the “ship of state” will right itself in the coming months. We have repair work to do if we want to regain our self respect and the respect of our allies in the world.
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