By Ron Scheevel
Preston, MN
I feel the need to address a few of our current problems facing our nation. The crisis at our southern border with the continuous entry of illegals really bothers this old guy. While most are probably good people, only wanting better lives for themselves and their families, the criminal element also continues to come in.
While our Federal Government sits on the their hands, the Border Patrol continues to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of illegals, and the flow of illegal drugs is becoming a huge problem. My suggestion to secure our border would be to send the First Armored Division, and the First Air Cav. to the border to assist the Border Patrol with security and then processing and placement. If I’m not mistaken, both of the mentioned units are at Ft. Hood, Tex. They could be assisting with security by next weekend.
Any previous immigrants who have come to the is country through Ellis Island under the law of the land would be very disappointed with current policy.
Another issue of concern to me is continued lack of respect for our laws and the brave men and women who enforce them. The recent “smash and grabs,” train robberies in LA, and dramatic increase in violent crime is inexcusable. While most crimes or law-breaking have a fine, punishment, or penalty built into the law, the trend of low or no bail has to stop.
Combine those things with probation and lenient sentences for the more serious crimes is just wrong. When our brave and dedicated law officers arrest a violent or dangerous person, the least we an do is keep them off the streets until they receive their trial with the appropriate punishment. As law officers face even more difficult situations, let us as citizens continue to fully fund (or extra funds if needed) increase the size of the forces as needed and supply any additional training as required.
As I write this, there are several pieces of legislation pertaining to law enforcement before our state legislators. I think it would be a good place to put some of our state budget surplus. If it takes a little more money to “Protect and Serve,” then I’m all in. If anyone else feels or thinks the same, contact your representatives or senators with your concerns. Also, say a prayer each day for our friends in law enforcement as they do an increasingly difficult and dangerous job.
While respect for rules and laws starts at home, we as citizens must continue to teach and mentor our young people about citizenship. By the time you read this you will have read the essays in last week’s Fillmore County Journal by several of our young citizens. I recently had the privilege of attending the First District VFW meeting. At that event, Audra Otto, a 9th grader at Fillmore Central High School received her award for her Voice of Democracy essay in the District Contest. Her parents are Doug and Sara Otto of Harmony. Congratulations Audra.
Please read all the essays by our local winners in last week’s Journal. Their words are well beyond their years, words we all need to hear.
As I continue, let’s not forget the good things that occur in our communities. The storms in December brought out the best in people. Neighbors helping neighbors, cleaning up damage. MiEnergy employees working alongside local electricians long hours to restore power. Also, other who furnished food and drinks to the small army of workers.
Add to this the countless stories of first responders, firemen, police, healthcare workers and many others who help during troubled times; it certainly restores this “Old Soldier’s” faith in mankind.
In closing, I encourage all to become more active in community and government offices. Whether it be attending church board meetings, city or county meetings, let your opinions be known. Hopefully your ideas and thoughts will be presented thoughtfully and respectfully, filled with facts and positive solutions. You will then have done your civic duty.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless the U.S.A.
The “Old Soldier”
Todd French says
Ron, so I’ll assume that people who entered via other U.S. Ports of entry are here illegally? Ellis Island processed approximately 12 million immigrants. It opened in 1892 and was closed in 1954.
Anonymous says
Shame on Greg Randall. You belong on The View, that horrific morning show.!
Greg K Rendahl says
Hi, Ron. We’re both law and order people. I agree we should add funding for police and their training. I suppose you agree that the worst attack on Washington DC since the War of 1812 should have serious consequences for those who assaulted and injured the police and caused so much damage to our nation’s Capital. Yet many are getting off with slap-on-the-wrist sentences. Is it because they are almost all white men? And, of course, the elephant in the room when discussing law and order is Trump. Trump has been obviously living on the edge of criminality his whole life. It is past time for several indictments to show America and the world that the wealthy and powerful need to abide by our laws also. I must also mention that you are wishing for our leaders to break one of the most important of America’s laws: the Posse Comitatus Act which prohibits the use of our military for domestic policy actions. There is one other point I’d like to make that I think almost no one realizes. Crime rates, both violent and property crimes, have fallen a great deal since the early 1990s. One exception to that is a rise in hate crimes which is a troubling portent.