By Donna Buckbee
Rushford, MN
One of the habits I learned from my mother: special newspaper articles are to be clipped and filed.
This past winter I went through 50 years of those special clippings — reviewing, sorting and tossing. One of the few I held back from the burn pile was a book review from February 27, 2004, written by David E. Hoffman appearing in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Hoffman wrote about a then soon to be released book “At the Abyss: An insider’s History of the Cold War” by Thomas Reed, a former Air Force secretary who served on the National Security Council.
Hoffman quotes Reed, in 1982 the C.I.A. and President Reagan approved a plan to insert doctored software into critical infrastructure the Russians were set to acquire. These embeds were not detectable and were programmed to go “haywire” at various intervals, sabotaging things like pipeline pumps, turbines and valves. One result was a pipeline explosion, “…the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space…” Eventually the Soviets had no idea what parts of their systems were sound and which were not. They gave up.
The article doesn’t mention whether, in 1986, Chernobyl blew because of our “doctored software,” but I ordered the book and maybe that question will be answered. Chernobyl is certainly part of that time frame.
For this sabotage and for many other reasons, the Russians hate our guts! What better retribution than that Putin should install an asset — an utterly corrupt, compromised lunatic — in the White House and, moreover, that that lunatic should trash his own intelligence services on the world stage in Helsinki. When Putin and Trump came out of that private meeting you didn’t need an interpreter to understand that Putin owned Trump. Our own eyes interpreted for us that while a smirking Putin jauntily leapt to the podium, a bent-over Trump lumbered over, looking like a dazed, subservient, terrified captive who needed to please his master.
The Mueller Report states that the Russians interfered in our 2016 elections in a sweeping, systematic way and that they are still at it. This sabotage, this payback, is the equivalent of doctored software, hard to detect, embedded throughout our democratic infrastructure, programmed to go haywire at critical intervals. We no longer know which parts of our system are sound and which are compromised.
Trump doesn’t want to hear about this. Instead he works to hasten the division and conquest.
Someone recently said that what we have here is a corrupt, criminal operation masquerading as an American administration. I agree. Sadly, we are witnessing a monumental non-nuclear explosion of our Republic.
Kim Wentworth says
Lil funny e.
There was no “verifiable intelligence” at the time, despite your imagination.
Obstruction- Because at times POTUS was frustrated and fed up with lies, falsehoods, character escalations ( Flynn prime example) POTUS wanted things stopped, that’s your example of obstruction?? Funny.. You say POTUS ” just not good enough” to obstruct then there is no crime.
Accept the mueller conclusion? Then we are in agreement. “Cookies”, you sound like a rhino, which is far worse than a libtard. How can the upcoming IG report carry less weight than mueller report. You speak and argue a point that is a little low voltage.
Transparent- no other President has been more transparent, open to investigators. Hundreds of witnesses allowed to be interviewed, thousands of documents turned over. You whine about tax returns, POTUS plays you like a puppet, I laugh.
Like your kimpossible poke, it’s cute. I think in closing you are either a rhino or a never Trumper. Maybe you lean more to a romney, mccain type. Both are very poor examples of the human species. PLZ don’t take the bait on my last statement or you will end up more of a fool. Have a blessed Memorial Day.
Kim wentworth says
Why? Barr is my attorney general, not mueller. Please, what’s your point?
Thomas E.H. says
Mueller is your Special Council.
Kim Wentworth says
Nothing in report is at all damaging to POTUS. Are you trying to say that AG Barr is somehow wrong? You are starting to sound like one of your democratic whiners in the U. S. house. You are still not making a point. May be the author of the article we are commenting under would like to opine? I would expect a lil more push back from the left here. Oh, I can’t wait for my IG report to come out 😃
Thomas E.H. says
//Nothing in report is at all damaging to POTUS. //
In other words, you didn’t read much let alone most. Don’t say you “read most of it” when you clearly did nothing of the sort.
It was clear the President attempted to obstruct justice. Evidently he’s just not good enough or convincing enough to have done it.
From Mueller Report:
“The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests. [Former FBI Director James] Comey did not end the investigation of [Retired Lt. Gen. Michael] Flynn, which ultimately resulted in Flynn’s prosecution and conviction for lying to the FBI. [White House counsel Don] McGahn did not tell the Acting Attorney General that the Special Counsel must be removed, but was instead prepared to resign over the President’s order. [Former campaign manager Corey] Lewandowski and [Trump campaign official Rick] Dearborn did not deliver the President’s message to Sessions that he should confine the Russia investigation to future election meddling only. And McGahn refused to recede from his recollections about events surrounding the President’s direction to have the Special Counsel removed, despite the President’s multiple demands that he do so. Consistent with that pattern, the evidence we obtained would not support potential obstruction charges against the President’s aides and associates beyond those already filed.”
“[I]f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.”
Plus 400+ more pages that directly contradict what you’ve been spoonfed. Listen to both sides you say? There’s only one side. And that would be the Mueller Report.
Kim Wentworth says
Hi E. H. so glad for a response. It been like fishing with no bites. I love trout, hope you not a chub. Here we go.
I read what I said I read, hopefully the same thing as you. Your first paragraph concerning obstruction; You can’t obstruct a fake report. If one can, PLZ explain to me. Flynn was convicted over what exactly. This was connected how? Be very careful if you choose to respond to this point 😃. POTUS was being hit with many false accusations. Of course he wanted it stopped. McGahn thought it not best to go the path POTUS thought. Um, that’s an attorney’s job. His response at the time was correct. Any reference to comey shows your bias, as well as a poor lack of judgement in comey.POTUS was fed up with the B.S. of the false story of “media” charges. You are trying to present your case on muellers “double speak”. The IG report soon to come out is really going to shine light on this whole attempt to overthrough a dually elected president. Maybe you should be a spokesperson for nadler. You need to do better. The mueller report got you NOTHING. Why? Because it was based on falsehoods. AG Barr is beyond reproach, as much as it burns libtards. Keep trying e.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
//You can’t obstruct a fake report//
Let me get this straight. You think the Mueller Report is fake? Flynn’s relevance to the Report can be found IN the Report. I kindly direct your attention to the Report. Read it.
//I didn’t reference Comey. The Report referenced Comey. Not sure your saw, but I used quotations for the paragraphs above. Those are direct words from the Report. Not my opinion.
You say the Report is based on falsehoods. Your word against the Mueller Report’s veracity is humorous indeed.
Go fish.
Thomas E.H. says
@Kim and anyone else who claims to have read (“most of”) the Mueller Report but really, probably didn’t because they’d show more insight on the matter.
Kim Wentworth says
Lil e, one more time. The FISA warrant was based solely on false, fake “facts”. The dossier was fake. NO PROOF of collusion. Obstruction, where is that? POTUS has now directed all relevant documents to be unsealed. Your libtard leaders are starting to turn on themselves. The truly silly are still calling for impeachment. Impeachment is a political process, NOT a criminal process. There is no support for this in the country. Poor gereactric nancy knows it’s not smart to go down that road. Twice I have mentioned the soon to be released IG report. You have cowardly or smartly ignored this. Even pencil neck has slowed his roll, 😃. No President has been as transparent as Trump. Good luck with your “fishing”
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kimpossible,
//The FISA warrant was based solely on false, fake “facts”. //
Your double negative makes a good point, but not for you. It was based on the available intelligence at the time, I imagine. And the Mueller Report wasn’t solely based on the FISA warrant.
// Obstruction, where is that? //
Attempted obstruction. Numerous times, in fact. As I said, evidently Trump just not good enough or convincing enough to have done it. I already addressed that, which you ignored. Or did you forget? I repeat, clearly you never read the report let alone most of it.
//Your libtard leaders are starting to turn on themselves.//
Just because you think I accept the Mueller Report’s conclusion that I care about the Dem leadership? lol. Better look around you. The GOP isn’t looking so hot. Join us in the middle. We have cookies.
//The truly silly are still calling for impeachment. Impeachment is a political process, NOT a criminal process. //
I agree. That is really silly. On multiple fronts.
//Twice I have mentioned the soon to be released IG report. You have cowardly or smartly ignored this. //
Not once did you ask for anything from me with regards to the IG report. You simply mentioned you were excited about it. I don’t get how not responding to your excitement is in any way ignoring it based in intelligence or cowardice. I simply could care less about what thrills you.
//No President has been as transparent as Trump. //
He’s not been transparent on his tax returns. Less so than any other modern president. But, you’ll just say that he doesn’t have to. But I’ll just say, who cares if he has to, it’s still not the same transparency. Then we’ll likely go about talking about fish.
Brady Livingood says
This laughable article is nothing more than CNN regurgitation put out by the Fillmore county derelict journalists.. Herb, you’re incredibly ignorant, retire us from your spewing stupidity. Donna, get a grip on reality. Progressive liberalism, it is destroying American culture. Sounds like you two would be happy together in a third world country. Do southern Minnesota a favor, move to one.
Herbert Panko says
Great article, Donna!! You are right on the mark!! Herb
Kim Wentworth says
About the first four paragraphs of reading this article were somewhat interesting. But the fifth paragraph, sadly, the wheels fell off of your bus. To try and make a statement that somehow POTUS was/ is subservant to putin is at least laughable but comes across as “Trump syndrome”. That is the inability to face the facts in evidence. Do you not remember hitlerys little uranium one deal? The dealings of the clinton Foundation? As a side note ask the people of Haiti their thoughts on the clintons. POTUS has had to face never trumpers on one side, libtards on the other. A politician would never have survived. Thankfully Trump is not a politician. Not having a viable candidate to run against Trump in 2020 is so funny for me, but must be so sad for you.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
Did you read the Mueller Report?
Kim Wentworth says
Read through most, listened to both sides. My question is why and how on earth would our POTUS be in putins pocket??? Go ahead, try to answer.
The next year and a half is going to be SO much fun. Many times I have seen letters to editor and no comments. I asure you that is over. We, as Minnesotans currently have one of the most destructive governors in lil timmy. We have a rep in congress, a open supporter of humas, Anti Israel, pro terrorists. Blue blood dems….are you proud? I think not. But please keep trying, I kind of like cheap, easy entertainment 😃
Thomas E.H. says
//Read through most, listened to both sides.//
You read through most of the Mueller Report? More than 200 pages of it? Which half?
//My question is why and how on earth would our POTUS be in putins pocket??? Go ahead, try to answer. //
He doesn’t have to be in Putin’s pocket to have obstructed justice. Not sure what you’re going on about.