To the Editor,
Getting your facts correct these days has become critically important. Sometimes we don’t realize the damage that can be done, when we get our facts wrong. Case in point, on Monday June 17, 2019, two reporters covered the Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting and the topic of the school purchase. One reporter, Kirsten Zoellner, freelancing for the Fillmore County Journal got the name of the selected proposal from Well House Ministry correct. The other credited writer, Scott Bestul, Bluff Country News-Tri-County Record did not. My mistake for not asking for an immediate correction. When the second article in the Tri-County Record came out with the same error, I contacted the reporter, Kristen Burdey about it. I thought I had made it clear to her the correct name even though it was subsequently printed incorrectly. She apologized for the typo. I know she will cover us well going forward.
So what’s the big stink about? Do a Google search on Wellhouse Ministries (the inaccurate name) and you will see sordid details of arrests for drug charges. Search for Well House Ministry (the correct name) you will find out about our ministry and our small but trying to grow programs to support people in need of spiritual, emotional and physical healing. We have been involved in ministry in Minnesota in a variety of ways since 2001. We were incorporated in Minnesota in 2015. The school board did their due diligence in assuring we were legally in good standing before giving our proposal the nod.
No telling the impact this lack of fact checking will have on our fundraising efforts, I pray that when people know the truth, they will be supportive of the healing Well House Ministry and our Well House Healing Spa will bring to people.
Sherryl Brunner
President and Pastor
Well House Ministry
Rushford, MN
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