One of a country’s most critical processes, if not the most critical, is the peaceful transition of ruling power from one political party to another after elections. Even if they loathe and detest each other, their differences must be secondary to everyone’s belief in and commitment to a smooth and composed changeover.
If this doesn’t happen, there will be, at the minimum, greater divisions within a country. Lawless revolt, in many forms, could occur and at the extreme end, civil war.
When Trump was elected, Democrats refused to allow a calm and straightforward leadership change to occur. They began a lawless coup to undo an election almost immediately. There’s no need to review everything they have done to try rid the country of a man they disagree with except to note that many of the efforts have been shamefully illegal and have resulted in a show trial “impeachment.” Unbelievably, it even involved some in the government bureaucracy. It has been, and is, the single greatest scandal in our nation’s history.
Although this is the 21st century, civilization still remains but a thin veneer. All of this, again, illustrates that human nature has not changed. The drive to destroy one’s enemies is a constant. Our forefathers recognized that and set up a government with checks and balances to ensure that wouldn’t occur in the United State.
But it has. Democrats have blown that civilizing imperative off.
The left hates and despises Trump with a passion that is inconceivable. Democrats, the mainstream media, Hollyweird, and academia have become a collectivist mob with little or no concern for the rule of law. This is tyranny.
We see that in the fury of never-ending foaming-at-the-mouth editorials and commentary. Liberals don’t seem to understand that it isn’t just Trump they hate. Trump is merely a lightning rod. Overall, it’s the millions of us who believe in our country and the constitution as written and in our way of life as it is that they view as their enemy.
Once a political party loses, its job is to persuade voters that their solutions to problems and running a country are superior to that of the party in power. The left doesn’t have to tell us over and over again how much they hate Trump. They don’t need to tell us over and over about the “innumerable” bad things he has supposedly done. We don’t need to be told over and over about his “putrid” character. We get that. We don’t care.
Besides, Democrats have no standing on any of these grounds. They lost that when they excused Bill Clinton’s behavior. They lost that when Hillary decided it was good idea to remove our new Libyan ally, Ghadaffi, and then blamed Benghazi on a video. Plus “Fast and Furious” and a whole lot more.
The Democrats job is simple. Convince us that their positions are superior to that of Republicans.
For example, tell us how and/or what they plan to do to:
Improve the economy. Trump’s is pretty strong. How are they going to make it even better?
Keep our country safe. Our military is being rebuilt. The Democrat approach will be?
Keep of our citizens safe all of the time. How are they going do that with a citizenry that cannot defend itself?
Keep us energy independent without destroying the economy and our way of life.
Ensure that there is, once and for all, actually equal justice under the law.
And so on. You get the idea.
Except for those consumed by irrational hatred, I’m betting that most Americans want to know how Democrats are going to lift us up rather than tear us down. And why their positions are superior to those of Republicans.
If they lose again, Democrats must also assure us that they will honor the wishes of the electorate and work to change what they disagree with within the constitutional framework. Accept defeat and then, provide better alternatives to those of the opposition party. If they have any. Tell us about the good they believe in and not what they hate and define as bad.
The dangerous and childish revolt and rebellion must stop. Our future depends on it.
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