By Jeff Erding
Wykoff, MN
In his commentary dated 1/22/23, David Webb attempts to excuse the murderous, inhuman behavior of Hamas terrorists against innocent Jewish citizens in Israel by using a common leftist tactic; concocting a thick smokescreen of half truths to elicit sympathy from the readers while skillfully avoiding the true history of the situation. Why are the Arabs so closely confined? How did this deplorable situation develop? Mr. Webb does not tell us, attempting to convince us there is moral equivalency between the warring sides in the conflict.
Dear readers, there is no moral equivalency between Israel, Hamas, and those who support Hamas. None. Because what Mr. Webb neglected to tell you is that the Muslim Arabs have been offered a homeland five times since 1936 and rejected each proposal because they refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist.
But didn’t the Jews expel the “Palestinians” from there ancestral homelands? No. Because “Palestinian” is a made up term and there never has been a nation called Palestine.
1936. Jews and Arabs were both claiming the land. Britain formed the Peal Commission to resolve the dispute, granting the Arabs 80% of the land. The Arabs rejected the plan.
1947. The UN voted to create two states. Arabs reject and launch war. (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria attack the new and tiny state of Israel.) Israel won the war. East Jerusalem and the West Bank were annexed to Jordan.
1967. The six day war, a surprise attack by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, fails, and Israel captures all of Jerusalem and the West Bank. In exchange for peace, Israel is inclined to offer the conquered territory to the Muslim Arabs ( who have begun to call themselves “Palestinians”) but the Arab states refuse to negotiate, instead calling for the destruction of the Jewish state.
2000. President Clinton brings the two sides together at Camp David. For 14 days, PM Ehud Barak offers PLO Chairman Arafat all of Gaza, 94% of West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Arafat would accept nothing but the complete withdrawal of Israel.
2008. Jewish PM Ehud Omar made an expanded land offer which was rejected by Arab Mahmoud Abbas.
Dear readers, please look at a map of the region. Note the tiny size of Israel, surrounded on all sides by immense Arab nations, all of whom refuse to do what Israel has repeatedly done; offer the Muslim Arabs a homeland.
Mr. Webb wishes to portray the Muslim Arabs in the region as victims, and certainly the loss of life and suffering is terrible and unspeakably evil… but could have been avoided by reasonable Arab leadership.
If the Muslim Arabs there would lay down their arms and return the hostages, there would be peace. If Israel would lay down their arms, the Jewish state would be wiped out in a week.
If you study a map or travel that region extensively, as I have, you come to understand the popular chant at “Pro Palestinian” rallies. From the river to the sea means the elimination of the Jewish state. Please don’t allow antisemitism to rear it’s ugly head in our area.
Regarding the comments by Harvey Benson and Alima Fairchild. Those who wish to learn what Republicans in Minnesota stand for should visit the website and go to party platform under party resources. Alima should be gratified that we will always defend her First Amendment right despite the fact that she and her party are doing all they possibly can to destroy ours.
Thank you and God Bless until next time, Jeff.
Donna Halvorsen says
No one, not alima nor Harvey nor anyone else, needs to consult the Republican platform to find out how to think. That’s the kind of autocracy we will get if we elect Trump. Some of us like to think for ourselves, and do so without wallowing in alternative facts. Thanks, Greg
Anonymous says
As long as everyone thinks exactly like you Donna it’s all good. Like you, we do not need to consult the democrat party either. I really doubt Biden is thinking for himself, fact is he is compromised, cognately speaking.
Donna Halvorsen says
It is cognitively
Anonymous says
So I had a typo Donna. Still meant every word I misspelled.
Jeff Erding says
Wow Donna. Far be it from me to tell anyone what to think.. Harvey and Alima expressed a desire to learn what Republicans stand for.
I merely suggested a visit to the website to review the party platform, which lays out the goals and positions of the Party as determined at the Republican State Convention by representatives from all over the State.
Terribly sorry I offended you. I will try to do better in future.
Greg Rendahl says
Well when it comes from Jeff that generally means that some “alternative facts” are bound to crop up. (Jason!). The 1937 Zionist Congress rejected the partition plan that came from the PALESTINE Royal Commission. Before the 1947-48 Civil War the Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary organization, implemented terrorist attacks against Palestinians. In 1967 Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran. Israel considered this to be an act of war and launched a surprise attack.
Tony Mc Connell says
Thousands of years of conflict, and neither side has learned anything, except how to kill better. Paraphrasing Shakespeare, ‘A pox upon both their houses.’ This will never end. The only way to end this is to end their respective religions and their respective God(s). Every child on both sides is indoctrinated into a religion they didn’t choose. They are trained to hate from day one, both Jew and Muslim. All in the name of God too. Israel has the military strength and money advantage. They are not going anywhere. So after this episode, the Muslims will return to ‘terrorism’. Striking out at all countries that they perceive as helping Israel. This includes the United States. So, choose your side. Promote your perspective while thousands die. This current situation will only promote future situations. Don’t mourn for the soldiers and children who are dying now. It is only a prelude for many more of these wars to come. The dead have finished their mission. The living are digging their own graves. What a world we live in huh?
Cody says
Tony. I think we need God (singular) more than ever. God has already been removed from much of society and the results have witnessed have been less than favorable.
Cody says
Great commentary Jeff. Like President Reagan said. “ There is so much they know that isn’t so”
G. Russell says
67 years ago I spent 15 months of my 46 months of active duty in a Muslim country.
Mr. Erding knows whereof he speaks.
Rock/Cow (Per Waltz) says
Good history lesson Jeff. Do you expect Democrats learn from history? This party is intent on tearing down statues, re-writing history, etc. instead of learning from it. The US is not perfect but learning from mistakes of the past and learn from them to make the country a better place.